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US preparing military aid package for India

I don't think there would be any change until you take some action. Be the change you wish to see in the world. I think you should Start a website and/or Facebook group to collect your thoughts for such a society. Once you have more than 100 people, you can raise funds and start making such a society at local level. If its successful more and more people would start to join.

So much is possible once we start gathering likeminded people and start building a network. Best would be if you create a youtube channel along with the facebook group, for your thoughts on welfare based society, as the audience mostly would not have reading habit, videos would reach and get through to them.
I think he should just concentrate on his funding for ghazwa-e-hind. No YT no Blogging nothing required. 💲💲💲💲
I think he should just concentrate on his funding for ghazwa-e-hind. No YT no Blogging nothing required. 💲💲💲💲

neither been interested in building a welfare-based society
Welfare state doesn't come free. India is cheap to live in. It is cheap to eat here. If you're poor, you get free/dirt cheap food as ration (the poor people routinely sell these).

Doing more is difficult with the budget we have. Most money goes towards paying government salaries- most of which is welfare in itself.

The western European countries that manage to have welfare have a huge amount of wealth, already developed infrastructure, high income, high productivity and yet, very high marginal taxes.

Since your heart is in the right place(typical with communists), I urge to think about advancing the country/society via business/ industry.
The government can spend more on welfare if there are more businesses/ middle class/ rich people to tax.
Since your heart is in the right place(typical with communists), I urge to think about advancing the country/society via business/ industry.

1. Thank you for understanding the position of mine and of the other Communists. This understanding unfortunately is not common among many members of PDF. :)

2. I agree with you to do the advancement of country / society through business ( at near-term stage ) though for a different reason. I see me starting a company in high technology to use it as platform to influence change in work ecosystem to an extent and to have gradual socio-economic and political changes. This would be part of the plan. :) I had a company in computing tech some years ago and I will have a bigger one hopefully in the coming months pending getting a financier.

The government can spend more on welfare if there are more businesses/ middle class/ rich people to tax.

There should be no tax. None. We are not living under a feudal or a monarch to pay tax. We are supposed to be living in modern times, yes ? :) Take housing for instance. The house is a human right to be provided by the system to the citizen for free. But in India the citizen either has to live in rented houses, even if they are rented slums in Dharavi, or the citizens have to invest their own money after taking loans and construct the house and spend years repaying the loan with interest, sacrificing investing that money in other things like in business. Now there is no participation of the government in the citizen getting access to a constructed house yet the government will then on start extorting yearly tax on the house with something called house tax until that house continues to exist. Is this reasonable, in fact rational ? And then there is water tax. Water is from Nature which does not charge tax to drink or use in any way. Nature does not poison the water if the person does not pay a tax. Birds and cats drink freely from Nature's water without paying tax. So why should an Indian citizen pay a monthly water tax ? In the Libyan Jamahiriya under the guidance of Muammar Gaddafi was built the Great Man-Made River project, the biggest water delivery project in the world, transporting fresh water from desert aquifers wells to Libyan cities and villages through a network of big diameter pipes spreading over thousands of kilometers. And the Libyan committee responsible for water delivery did not charge tax / money for this water accessible just by opening the tap. Water was considered a human right in the Libyan Jamahiriya that cannot be taxed, that cannot be exchanged for money. Why does the Indian governance system extort so many taxes from the citizen - from water tax to income tax to electricity tax to other things but does not deliver any free service to the citizen except for the reluctantly-given mid-day meal for government school students which was started because of inability of poor students to obtain nutritious food at home but even at school the mid-day meal is many a time not nutritious because of the government associating with the selfish but pretending to be humane religious organization Akshaya Patra which does not provide the best food - egg. Also, when mid-day meals are made within the school then too many a time they turn out not to be nutritious and this happened in UP :

The western European countries that manage to have welfare have a huge amount of wealth, already developed infrastructure, high income, high productivity and yet, very high marginal taxes.

Most of the Western European countries that have huge wealth in the Capitalist sense don't spend on the citizen. Please see this post of mine from earlier in the day.

Doing more is difficult with the budget we have. Most money goes towards paying government salaries- most of which is welfare in itself.

During the COVID lockdown of 2020 and then into 2021 when hundreds of millions of Indians were unable to obtain food even so had to make journeys of hundreds of kilometers or more by foot or by train for 1000+ kilometers even back to their home towns and villages because they thought there they would be safer there socio-economically and survival-wise than in the cities they worked, and some died of hunger and accidents along the way, there were some Capitalists like Ambani and Adani who sat in their mansions safely and whose personal wealth grew because people did things like bought bigger phone data packages and ordered more small imported items. Ambani and Adani personally had nothing to do with the work required to deliver the services. That was done by their workers yet their workers did not earn most of the income coming into the company. Some of that most income went to the managements of the Ambani and Adani but most of that most income went to the personal wealth accounts of those two and that is how they became even more richer during the lockdown and after while so many poor people were wanting for food and then came the mass COVID deaths - 4+ million, the world's largest of any country if I am not wrong and all that happening because of India's incompetent, inefficient and money-based food delivery system and healthcare system. Yet Ambani and Adani continued to rise in their personal wealth. So do you think the Indian government officers taking monthly salaries work for the citizens or the one person big Capitalists ? :)

Welfare state doesn't come free. India is cheap to live in. It is cheap to eat here. If you're poor, you get free/dirt cheap food as ration (the poor people routinely sell these).

What is a welfare-based society to start with ? A society where basic human rights like water, electricity, telecom, healthcare, education and intra-city public transport are free to every citizen ? A lot of those items are already present. Aren't there clinics, hospitals, schools, colleges, telecom companies ( Jio, Airtel etc ), city transport corporations and infrastructure present for water delivery and electricity distribution ? In the older Socialist nomenclature just "nationalize" these organizations and make their services free to the citizen. What's the problem ?

According to Google the income from exports from India for 2020 got India 474.15 billion dollars. If we are talking in a Capitalist sense that money is enough for the governance system to maintain those above organizations and then to build more need things like hospitals and colleges.

What's the point of nationalist Indians priding themselves on having one of the world's largest militaries if that military protects only a ridiculous, oppressive, anti-human and anti-welfare system and the taxes the governance system extorts from you the citizen goes only towards purchasing and maintaining that needless huge military ?

The welfare-society looks after its citizens first rather than warmongering military thought. So put those 474.15 billion dollars not on fancy imported military toys ( there are enough ), on statues of crooks, on new PM palaces, on flyovers, on bullet trains, on metro trains but on the health, harmony, education, comfort, resource-provision of the citizen. This idea itself is nice and it has also been implemented elsewhere, right from little Cuba to middle-sized Libyan Jamahiriya to huge USSR.

This thread is my proposal on a new socio-economic system which borrows from Socialist welfare-based societies and by having an evolved money system manages to be semi-Communist by eliminating Capitalist socio-economic classes ( rich, middle, poor ) and enables every citizen the ability to potentially access all the goods and services in society with equality. Once this system is established along with understanding the resources India ( or any society ) has locally and what it can share with similar societies the system runs without complicated maintenance. More wonderful would be for it to run along with a truly democratic political system called Jamahiriya that was thought up of in Libya by Muammar Gaddafi. Please read of that in this thread. And read this thread from today itself on Libyan Jamahiriya. The thread was started to troll me but the troller got trolled by knowledgeable members :lol: :

There is not such thing as a free lunch.

In Socialist / Communist societies there is. :) I read in a book by the Indian journalist Dilip Hiro who had gone to Iraq before 2003, writing that Iraq despite the Western sanctions on even water pumps needed to maintain the sewage system, maintained the public food distribution program where Iraqis could walk into a government store and walk out with free basic foodstuffs.

The US is preparing a military aid package for India to deepen security ties and reduce the country’s dependence on Russian weapons, people familiar with the matter said.

The package under consideration would include foreign military financing of as much as $500 million, according to one person, which would make India one of the largest recipients of such aid behind Israel and Egypt. It’s unclear when the deal would be announced, or what weapons would be included.

The effort is part of a much larger initiative by President Joe Biden’s administration to court India as a long-term security partner, despite its reluctance to criticize Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, according to a senior US official who asked not to be named.

Washington wants to be seen as a reliable partner for India across the board, the official added, and the administration is working with other nations including France to make sure Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has the equipment it needs. While India is already diversifying its military platforms away from Russia, the US wants to help make that happen faster, the official said.

India’s Foreign Ministry didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Officials at the State Department and US embassy in New Delhi didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

India is the world’s largest buyer of Russian weapons, although it has scaled back that relationship of late. Over the past decade, India has bought more than $4 billion worth of military equipment from the US and more than $25 billion from Russia, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which collects data on arms transfers.

India’s dependence on Russia for weapons against neighbors China and Pakistan is a big reason Modi’s government has avoided criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine. As the US, Europe, Australia and Japan piled economic sanctions on Russia, India has held off and instead continued imports of discounted Russian oil.

Reliance on Russia​

India's main weapon suppliers between 2017-21

Source: SIPRI report:Trends in International Arms Transfer, 2021 (March 2022)
*Share of India's total weapon imports as percentage between 2017-21

While the US and its allies were initially frustrated with India, they have sought to woo Modi’s government as a key security partner -- including against China in the Indo-Pacific region. Modi is set to join a summit with Biden next week in South Korea. The meeting will include leaders from the Quad, a partnership between the U.S., India, Japan and Australia that has drawn criticism from China. Modi also received an invitation to join the Group of Seven leaders in Germany next month.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made the point about China when he spoke at a news conference in April with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Indian Defense Minster Rajnath Singh and Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.

“We’re doing all this because the United States supports India as a defense industry leader in the Indo-Pacific and a net provider of security in the region,” Austin said. “And we all understand the challenges that we face there. The People’s Republic of China is seeking to refashion the region and the international system more broadly in ways that serve its interests.”

Why the Aukus, Quad and Five Eyes Pacts Anger China: QuickTake

Links between the US and India have steadily deepened over the past two decades, with the two sides reaching agreements that allow for more interoperability between their military platforms.

Backing for India is a rare point of bipartisan unity in Washington, and the Biden administration has signaled that it isn’t interested in sanctioning New Delhi over its recent decision to buy the S-400 missile defense system from Russia. Turkey’s purchase of the same system deeply damaged US ties with the NATO ally.

Still, it remains to be seen how far India will go in accepting US military assistance. Russia has historically supplied the majority of India’s military hardware, including fighter jets and missiles, as well as almost all its tanks and helicopters. Modi’s government has told the US the alternatives to moving away completely from Russian weapons imports are too expensive, according to people familiar with the situation, who asked not to be identified because they are not authorized to speak with the media.

Some Other Sources

FIshy Stuff Going On
It's time for India to say no to USA for quad unless and until it allows us to join auks treaty as well..... They are not treating us equally on the level of Australia..... Typical white vs black mentality..... They're offering Australia a nuclear submarines and we are being offered tiny 500 mn dollor aid..... they want to use us against heavyweight athlete like china but don't want to provide us proper protein.....
India already spending 70 Billion USD on defence. Which is higher than Russia. It is the world's 3rd largest defence spending. Why USA wants to give aid to India? Are they expecting India to fight China? Well, the kind of plans that USA seems to have for the region would not be good for developing countries of the sub continent. Only Grass would be killed in fight of 2 elephants!

In short run good for India though, secured more funding from USA and dodged sanctions. Pakistan on the other hand, pissed China & Russia and US never had good plans for Pakistan anyways. Question is, where would Pakistan acquire its next weapons from? This COAS's meddling with the foreign policy and involvement in regime change has face planted Pakistan on to the floor! If Khan would have secured discounted Russian oil + Cozied up with Russia & China, it would have at least secured Russian and Chinese weapons. Right now we are a red a s s baboon who no one wants to deal with. Enemies keep slapping us and friends are disappointed in us. Congrats to the neutrals!

Best time for India to attack Pakistan, neutrals fully involved in bringing us down to this level. India has 600 Billion USD in foreign reserves. Pakistan is down to 10 or so. We don't have fuel to fight. IMF is not ready to deal with us. Painful reforms that were required were not brought in by any government. IK had no majority, Noon and PPP were never interested. Even dictators were interested in financing economy through aid than making country stand on its feet. High cost of production due to expensive electricity + gas make our exports uncompetitive. Pakistan must immediately ban all unnecessary imports, no luxury imports, produce everything locally, ban food exports and imports. We must reset our economy immediately otherwise we are going to default in a matter of few months.

First, India has no interest or intent to attack anyone without provocation. No matter how the rest of the world aligns, and irrespective of political dispensation in India, that remains consistent. As far as India's security policy, it remains India First- Always. India, when pushed into a war, fought two of them at the peak of the cold war on the wrong side of the US against its Seato/cento ally and the other one against the USSR ally that we lost. We fight when it is absolutely necessary, and for our interests, we are not a rental army that's willing to fight for the highest bidder.

If Pakistan doesn't deploy asymmetric assets against India, we have no reason to fight. Same with China, if there is no belligerence from the Chinese, The borders remain calm.

About the best time to attack Pakistan, if anyone in India harbor such fantasies, India is nowhere close to being in a good position, irrespective of what the current economic conditions of Pakistan are, Indian force's equipment obsolescence, deployment inefficiency, and nuclear deterrence of Pakistan make it a foolish proposition.

@Joe Shearer @SQ8

There is not such thing as a free lunch.
Tell that to your countrymen, most of them confuse the lunch lady to iron brother.
First, India has no interest or intent to attack anyone without provocation. No matter how the rest of the world aligns, and irrespective of political dispensation in India, that remains consistent. As far as India's security policy, it remains India First- Always. India, when pushed into a war, fought two of them at the peak of the cold war on the wrong side of the US against its Seato/cento ally and the other one against the USSR ally that we lost. We fight when it is absolutely necessary, and for our interests, we are not a rental army that's willing to fight for the highest bidder.

If Pakistan doesn't deploy asymmetric assets against India, we have no reason to fight. Same with China, if there is no belligerence from the Chinese, The borders remain calm.

About the best time to attack Pakistan, if anyone in India harbor such fantasies, India is nowhere close to being in a good position, irrespective of what the current economic conditions of Pakistan are, Indian force's equipment obsolescence, deployment inefficiency, and nuclear deterrence of Pakistan make it a foolish proposition.

@Joe Shearer @SQ8

Tell that to your countrymen, most of them confuse the lunch lady to iron brother.
I think there are a blocs within India that too are disconnected with the ground realities of the Indian military but have a fantasia of a conflict. Similar to their counterparts in Pakistan.
At the end, unraveling India or Pakistan is not longer about conventional attacks or otherwise but psychological warfare to undo their respective social fabrics.

All the J-10s and F-18 equipped carriers cannot do jack against that.
I think there are a blocs within India that too are disconnected with the ground realities of the Indian military but have a fantasia of a conflict. Similar to their counterparts in Pakistan.
At the end, unraveling India or Pakistan is not longer about conventional attacks or otherwise but psychological warfare to undo their respective social fabrics.

All the J-10s and F-18 equipped carriers cannot do jack against that.
Instead of 500 mil in military aid, the same amount worth of H1B will benefit India far more than whatever sig's or jltv's brewing behind this article.
Instead of 500 mil in military aid, the same amount worth of H1B will benefit India far more than whatever sig's or jltv's brewing behind this article.
H1Bs may not be popular with the immigration lot. Either way, there are enough Indians now to ensure chain migration results in a substantial population by the end of this decade.

This aid is all about milking the Indian military at the end - $500mil is cheap for what will be taken out of it.
H1Bs may not be popular with the immigration lot. Either way, there are enough Indians now to ensure chain migration results in a substantial population by the end of this decade.

This aid is all about milking the Indian military at the end - $500mil is cheap for what will be taken out of it.
The Indian military is receptive to US mil ind co when they have something good to offer. C17's c130's p8's for eg . If the US offers say the Textron NGSW, or even the CT m240 those would be well received. But if the attempt is to cram down the same drones down the throat, it will be the same dilly-dallying till they get frustrated. (in hindi : Kal parso baat karte hain, saab office mein nahin hain)
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