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US Politics

no doubt the neocons will be out celebrating tonight.

Here's what good Trump did foreign policy wise in his term:

no new wars
destroyed ISIS
no regime change in Syria
peace deal and Afghanistan pullout
peace deal between Kosovo and Serbia
peace deal between Israelis and Arabs
initiated dialogue with the DPRK

not bad, not bad at all.

Here's some other things he did, which Americans have differences on:

Moved their embassy to Jerusalem (something which every President since Bush Sr, and maybe earlier ones as well are on record as having promised but always backed down)

Actually built that wall and cracked down on illegal immigration.
Renegotiated trade deals with China and south Korea
Got rid of and replaced NAFTA
Pulled out/killed the TPP
Pulled out of the Paris climate accord
Pulled out of the Iran deal
Sent offensive weapons to Ukraine to deal with Russia and the Donbass situation.
Got NATO allies to cough up more money and filled their coffers
Reversed Obama's sequestration of and invested heavily in the US military, to the tune of 2.5 trillion odd ?
Appointed 3 justices to the US supreme court

Say what you want, but he sure turned out to be a man of his word who kept his campaign promises.

The bad ?

The bombast and bluster, his abrasive personality, the constant tweeting, not being politically correct.

Also got treated very unfairly by the press who had been out to hang him every single day since before he even assumed office. Virtually no coverage of the peace deals or his multiple nominations for the Nobel or praise for the economy which was doing really well before the pandemic hit.

Biden's also a one termer, he will not contest the next one by which time he will be 82 years of age. There also wasn't much substance in his manifesto other than promising a return to some Obama policies and a few scattered platitudes on racial equality.. threw a few breadcrumbs to the left wing and conned Bernie into supporting him.

The best the world can expect from him that it'll be an uneventful Presidency, he sure doesn't seem to have any big ideas for the world going forward.
The difference between Great Americans and a Crook!

Trump, McCain, Bush and Carter: different reactions to bad election results

It makes you SICK to your stomach to listen to that totally shameful debacle. What a shame! Just absolutely disgusting, there's nothing else to say. Trying to make a mockery out of a great system that has worked for centuries and has nothing to do with anything he's insinuating. Any of the others who jump on his back should be treated the same exact way. I can't expect anyone would want to support this jackass on any level and to even utter the word "fraud" will be met with nothing but shameful rebuke. What a disgrace.

And it wasn't that difficult to call it way back in 2016 about this lowlife. The whole birther scene he made about Obama was the perfect example to show you what kind of a fool he is.
and hopefully not startin' neocon/neolib wars all over the place again.

hope America learnt something from the pre Trump 16 years of Bush-Obama disaster after foreign policy disaster.

what happens to talks with the DPRK now ?

where does the Afghan peace deal and pullout stand with President Biden ? (that one should concern you a bit as someone with roots in Pakistan)

This is probably, barring any new military misadventures, going to be the most boring 4 years ever.. he'll roll back Trump executive orders and try to reverse some policy.. what else ?

Biden's whole thing was.. "not Trump", and it worked, but now he has boots to fill, what exactly is he going to do in terms of foreign policy, how will it differ from Trump's, and what big ideas does he have for Americans on the domestic policy front ?
and hopefully not startin' neocon/neolib wars all over the place again.

hope America learnt something from the pre Trump 16 years of Bush-Obama disaster after foreign policy disaster.

what happens to talks with the DPRK now ?

where does the Afghan peace deal and pullout stand with President Biden ? (that one should concern you a bit as someone with roots in Pakistan)

This is probably, barring any new military misadventures, going to be the most boring 4 years ever.. he'll roll back Trump executive orders and try to reverse some policy.. what else ?

Biden's whole thing was.. "not Trump", and it worked, but now he has boots to fill, what exactly is he going to do in terms of foreign policy, how will it differ from Trump's, and what big ideas does he have for Americans on the domestic policy front ?
I promise you I will respond to both of your posts, you know the last three weeks I was hardly getting four hours of sleep a day, so today I’m just relaxing and celebrating.
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I promise you I will respond to both of your posts, you know the last three weeks I was hardly getting four hours of sleep a day, so today I’m just relaxing and celebrating.

Celebrate away, man !
I'll raise a toast and join you too, democracy is a beautiful thing... true power to the people ! :cheers:

Do look forward to your response though, no rush. :)
When he was telling Netanyahu on speaker phone with the Sudanese Prime Minister and they were celebrating the normalization between Sudan and Israel if he thought that "Sleepy Joe could have done that deal" and Netanyahu paused for a very awkward few seconds before he said "well, we would welcome this kinda thing from aaaaannnnyyy one in the United States" and you could see Trump just lean back in disgust that his buddy Bibi and everything he's done for Israel with Jerusalem and the UAE and the phony balony peace plan with the Palestinians whom had 0 partcipation in that whatsoever LOL and then he didn't get complete loyalty and agreement on dissing Joe Biden from him?!?!? That's because Netanyahu saw the writing on the wall and he knew this guy wasn't going to last a 2nd term and last thing he wanted to do was start off on the wrong foot with Biden.

I thought it was pretty wild how he left Trump hanging completely and at the same time, shame on this dummy for even putting the guy on the spot with such a stupid and demeaning question! This is one of many reasons why he's completely unfit to be in this position.

The whole of Palestine/Jerusalem thing was the work of Jared Kushner. That guy is using the Trump family and the great Ivanka. Trump is a fvcken moron.
We're a lot better off than 70 years ago.

Indian democracy has not failed.

Even the world's poorest countries like Madagascar or Central Africa are a lot better than 70 years ago. It is not a rational excuse.

Modi seems to be a good leader. At least, he is a nationalist and wants India to get rid of colonial mentality. This is the utmost important step to develop India to a next level.

Vietnamese do not have colonial mentality thank to the wars against French and American invaders. Owing to that, now if we have problems, we will blame ourselves and try to solve by ourselves, not blame the former colonial masters for such illness.

That is why I see Modi as a capable leader. Even if he fails today, the India's future leaders can still inherit a better foundation
What happened in the 2020 election? Jared Taylor of American Renaissance analyzes the election results and explains what they mean for white people.

World Without Trump....what a boring place it would become ?
Feel like a good TV serial came to end , due to Director Strike

It was going so great , The wall was being built , USA pulled out of climate group , Red caps were popular celebrating stuff

Trump even defeated Covid

Yuge gains were made in USA Yuge ....who could forget the Yuge Duck in river in Australia

And how about the Giant executive orders, did any of you ever saw a an executive order before ? Sign ? But Trump showed it to you over again

Eating McDonalds Happy Meal Daily Trump showed us , that you can live Big but still be connected to every day man , eating McDonalds and asking for his happy meal

But those mail in voters took away his McDonald's Happy meal ? ! !!

A unique world personality
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