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US Politics

@Nilgiri @T-72 @C130 @KAL-EL






Yes, Hillary is quite unpopular even among many, many Democrats. Look at me: I voted for Green Party because of Hillary. Had it been Sanders it would be very easy decision for me. GOP was forced to accept Trump by the masses. A Kasich candidacy against Hillary will be very powerful.
Meengla, I have a question, what if one of Pakistani politician running for PM elections went to India during the campaign as Indian government’s guest and from there criticized Pakistan's human rights and other policies, would you vote for him/her?
Meengla, I have a question, what if one of Pakistani politician running for PM elections went to India during the campaign as Indian government’s guest and from there criticized Pakistan's human rights and other policies, would you vote for him/her?

Let's not derail this thread, shall we? Let's leave for another time. This is a historic elections and we should focus on American elections; the whole world is watching the elections and whatever we write here will surely be recorded for history (maybe in some data banks on Mars!).
Let's not derail this thread, shall we? Let's leave for another time. This is a historic elections and we should focus on American elections; the whole world is watching the elections and whatever we write here will surely be recorded for history (maybe in some data banks on Mars!).
Actually, it is about American elections.
RabzonKhan you are right. It is about American Elections. Actually Meengla did not know what to answer. People like her live in a fools paradise. I am sure she herself is confused about the Elections. Someone shud explain her where the elections are actually taking place.
RabzonKhan you are right. It is about American Elections. Actually Meengla did not know what to answer. People like her live in a fools paradise. I am sure she herself is confused about the Elections. Someone shud explain her where the elections are actually taking place.
Why not go for Jill stein :p
It 's the large Third party running in the elections. He has the same number of available Electoral College votes as the Republican and Democrat candidates.

Plus, I'm not a tree hugger.... I'm all for clean energy and stuff, but that shouldn't be politicized.
Alright, please eleborate?
BTW, I voted for Jill Stein. Here..here's a proof I voted today! The T Shirt is of a rock band.

View attachment 350386
I was talking about Jill Stein, she went to Russia during the campaign and from there criticize United States human rights and foreign policy. Just like Trump, she is also spreading false Russian propaganda that if Hillary is elected she’ll start a war with Russia.

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