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US pressurizing Pak to get its support for attack on Iran: Gul


Dec 28, 2006
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Monday March 05, 2007 (0953 PST)

ISLAMABAD: Former ISI Chief, Gen (retd) Hameed Gul has said that the Untied States is paving the way to use Pakistan's territory for its expected attack on Iran in order to shift the blame of its failure in Afghanistan to Pakistan.

Talking to a private TV Channel, Gen (retd) Hameed Gul said that NATO forces have intensified their activities on Pak-Afghan border as they are frustrated due to their failure in Afghanistan.

Former ISI Chief has said that US backed Karzai government has been completely failed in Afghanistan and the United States has now realized that they are now facing strong resistance from Taliban.

General (retd) Hamid Gul said that its an American policy to use different tactics to pressurize Pakistan and the main objective of recent visit of US Vice President Dick Cheney to pressurize Pakistan as US would need Pakistan's support and Balochistan land to attack Iran. He said that it may be the possibility that Pakistani government is refusing the United States to given permission to use its land.

Criticizing severely on the government, former ISI Chief said that Pakistan presently facing difficult time of its history due to weak politics of present government. Pakistan is a strong and nuclear capable country and has impregnable defence, he added.

Pscychological game to beat IRAN is ON for a long time now. Hameed Gul's allegation are a known fact now a days. Iran is surronded from all corners now. IRAQ, Afghanistan, Gulf, Pakistan. Only Turkey is not taking the USA's bait at the moment, but then who KNOWS!!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Pakistan will not allow its territory to be used against Iran: Mushahid

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan would not allow its territory to be used against Iran, said Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed while addressing a nine-member Dutch Parliamentary delegation headed by Hans Van Baalen at the Parliament House on Monday.

He said Pakistan supported Iran's peaceful nuclear programme, and emphasised the need to hold serious negotiations to break the deadlock on Iran’s nuclear programme. He said Pakistan was situated in a very volatile region and that it was important for world powers to shape their policies accordingly. He said that Pakistan wanted a peaceful and stable Afghanistan for its own interests as well as those of the region, but that Afghanistan would have to solve its own problems and stop blaming Pakistan. Speaking on the Kashmir issue, he said that it was not a border dispute between Pakistan and India, but was rather the issue of the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination as granted by the UN resolution.

Speaking on the occasion, several committee members urged the US, EU and other countries to hold serious dialogues with Iran to resolve its nuclear programme dispute, and to exert moral and diplomatic pressure on India to solve the Kashmir issue. They deplored the trend of associating Islam with terrorism and said that Western think tanks and media must play an active role to promote a better understanding between Islam and the West. They also stressed the need to address the root causes of terrorism, such as poverty, injustice and deprivation, and called for the early resolution of the Kashmir and Palestine disputes. “The world community must shun double standards on nuclear non-proliferation and human rights”, they said. They also informed the Dutch delegation of Pakistan’s sincerity to hold talks with India and to resolve all issues.

Pscychological game to beat IRAN is ON for a long time now. Hameed Gul's allegation are a known fact now a days. Iran is surronded from all corners now. IRAQ, Afghanistan, Gulf, Pakistan. Only Turkey is not taking the USA's bait at the moment, but then who KNOWS!!

Can you explain to me how pakistan is working agianst Iran. We have good relations with Iran. The pipeline is in defiance against the wishes of the US, i think who wants to isolate Iran
Ask the same question to BUSHARRAF

Even if he wanted to help US he can't, pakistan's muslim population is 97% out of that about 33% are shias. That's a huge number consdering that pakistan has a population of 162 million. Besides the people of pakistan as a whole support iran for their "anti isreal and anti US" thinking, they won't let musharaf help US. People of pakistan are already against the governemt for them helping the US right now as it is, don't you see all those roits/protests in pakistan happening so often.
Even if he wanted to help US he can't, pakistan's muslim population is 97% out of that about 33% are shias. That's a huge number consdering that pakistan has a population of 162 million. Besides the people of pakistan as a whole support iran for their "anti isreal and anti US" thinking, they won't let musharaf help US. People of pakistan are already against the governemt for them helping the US right now as it is, don't you see all those roits/protests in pakistan happening so often.

Do you mean to say that Public was in favour when Cruise missiles were flying through pakistan air space on Afghanista, Public was in favour when US bombers were taking surgical precision strikes on 'Terrorists' there, Public was in favour when NATO and ALLIED forces were taking 'CONTROL OF DEVASTATED COUNTRY', blah blah and so on and on.:confused:
Come to your senses. Public opinions is bull *hit! All that matters is a warning to BUSHARRAF and he will be on his knees (as if he already is not);)
Do you mean to say that Public was in favour when Cruise missiles were flying through pakistan air space on Afghanista, Public was in favour when US bombers were taking surgical precision strikes on 'Terrorists' there, Public was in favour when NATO and ALLIED forces were taking 'CONTROL OF DEVASTATED COUNTRY', blah blah and so on and on.:confused:
Come to your senses. Public opinions is bull *hit! All that matters is a warning to BUSHARRAF and he will be on his knees (as if he already is not);)

That's the problem the more on his knees he is the faster his end will come, hell he has officers killing him. Let alone he supports US on Iran that is a guarantee of 100% to over throw him.
Do you mean to say that Public was in favour when Cruise missiles were flying through pakistan air space on Afghanista, Public was in favour when US bombers were taking surgical precision strikes on 'Terrorists' there, Public was in favour when NATO and ALLIED forces were taking 'CONTROL OF DEVASTATED COUNTRY', blah blah and so on and on.:confused:
Come to your senses. Public opinions is bull *hit! All that matters is a warning to BUSHARRAF and he will be on his knees (as if he already is not);)

Oh right he is on his knees that is why he is not giving up A.Q.khan. Also after immense prussere from the americans still he is not letting huge number american troops come into pakistan. On his knees right that is why we are building that pipeline with Iran when americans are doing there level best to try to isolate Iran diplomatically. Seriously dude stop parading Indain propaganda and use your brain :wall: :wall: :wall:
Oh right he is on his knees that is why he is not giving up A.Q.khan. Also after immense prussere from the americans still he is not letting huge number american troops come into pakistan. On his knees right that is why we are building that pipeline with Iran when americans are doing there level best to try to isolate Iran diplomatically. Seriously dude stop parading Indain propaganda and use your brain :wall: :wall: :wall:

Well have to agree here with ya dude, making a statement he is on his knees is a indeed a foolish and childish statement,

KashifAsrar said:
Do you mean to say that Public was in favour when Cruise missiles were flying through pakistan air space on Afghanista, Public was in favour when US bombers were taking surgical precision strikes on 'Terrorists' there, Public was in favour when NATO and ALLIED forces were taking 'CONTROL OF DEVASTATED COUNTRY', blah blah and so on and on

where the hell do you think the iranians got the nuclear tech or an ability to develope em. Who the hell is kept on saying, that the any attack on Iran is unacceptable for Pakistan. Dude just get some life.....and think before saying something.

Read this......

Khaleej Times said:
Attack on Iran bound to hurt Pakistan, says Musharraf
From our correspondent

8 March 2007

ISLAMABAD — President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has said that an American attack on Iran would have serious consequences for the region as well as Pakistan, and called for a peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.

He debunked media reports that US Vice-President Dick Cheney had conveyed some tough message to Pakistan during his recent visit to Islamabad.

“Iran should not be made a target,” the president told journalists after inaugurating a two-day conference on UN peacekeeping at the National Defence University.

Any attack on Iran would destabilise the entire region including the Gulf countries, he added. “If any attack against Iran is launched, we will have to face a lot of problems,” he said, adding that Islamabad is making efforts to avoid such a development.

Gen. Musharraf said if Iran were attacked, it could trigger further sectarian problems in the Muslim world and a host of other issues.

In reply to a question, he said it was in the supreme national interest to protect Pakistan’s sovereignty and solidarity. “It is our foremost responsibility and we are always for peace and we avoid turmoil.”

Replying to a question about the recent visit of Dick Cheney, the president said they held a "‘threadbare discussion’ on tactics during their meeting. He said there could be lapses in the tactical moves of the two partners in the war against terrorism, and these could always be corrected. He said there was ‘total understanding’ between Islamabad and Washington, and rejected the impression that Cheney delivered a ‘threatening message’ to him. Pakistan and the US have a strategic partnership that is ‘well known to every one’, he said. “Dick Cheney did not give Pakistan any threats. We are not sitting like scapegoats. But dialogue is held if there is any matter,” he said.

The president emphasised that Pakistan “is not acting upon dictation from any country”. He said Pakistan did not face any external threat and it did not have any dispute with anybody. “We take every decision in the supreme national interest.”

He said Pakistan's strategic policy on peace, terrorism and Afghanistan was clear and open. “We have commonality of views on the strategic policy with the people who visit Pakistan,” he said, adding that media reports that the US vice-president came to put pressure on Pakistan did not reflect reality.

Earlier speaking at the conference, Gen. Musharraf said every country sending troops for peacekeeping mission under the UN umbrella must have a clear mandate and control of command.

Source: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/Display...tinent_March297.xml&section=subcontinent&col=
Do you mean to say that Public was in favour when Cruise missiles were flying through pakistan air space on Afghanista, Public was in favour when US bombers were taking surgical precision strikes on 'Terrorists' there, Public was in favour when NATO and ALLIED forces were taking 'CONTROL OF DEVASTATED COUNTRY', blah blah and so on and on.:confused:
Come to your senses. Public opinions is bull *hit! All that matters is a warning to BUSHARRAF and he will be on his knees (as if he already is not);)

When those misiles were flying, did you not see how the public was protesting, or were you too busy looking at the missiles.

The public was never in favour of anything, they are the ones that are burning the flags of US and chanting "death to US"

As for the public liking musharraf, hell they are very ones that are trying to kill him
Well have to agree here with ya dude, making a statement he is on his knees is a indeed a foolish and childish statement,

where the hell do you think the iranians got the nuclear tech or an ability to develope em. Who the hell is kept on saying, that the any attack on Iran is unacceptable for Pakistan. Dude just get some life.....and think before saying something.
Is it MUSHARRAF who gave the nuclear tech to Iranians? It was A Q Khan network (so to say). If any body was involved it was Khan and the then government of Nawaz. It is actually only when, that this matter came to light, Americans started to install a puppet in Pakistan, instead of an elected government. Then your BUSHARRAF came in to picture. It was Nawaz who extended his tenure for one year, after his tenure ended (the mistake he might be regretting for all his life). Uncle SAM took the oppurtunity with both hands. May be Nawaz was forced to extend the tenure of Musharraf after the nuclear blasts! Who knows?
Coming back to the topic, if Americans used Pakistani bases along with the Afghan bases to attack IRAN, will BUSHARRAF say a NO then?
Think coolly and then speak. 'Strategic Decisions' (again a bull *hit word used too many times by this BUSHARRAf) would take priority!
When those misiles were flying, did you not see how the public was protesting, or were you too busy looking at the missiles.

The public was never in favour of anything, they are the ones that are burning the flags of US and chanting "death to US"

As for the public liking musharraf, hell they are very ones that are trying to kill him
I am not talking about the public protest. I am speaking about pakistan Government response, both OVERT and COVERT! read my replies before you take a stand, please.
Pakistan not to side with US in case of attack on Iran: FO

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and India will start fourth round of composite dialogue process on Tuesday when the Foreign Secretaries of the two countries will meet to discuss the Kashmir dispute, peace and security in the region and other issues.

Besides the core issue of Kashmir, the two countries will discuss nuclear and conventional arms issue, strategic restraint regime and conventional as well as nuclear balance in the region, Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam told a weekly media briefing on Monday.

She said various suggestions on resolving the Kashmir will come up for discussion. The spokesperson said early resolution of Kashmir issue would ensure peace, security and development in the region.

"The Foreign Secretaries will also discuss the mechanism for early return of prisoners and visa relaxation regime and finalize a schedule for discussion on other matters including Siachen, Sir Creek, Wullar Barrage and trade issues," she said.

The spokesperson said there was no Indian prisoner of war in Pakistan.

To a question about the visit of a few family members of Indian soldiers to Pakistan who died during the war between the two countries, the spokesperson said although there was no Indian prisoner of war in Pakistan but President Musharraf accepted the request of some of the Indian families to visit Pakistan for their satisfaction.

To a question about Pakistan's response in case of any attack on Iran, the spokesperson said, "Pakistan is against any aggression and the use of force against Iran."

She said, "Pakistan will not offer any assistance to America in case of attack on Iran as it is opposed to any military attack against Iran."

The spokesperson said Pakistan did not want further unrest in the region which was already in turmoil.

Answering a question about the legislation under discussion in US Senate about linking aid to Pakistan with the progress in the war against terrorism, the spokesperson said various bills were under discussion of the American legislators.

She said Pakistan was in touch with the US administration and it had been assured by them that there will be no language prejudicial to Pakistan in the bill.

"We hope that they (American) will fulfil their promise in this regard," she added. About the US State Department report on human rights in Pakistan, the spokesperson said the report lacked objectivity and failed to acknowledge steps taken by Pakistan to ensure human rights.

The spokesperson said, "No country in the world can claim that it has perfect human rights situation," adding that Pakistan had taken a number of steps to ensure human rights in the country.

She said Pakistan can point out many distortions in the report of State Department on the issue of human rights released recently.

Commenting on a statement of Foreign Minister that Pakistan would respond if any one cast an evil eye on it, the spokesperson said it was not related to any specific threat to the country.

She said, "There is no fresh threat to Pakistan from any side and only some concerns have been created in the media."

Commenting on the meeting of Jirga Commissions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, the spokesperson said during the meeting both the countries exchanged information and were working on it.

The News.
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