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US Prepared to Cooperate With India ‘as never before’

But US Business interests in China would drastically come down while US Business Interests in India would drastically go up in the next 7-10 years. DTTI is not just about defence deals. There are some huge stakes at play here.

That's going too far.
I would only say that INDIA-US cooperation in Energy , space and Infrastructure sector is to rise exponentially, in next ~5-8 years.
And that should bring a tremendous change from current situation. But it does not mean business interests in China will reduce. The growth of China has slightly slowed down, it does by no mean means that they are loosing the race. In fact its now that they will start challenging the west in quality. Leave it now, its too long.

But the core I want to say is
1. India US relations(barring defence ) will rise big time.
2. It will not be big enough to make Americans give up China for India, that's the truth.

My view on defence purchases and manufacturing with US is not that optimistic for the simple reason, the men in power on our side still take US as the last of last options.
Keep in mind, not only does the USA have arms deals with Pakistan as well as other strategic alliances, America's closest allies in South-West Asia are Pakistan's closest allies; Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. We have shared spheres of interest.
It would try to stay neutral, in a scenario you describe. If it was purely India vs. China, America would definitely side with India. If it was purely India vs. Pakistan, I think the US would quietly side with Pakistan, although publicly call for a cease-fire and negotiations.

Yes. I think Indians have reconciled to the fact that US needs Pakistan to keep a check on China on the Uyghur front.
okay ! i was just kidding. i know USA wont sell F-22 .

Arrow -2 i was aware but David's Sling as wenews

Our officials have been impressed by its anti cruise missile capabilities and tried to work on it, but it seems US stopped the Israelis since no news since last year.
India stop acting so coy! Admit that you are loving all the attention.:D

In the end all roads leads to USA.

On a serious note given the right incentive India will dance to our tunes not all that different from when they acquiesced to sanction regime on Iran in exchange for a Nuclear Deal. Wonder what it will take this time

Distrust runs high b/w India and China and all India requires is a little nudge here and there. Day is not far off when Indian Navy will start conducting patrols in cohesion with us. All this despite US-Pakistan relationship on a stronger ground than it has been in years.

US FP is truly a thing to behold! We are managing Arabs and Israel, India and Pakistan, Our influence in Europe and most of Asia is unrivalled. That is indeed a lot of work, I pity the folks in State Dept though - they have even the professional jugglers beat

I will agree with you that US FP is truly the BEST in the world. No doubt. You have had amazing first and second line leadership in FP and have institutionalized this. It has no parallel anywhere in the world.

All road used to lead to the US, but not any-more. THAT is why the US is talking about cooperating with India.

Pakistan is a patsy and you know it. For sale to the highest bidder as long as "the establishment" can be in power. Friendship with it has no meaning. No one is in doubt about this. Not even the US. China needs some more convincing though. :P

Distrust do exist between India and China, but also between India and US. US has already lost he first round when China stepped out and set up SAM in disputed territory and is now making artificial islands where it will post more SAM's and Radar surveillance and quasi offensive infrastructure.

It points to the fact that your influence in Asia is Waning. UAE offering us strategic Oil reserve points to the fact that your influence in Middle east is also Waning and they are looking for new sugar daddies. The fact that China has set up an Naval base in Djibouti show's its growing influence and reach into M.E.

I am surprised you feel so smug.

Yes. I think Indians have reconciled to the fact that US needs Pakistan to keep a check on China on the Uyghur front.

LOL.... US needs pakistan to keep a check on India you dum@ss :lol:

Denial is not just a river in Egpyt.
I will agree with you that US FP is truly the BEST in the world. No doubt. You have had amazing first and second line leadership in FP and have institutionalized this. It has no parallel anywhere in the world.

All road used to lead to the US, but not any-more. THAT is why the US is talking about cooperating with India.

Pakistan is a patsy and you know it. For sale to the highest bidder as long as "the establishment" can be in power. Friendship with it has no meaning. No one is in doubt about this. Not even the US. China needs some more convincing though. :P

Distrust do exist between India and China, but also between India and US. US has already lost he first round when China stepped out and set up SAM in disputed territory and is now making artificial islands where it will post more SAM's and Radar surveillance and quasi offensive infrastructure.

It points to the fact that your influence in Asia is Waning. UAE offering us strategic Oil reserve points to the fact that your influence in Middle east is also Waning and they are looking for new sugar daddies. The fact that China has set up an Naval base in Djibouti show's its growing influence and reach into M.E.

I am surprised you feel so smug.

LOL.... US needs pakistan to keep a check on India you dum@ss :lol:

Denial is not just a river in Egpyt.

I would disagree on the point the point that Pakistan is a patsy, if anything Pakistan seems adept at playing us for fools. Anyway that's not necessarily a black mark in my book. They will look after their own interests and objectives first and foremost then cater to our demands.

As for waning of US influence, that is true to an extent. World in a unipolar is state is unstable and now that China is stepping up as another pole it is but obvious that we will let China take the lead in certain geographies but with power comes responsibility and certain headaches like N. Korea, Pakistan among others are China's to deal with.

Frankly we have no appetite to be a global sheriff anymore - been there, done that!
I would disagree on the point the point that Pakistan is a patsy, if anything Pakistan seems adept at playing us for fools. Anyway that's not necessarily a black mark in my book. They will look after their own interests and objectives first and foremost then cater to our demands.

As for waning of US influence, that is true to an extent. World in a unipolar is state is unstable and now that China is stepping up as another pole it is but obvious that we will let China take the lead in certain geographies but with power comes responsibility and certain headaches like N. Korea, Pakistan among others are China's to deal with.

Frankly we have no appetite to be a global sheriff anymore - been there, done that!

Pakistan establishment is adept at playing its own people for fools. But I don't think they ever fooled you. You play along knowing their duplicity just to gain a limited victory seen with a narrow lens.

If they really knew how to look after their own interests, they would have been another Japan, instead they are another North Korea.

US is not "letting" china take any lead, China has taken the lead with its own initiative and US has no play left BUT to give up.

Finally the US is pretending to play global sheriff just to ensure USD is the global currency for oil trade and hence become a default currency for global trade. That is what sustains your economy. With the oil running out in a decade or two, you need to change your game and as I said, US is smart enough to learn to do that.

China has no interest playing that role yet. They just want to ensure their oil silk route is safe.
Yes. I think Indians have reconciled to the fact that US needs Pakistan to keep a check on China on the Uyghur front.
It has much, much less to do with China (or India!) and much, much more to do with Pakistan being an ally on the front lines of the 'War on Terror'. Note the recent transfer of eight F-16's. The official US statement was that they were intended to help Pakistan conduct precision air strikes against terrorists enclaves and HQ's.


John Kerry Seeks $742 Million in Aid for Pakistan | Today in Pakistan
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It has much, much less to do with China and much, much more to do with Pakistan being an ally on the front lines of the 'War on Terror'. Note the recent transfer of eight F-16's. The official US statement was that they were intended to help Pakistan conduct precision air strikes against terrorists enclaves and HQ's.

You know that is not true.

US has no interest on the "war on terror". That is just a smoke screen for the gullible public.

US has every reason to keep pakistan engaged before it goes irreversible into the china camp. (though I fear its already too late for that).
US has no interest on the "war on terror". That is just a smoke screen for the gullible public.
Wow, that is hard to respond to. The 'War on Terror' is THE driving core of American foreign and military policy. A new Cold War with Russia is fast becoming a close second, but the fight against terrorism is the all consuming security issue from Afghanistan to San Bernardino, California. It drives everything from new weapons procurement to debates over GITMO, to American intervention against ISIS/IS down to how police officers are being trained in America's cities. Those that think otherwise are the gullible, taken in by hair-brained conspiracy theories and over thinking what is far more simple, and right in front of them. They just keep looking for something more complicated and sinister....that isn't there. As for Pakistan going into the "China camp", we really don't care. China is not our enemy. Indeed, China is America's biggest trading partner and financial partner. Neither China or America is stupid enough to bungle into a conflict with each other. It would be a disaster for both countries. Russia, is America's biggest strategic concern, followed by Iran. Our minor disputes with China pale by comparison.
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