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US preparing military aid package for India

Why aid for defense procurement? I don't have a good feeling about this arrangement :undecided:
The narrative among USA leadership is India is not purchasing USA arms because they are not affordable in large numbers unlike the Russian equivalent

USA is aware sanctions on Russia will impact Russian arms transfers to India and plan to take advantage of it

Military aid will be a start, longer run to reduce costs further USA weapons for India sale will have to be manufactured in India

I think USA has done this with Poland
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The narrative among USA leadership is India is not purchasing USA arms because they are not affordable in large numbers unlike the Russian equivalent

USA is aware sanctions on Russia will impact Russian arms transfers to India and plan to take advantage of it

Military aid will be a start, longer run to reduce costs further USA weapons for India sale will have to be manufactured in India

I think USA has done this with Poland
While cost of US weapons is certainly a factor, there is also access to technology and related restrictions from US to consider. Either way, I don't believe that there is such a thing called free lunch in this world. It will be better for India to not take aid in strategic areas to avoid unforeseen problems. I'm all for India buying American tech weaponry, but not through the aid route. :undecided:

EDIT: Trump will get elected in 2024 and start tweeting about military aid to India for nothing in return :wave:
While cost of US weapons is certainly a factor, there is also access to technology and related restrictions from US to consider. Either way, I don't believe that there is such a thing called free lunch in this world. It will be better for India to not take aid in strategic areas to avoid unforeseen problems. I'm all for India buying American tech weaponry, but not through the aid route. :undecided:

EDIT: Trump will get elected in 2024 and start tweeting about military aid to India for nothing in return :wave:
I don't except things to smoothly as Indian military as an institution is pro-Russian and wary of American arms
Could be genuine aid to get India to buy American
$500 million is not even a drop in the ocean and to sideline Russia nothing is worth it.
Sure, take it.. and keep buying Russian weapons too.. baniya style chanakya neeti/strategy

Better than anything what Russians can offer.

Does Indian military really trust Russians now when they got no-limits friendship with Chinese and becoming closer?

US Seeks to Wean India From Russia Weapons With Arms-Aid Package​

  • Potential $500 million deal would put India near Israel, Egypt
  • India is the largest buyer of Russian made military hardware

The US is preparing a military aid package for India to deepen security ties and reduce the country’s dependence on Russian weapons, people familiar with the matter said.
The package under consideration would include foreign military financing of as much as $500 million, according to one person, which would make India one of the largest recipients of such aid behind Israel and Egypt. It’s unclear when the deal would be announced, or what weapons would be included.

The effort is part of a much larger initiative by President Joe Biden’s administration to court India as a long-term security partner, despite its reluctance to criticize Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, according to a senior US official who asked not to be named.

Washington wants to be seen as a reliable partner for India across the board, the official added, and the administration is working with other nations including France to make sure Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has the equipment it needs. While India is already diversifying its military platforms away from Russia, the US wants to help make that happen faster, the official said.

The major challenge remains how to provide India major platforms like fighter jets, naval ships and battle tanks, the official said, adding that the administration is looking for a breakthrough in one of these areas. The financing package being discussed would do little to make those types of systems -- which can cost billions or tens of billions of dollars -- more affordable, but it would be a significant symbolic sign of support.

India’s Foreign Ministry didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Officials at the State Department and US embassy in New Delhi didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

India is the world’s largest buyer of Russian weapons, although it has scaled back that relationship of late. Over the past decade, India has bought more than $4 billion worth of military equipment from the US and more than $25 billion from Russia, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which collects data on arms transfers.

India’s dependence on Russia for weapons against neighbors China and Pakistan is a big reason Modi’s government has avoided criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine. As the US, Europe, Australia and Japan piled economic sanctions on Russia, India has held off and instead continued imports of discounted Russian oil.

Reliance on Russia​

India's main weapon suppliers between 2017-21

Source: SIPRI report:Trends in International Arms Transfer, 2021 (March 2022)
*Share of India's total weapon imports as percentage between 2017-21

While the US and its allies were initially frustrated with India, they have sought to woo Modi’s government as a key security partner -- including against China in the Indo-Pacific region. Modi is set to join a summit with Biden next week in South Korea. The meeting will include leaders from the Quad, a partnership between the U.S., India, Japan and Australia that has drawn criticism from China. Modi also received an invitation to join the Group of Seven leaders in Germany next month.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made the point about China when he spoke at a news conference in April with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Indian Defense Minster Rajnath Singh and Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.

“We’re doing all this because the United States supports India as a defense industry leader in the Indo-Pacific and a net provider of security in the region,” Austin said. “And we all understand the challenges that we face there. The People’s Republic of China is seeking to refashion the region and the international system more broadly in ways that serve its interests.”

Why the Aukus, Quad and Five Eyes Pacts Anger China: QuickTake

Links between the US and India have steadily deepened over the past two decades, with the two sides reaching agreements that allow for more interoperability between their military platforms.

Backing for India is a rare point of bipartisan unity in Washington, and the Biden administration has signaled that it isn’t interested in sanctioning New Delhi over its recent decision to buy the S-400 missile defense system from Russia. Turkey’s purchase of the same system deeply damaged US ties with the NATO ally.

Still, it remains to be seen how far India will go in accepting US military assistance. Russia has historically supplied the majority of India’s military hardware, including fighter jets and missiles, as well as almost all its tanks and helicopters. Modi’s government has told the US the alternatives to moving away completely from Russian weapons imports are too expensive, according to people familiar with the situation, who asked not to be identified because they are not authorized to speak with the media.

India’s dependence on Russia for weapons against neighbors China and Pakistan is a big reason Modi’s government has avoided criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine.

Absolutely ! The Indian establishment unfortunately has neither been interested in building a welfare-based society internally for the betterment of Indians nor has ever sincerely spoken for world peace and and global disarmament and against NATO imperialism. From India participating in the Korea War starting 1950 on the side of the NATO-led "UNO alliance" to almost sending 17,000 Indian army soldiers to Iraq to participate in the NATO invasion of Iraq in 2003 to Indian air force officials eagerly and without remorse looking at gun camera vids of NATO Typhoon jets bombing Muammar Gaddafi's Bal al Azizia compound in the NATO+GCC invasion of Libya in 2011 to now sitting on the fence in the UNO and abstaining in the motions being passed by NATO against "traditional Indian friend" Russia, well, Indian establishment has been anti-democratic and oppressive internally and selfish externally. There is no moral correctness in the Indian governments and the establishment and that pains me as an indian.

@Chen Jie, the OP and my text above are what I was telling you.
Absolutely ! The Indian establishment unfortunately has neither been interested in building a welfare-based society internally for the betterment of Indians nor has ever sincerely spoken for world peace and and global disarmament and against NATO imperialism. From India participating in the Korea War starting 1950 on the side of the NATO-led "UNO alliance" to almost sending 17,000 Indian army soldiers to Iraq to participate in the NATO invasion of Iraq in 2003 to Indian air force officials eagerly and without remorse looking at gun camera vids of NATO Typhoon jets bombing Muammar Gaddafi's Bal al Azizia compound in the NATO+GCC invasion of Libya in 2011 to now sitting on the fence in the UNO and abstaining in the motions being passed by NATO against "traditional Indian friend" Russia, well, Indian establishment has been anti-democratic and oppressive internally and selfish externally. There is no moral correctness in the Indian governments and the establishment and that pains me as an indian.

@Chen Jie, the OP and my text above are what I was telling you.
Absolutely ! The Indian establishment unfortunately has neither been interested in building a welfare-based society internally for the betterment of Indians nor has ever sincerely spoken for world peace and and global disarmament and against NATO imperialism. From India participating in the Korea War starting 1950 on the side of the NATO-led "UNO alliance" to almost sending 17,000 Indian army soldiers to Iraq to participate in the NATO invasion of Iraq in 2003 to Indian air force officials eagerly and without remorse looking at gun camera vids of NATO Typhoon jets bombing Muammar Gaddafi's Bal al Azizia compound in the NATO+GCC invasion of Libya in 2011 to now sitting on the fence in the UNO and abstaining in the motions being passed by NATO against "traditional Indian friend" Russia, well, Indian establishment has been anti-democratic and oppressive internally and selfish externally. There is no moral correctness in the Indian governments and the establishment and that pains me as an indian.

@Chen Jie, the OP and my text above are what I was telling you.
I don't think there would be any change until you take some action. Be the change you wish to see in the world. I think you should Start a website and/or Facebook group to collect your thoughts for such a society. Once you have more than 100 people, you can raise funds and start making such a society at local level. If its successful more and more people would start to join.

So much is possible once we start gathering likeminded people and start building a network. Best would be if you create a youtube channel along with the facebook group, for your thoughts on welfare based society, as the audience mostly would not have reading habit, videos would reach and get through to them.
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US Seeks to Wean India From Russia Weapons With Arms-Aid Package​

  • Potential $500 million deal would put India near Israel, Egypt
  • India is the largest buyer of Russian made military hardware

The US is preparing a military aid package for India to deepen security ties and reduce the country’s dependence on Russian weapons, people familiar with the matter said.
The package under consideration would include foreign military financing of as much as $500 million, according to one person, which would make India one of the largest recipients of such aid behind Israel and Egypt. It’s unclear when the deal would be announced, or what weapons would be included.

The effort is part of a much larger initiative by President Joe Biden’s administration to court India as a long-term security partner, despite its reluctance to criticize Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, according to a senior US official who asked not to be named.

Washington wants to be seen as a reliable partner for India across the board, the official added, and the administration is working with other nations including France to make sure Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has the equipment it needs. While India is already diversifying its military platforms away from Russia, the US wants to help make that happen faster, the official said.

The major challenge remains how to provide India major platforms like fighter jets, naval ships and battle tanks, the official said, adding that the administration is looking for a breakthrough in one of these areas. The financing package being discussed would do little to make those types of systems -- which can cost billions or tens of billions of dollars -- more affordable, but it would be a significant symbolic sign of support.

India’s Foreign Ministry didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Officials at the State Department and US embassy in New Delhi didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

India is the world’s largest buyer of Russian weapons, although it has scaled back that relationship of late. Over the past decade, India has bought more than $4 billion worth of military equipment from the US and more than $25 billion from Russia, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which collects data on arms transfers.

India’s dependence on Russia for weapons against neighbors China and Pakistan is a big reason Modi’s government has avoided criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine. As the US, Europe, Australia and Japan piled economic sanctions on Russia, India has held off and instead continued imports of discounted Russian oil.

Reliance on Russia​

India's main weapon suppliers between 2017-21

Source: SIPRI report:Trends in International Arms Transfer, 2021 (March 2022)
*Share of India's total weapon imports as percentage between 2017-21

While the US and its allies were initially frustrated with India, they have sought to woo Modi’s government as a key security partner -- including against China in the Indo-Pacific region. Modi is set to join a summit with Biden next week in South Korea. The meeting will include leaders from the Quad, a partnership between the U.S., India, Japan and Australia that has drawn criticism from China. Modi also received an invitation to join the Group of Seven leaders in Germany next month.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made the point about China when he spoke at a news conference in April with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Indian Defense Minster Rajnath Singh and Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.

“We’re doing all this because the United States supports India as a defense industry leader in the Indo-Pacific and a net provider of security in the region,” Austin said. “And we all understand the challenges that we face there. The People’s Republic of China is seeking to refashion the region and the international system more broadly in ways that serve its interests.”

Why the Aukus, Quad and Five Eyes Pacts Anger China: QuickTake

Links between the US and India have steadily deepened over the past two decades, with the two sides reaching agreements that allow for more interoperability between their military platforms.

Backing for India is a rare point of bipartisan unity in Washington, and the Biden administration has signaled that it isn’t interested in sanctioning New Delhi over its recent decision to buy the S-400 missile defense system from Russia. Turkey’s purchase of the same system deeply damaged US ties with the NATO ally.

Still, it remains to be seen how far India will go in accepting US military assistance. Russia has historically supplied the majority of India’s military hardware, including fighter jets and missiles, as well as almost all its tanks and helicopters. Modi’s government has told the US the alternatives to moving away completely from Russian weapons imports are too expensive, according to people familiar with the situation, who asked not to be identified because they are not authorized to speak with the media.

Begga power incredible India
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