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US presses Pakistan to allow transit facility to Indian goods for Afghanist

Iran can provide us with a lot safer transit route than Pakistan, as our convoys won't get attacked in Iran.

Tell that to Uncle Sam :usflag:

Pakistan would be more than happy if india used Iran as a transit route and not Pakistan, but Uncle Sam doesn't want India to do business with Iran that's why its pressuring Pakistan to allow India a transit route. And we have our own security concerns to not let India and Afghanistan trade through Pakistan.
oil from oman directly to india

you are wrong buddy.we not only need trade with afganistan but also with other CAR states;)
and iran is best way to reach..iran has every thing..oil,pass,gas and money...what pakistan can give us??blackmailing

Yes you are right, thru Iran we can reach more countries. I think India is waiting for ripple to settle(Iran-west scuffle). once Iran issue will be solved, India will definitely make many trade agreement with Iran...

Thru Pakistan our containers will not be safe.
Yes you are right, thru Iran we can reach more countries. I think India is waiting for ripple to settle(Iran-west scuffle). once Iran issue will be solved, India will definitely make many trade agreement with Iran...

Then you better pray that Ron Paul is elected the next President of the United States because all presidential candidates except Ron Paul are more anti-iran than Obama is.
you are right.Due to this pakistan wont give us and if they will give,it will be with blackmailing which india has already planned to overrule;).Afghanistan have trillion of ores which they want to xport to india and india can get them through iran.

Any news on train route, have we started the work??? If this train route is done we can do mining in Afghanistan, and secretly smuggle balochi minirals as well.. :P
you are right.Due to this pakistan wont give us and if they will give,it will be with blackmailing which india has already planned to overrule;).Afghanistan have trillion of ores which they want to xport to india and india can get them through iran.

you are free to go use anywhere else what we have to do with it? when did we say we are gate of india or afghainstan ? all of you pictures show you direct links with other countries whats the problem here? go from moon or mars we have no problem .problem is you are in pakistan bashing mode nothing more nothing less .go tell to your gov these ideas and stop asking pakistan for transit
Then you better pray that Ron Paul is elected the next President of the United States because all presidential candidates except Ron Paul are more anti-iran than Obama is.

I don't want Iran-west war. I think Iran should stop Nuke plan. If Iran can get Shia bomb, the neighboring countries will also aspire for Shia Bomb (I read this in "The Hindu" Article).
good example is how nato containers are burnt??

they are hostile to us we(people of pakistan )are in war with nato tell me how many your trains busses trucks been attacked in pakistan ? leave aside nato they are in war with us .
you are free to go use anywhere else what we have to do with it? when did we say we are gate of india or afghainstan ? all of you pictures show you direct links with other countries whats the problem here? go from moon or mars we have no problem .problem is you are in pakistan bashing mode nothing more nothing less .go tell to your gov these ideas and stop asking pakistan for transit

i am not in pakistan bashing mode.i tell you reality and this pressure from u.s is not going to work at all.
Wow, people here seem to be living in LA LA Land.
Lets deal with facts instead of fiction right now.
For India (or really anyone else) to access Afghanistan they have to go through Pakistan.
Iran will not open its borders to help America and its allies.
It is against Iran's interests for anyone to be meddling in Afghanistan, and that includes Pakistan.
Besides, the route that's mentioned goes right through the Taliban homeland, a place where not even the government goes, much less commerce.
And finally, if Iran opens its borders, that leaves it much more open to infiltration by USA. So it is a legitimate security concern.

Now, as for Pakistan.
India has given no indications of good faith so we have no reasons to allow India any transit.
Besides, we risk our own exports if we let India in. And that's just not good for business.
If Indian's don't like, then that's ok, no one said they have to. But they do have to realize that this is a reality and they have to live with it.
i am not in pakistan bashing mode.i tell you reality and this pressure from u.s is not going to work at all.

we will never give transit and its clear its effect our trade simply .go work on other planes we have no problem .but wait after 2014 your feet in afghanistan will cut the feet or may be whole leg because taliban are on the way :lol: they don't like made in india .:D
Now why in the hell would we do such a stupid thing ... shouldn't happen lets hope it doesn't happen no disrespect to India.
Independent view: Look like USA want to disengage India from Iran. In past they have forced us (India and Pakistan) to scrap IPI deal. Now USA is luring us by showing luracative Pakistan transit...

Sorry Uncle SAM, We are not interested in your offer, we are making 900Km railway track from Iran to Afghanistan. We will use that track to do business. We will not carry your weapons in Afghan, rather we will carry our goods to Afghanistan.

Some time I think "Indian diplomats are clever".
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