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Putin has No respect for Obama. That is pretty obvious going by his actions. I bet that along with many Obama fans,he too will miss Obama a lot.
Add to that,I heard he is pretty racist & looks down on the Black Peoples(Regardless of nation).

@Desert Fox I have never understood this, you are a Pakistani Muslim. Then why do you support Trump??
He may/may not ban muslims from entering the USA(from some nations as he said), & he has said stuff like this http://www.thehindu.com/news/intern...on-unstable-pakistan-nukes/article8531485.ece . Why exactly do you support him??

& do you hold foreign citizenship?
Nobody has respect for Obummer.

Regarding my support for Trump: at this point anyone with a brain would support Trump because that B!tch Hillary is planning on a war with Russia to protect ISIS. The world has never come so close to a potential nuclear war between the United States and Russia, not even during the Cold War, because unlike the Cold War the likelihood of a confrontation is much greater today considering the volatile nature of the conflicts involved (Syria, Ukraine). This crazy B!tch wants to impose a no-fly-zone on the Russians in Syria in order to protect her "moderate" terrorists.

We've already seen what her and Obama have done to Libya with their no-fly-zone. That country is infested with Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The world could have saved Libya, but it didn't and most people were fooled into believing that the "Libyan rebels" (foreign Jihadists) were fighting for "Democracy", just as we are told today by Hillary and Obama that the "Syrian rebels" are also fighting for "Democracy". But today people have that chance to prevent another Libya like catastrophe from happening and everyone must do their part to ensure this crazy B!tch Hillary doesn't get into power.



Hillary Sadistic Meme.jpg

@C130 @Nilgiri @T-72 @LA se Karachi @vostok @Falcon29 @senheiser
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t this point anyone with a brain would support Trump because that B!tch Hillary is planning on a war with Russia to protect ISIS. The world has never come so close to a potential nuclear war between the United States and Russia, not even during the Cold War, because unlike the Cold War the likelihood of a confrontation is much greater today considering the volatile nature of the conflicts involved (Syria, Ukraine). This crazy B!tch wants to impose a no-fly-zone on the Russians in Syria in order to protect her "moderate" terrorists.

We've already seen what her and Obama have done to Libya with their no-fly-zone. That country is infested with Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The world could have saved Libya, but it didn't and most people were fooled into believing that the "Libyan rebels" (foreign Jihadists) were fighting for "Democracy", just as we are told today by Hillary and Obama that the "Syrian rebels" are also fighting for "Democracy". But today people have that chance to prevent another Libya like catastrophe from happening and everyone must do their part to ensure this crazy B!tch Hillary doesn't get into power.
Results are out, Hillary won again and Trump has lost bigly. :usflag:

View attachment 345058
A picture is worth a thousand words!

Hillary Clinton wins third presidential debate, according to CNN / ORC poll

By Jennifer Agiesta, CNN Polling Director 10/20/2016

(CNN)Hillary Clinton won the final presidential debate, topping Donald Trump by a 13-point margin according to a CNN/ORC poll of debate watchers, giving Clinton a clean sweep across all three of this year's presidential debates.

But Wednesday's debate watchers were closely divided on which candidate they trusted more on the issues most important to them.

Overall, 52% who watched tonight's matchup thought Clinton did the best job, to the 39% that thought Trump did. That's a tighter margin than in the first two debates. After the first debate, 62% of those who watched said Clinton won, 27% Trump, followed by a 57% Clinton to 34% Trump margin for the town hall debate held October 9. Link

CBS News Battleground Tracker poll: Who won final debate?

By Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto

More Democrats than Republicans watched the third debate, and people who watched say Hillary Clinton won, while voters in the battleground states say the losing candidate should accept the results of the election.

By a double-digit margin, voters in 13 states identified as battlegrounds by CBS News say Hillary Clinton won the final presidential debate of the 2016 campaign. Forty-nine percent say Clinton won, while 39 percent think Trump was the winner. Twelve percent call it a tie. Link

Lol, CNN is a joke, majority of polls put trump as the winner. CNN is trash, anyone that says anything bad about Clinton is cut off the air.

The Only thing that old hag can do is avoid answering difficult questions, lie, change the subject to "Russia" and have a shit eating grin on her face.
Thanks man.

Lol, CNN is a joke, majority of polls put trump as the winner. CNN is trash, anyone that says anything bad about Clinton is cut off the air.

The Only thing that old hag can do is avoid answering difficult questions, lie, change the subject to "Russia" and have a shit eating grin on her face.

Funny, i recall @RabzonKhan claiming polls were rigged when Trump was in the lead but now he uses the same polls.

Also, CNN (Clinton News Network) is not a credible source since it was revealed by Wikileaks that they were working with the DNC to undermine Bernie Sanders, and now they are doing the same with Trump.
Thanks man.

Funny, i recall @RabzonKhan claiming polls were rigged when Trump was in the lead but now he uses the same polls.

Also, CNN (Clinton News Network) is not a credible source since it was revealed by Wikileaks that they were working with the DNC to undermine Bernie Sanders, and now they are doing the same with Trump.

Lol, CNN is a joke, majority of polls put trump as the winner. CNN is trash, anyone that says anything bad about Clinton is cut off the air.

The Only thing that old hag can do is avoid answering difficult questions, lie, change the subject to "Russia" and have a shit eating grin on her face.
CNN(Clinton News Network)
ABC(Always Beside Clinton)
NBC(Nothing But Clinton)
MSNBC(Making Sure Nothing But Clinton)

All of them are biased in favor of the Democrats & Hilliary!! THat is why I pay no attention to their polls,they over-sample the Democrats way too much in them!
Hillary will blame the 2 Rs- Russia & Republicans for all the problems & incompetence of her administration way more than Obama blamed Bush for the problems he created!!

It's not in her to take responsibility for her misdeeds. She'll blame even Bill if required,but not herself.
Nobody has respect for Obummer.

Regarding my support for Trump: at this point anyone with a brain would support Trump because that B!tch Hillary is planning on a war with Russia to protect ISIS. The world has never come so close to a potential nuclear war between the United States and Russia, not even during the Cold War, because unlike the Cold War the likelihood of a confrontation is much greater today considering the volatile nature of the conflicts involved (Syria, Ukraine). This crazy B!tch wants to impose a no-fly-zone on the Russians in Syria in order to protect her "moderate" terrorists.

We've already seen what her and Obama have done to Libya with their no-fly-zone. That country is infested with Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The world could have saved Libya, but it didn't and most people were fooled into believing that the "Libyan rebels" (foreign Jihadists) were fighting for "Democracy", just as we are told today by Hillary and Obama that the "Syrian rebels" are also fighting for "Democracy". But today people have that chance to prevent another Libya like catastrophe from happening and everyone must do their part to ensure this crazy B!tch Hillary doesn't get into power.

I am not fond of Trump in any way & despise him.. but I absolutely hate the Clintons(Hillary should be in JAIL!!) & the Shameless MSM & the Liberal Establishment of the USA!(I hate them in India too,these guys suck around the globe)

The only reason a part of me hopes that Trump wins is to give a tight slap to these people!! I absolutely distrust them,they lie,they start wars & conflicts in other nations(Iraq,Libya,Syria),they look down on everybody who isn't like them or doesn't suck up to them!

These people have enjoyed far too long, they could stop Bernie Sanders by rigging the Primaries. But,even if they stop Trump; they can't stop the anti-establishment movement he has created!

Sooner or later they will have to fall!

[That was a good pic of the Clinton foundation you posted there :) I think if Hillary wins & India ever needs something from the USA,we just have to transfer a few million dollars to Bill Clinton after inviting him to give a few inspirational talks here :) ]
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Anyone find any evidence yet of real organic and grassroots support for crooked hillary ? nothing on twitter or social media either. Sure feels like apart from the establishment elites, the corporatists, the neocons etc, and their controlled mainstream media pundits, she has very little to no support in the real world.

A lot of people hate Donald, sure, but nobody likes crooked hillary, she is zero in the likes column, I think she'll lose, big league even.

He shows up, 50k will crowd an arena to hear him speak, hillary cant fill high school gymnasium, less than 200 showed up for one of her rallies lol. This has to mean something, no way it can not mean anything.

All the obituaries and post loss analyses on cnn and msnbc etc makes me more convinced that these people are now throwing everything at him in one last blitzkrieg smear and lie campaign.

a good honest critique of the Clinton camp's reckless fear-mongering over Russia even if they are anti Trump themselves.

these guys are good, even if Cenk and the main show has become a joke.
Democracy made trup tyeps of people who have no basic knowledge about politics. And this is the basis of Hippocratic democracy. .
Absolutely, Hillary is "tough and talented woman" and that's why I support her! :D

Cardinal Dolan: In private, Trump praised Clinton as ‘tough’ and ‘talented’


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton did more than trade barbs Thursday.

The Republican who has threatened to jail his political opponent and the Democrat who has maintained that her rival is temperamentally unfit for office had surprisingly nice things to say offstage at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, according to its host.

While Trump and Clinton both took swipes at each other in their remarks at the annual roast and Catholic fundraiser, Cardinal Timothy Dolan said the candidates had “nice things” to say offstage.

“I was very moved by the obvious attempt on behalf of both Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump to kind of be courteous, to get along, to say nice things privately to one another,” Dolan said on NBC’s “Today.” “I was very moved by that. That was pleasant.”

Dolan, who sat between Trump and Clinton at the dais, acknowledged the two were, like President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in 2012, “kind of awkward together.”

“But the purpose of the evening is to break some of that ice, and thanks be to God, it works,” he said. “The Al Smith Dinner by its nature literally tries to — I’m sitting there between the two — and literally,I’m supposed to be kind of a bridge to bring these two people together. And I try my best, and there were some very touching moments.”

Dolan said the three of them prayed together. “And after the little prayer, Mr. Trump turned to Secretary Clinton and said, ‘You know, you are one tough and talented woman,’” he recalled. “And he said, ‘This has been a good experience in this whole campaign, as tough as it’s been,’ and she said to him, ‘And Donald, whatever happens, we need to work together afterwards.’ Now I thought: This is the evening at its best.” Link

Funny, i recall @RabzonKhan claiming polls were rigged when Trump was in the lead but now he uses the same polls.
That's not correct, I have criticized online polling, which I believe is totally garbage, but I have no problems with polls conducted by professional polling companies.
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