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President Donald Trump Seems To Borrow Clinton's 'Stronger Together' | Morning Joe | MSNBC :lol:

Who fed you that? CNN? LOL. There was a reason the bill was given back to house to put the wall in it...and they did and passed it. The senate vote never got done on the revised one...because Mitch did not want to use the nuclear option.
Sorry for the late response, I’m a busy person and I had to find news stories sources/links that are almost 2 months old, but I was really surprised that you had forgotten how the whole drama started?

I stand by what I said, the drama was triggered after the Republican controlled Senate passed a bipartisan short-term spending bill on December 19, that Trump had indicated he will sign, otherwise think about it, why would Republican Senators pass a bill that their own President was not going to sign, that’s not how our system works.

Here we go:

Senate passes short-term spending bill to avert shutdown

The legislation was passed by voice vote and will keep the government open until Feb. 8, Source

Meanwhile it looks like Trump is again ready to cave, and the new deal is even worse than the deal he rejected in December last year.

Of course, his extremist crazy supporters, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not happy:

Sean Hannity called it a garbage compromise “On this new, so-called compromise, I’m getting details,” Fox News host Sean Hannity said, referring to the tentative agreement reached by a bipartisan conference committee that would allocate roughly $1.3 billion for physical barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. “1.3 billion? That’s not a — not even a wall, a barrier?” Hannity said. Source

With Shutdown Looming, Border Deal Is Reached ‘in Principle’

WASHINGTON — House and Senate negotiators on Monday night agreed in principle to provide $1.375 billion for fencing and other physical barriers at the Mexican border, part of a broader agreement that would stave off another partial government shutdown without funding President Trump’s wall.

The agreement would allow for 55 miles of new bollard fencing, with some restrictions on location based on community and environmental concerns, according to two congressional aides, who requested anonymity to disclose details of the private negotiations. That is a fraction of the more than 200 miles of steel-and-concrete wall that Mr. Trump demanded — and 10 miles less than negotiators agreed on last summer, before Democrats took control of the House.

The deal, which must still pass the House and the Senate, and secure Mr. Trump’s signature, came together just before Mr. Trump, framed by banners emblazoned with “Finish the Wall” at an event in El Paso, doubled down on his demands.

“We’re building the wall anyway,” he told the crowd, saying that aides had told him that the negotiators had made progress.

The funding for 55 miles of new fencing is a figure far lower than the $5.7 billion that Mr. Trump had demanded and marginally less than the $1.6 billion for 65 miles of pedestrian fencing in the bill that the Senate Appropriations Committee had passed last year.

In December, the president, concerned about reneging on his signature campaign promise, refused to sign onto that legislation, forcing the nation’s longest government shutdown. Source
Sorry for the late response, I’m a busy person and I had to find news stories sources/links that are almost 2 months old, but I was really surprised that you had forgotten how the whole drama started?

I stand by what I said, the drama was triggered after the Republican controlled Senate passed a bipartisan short-term spending bill on December 19, that Trump had indicated he will sign, otherwise think about it, why would Republican Senators pass a bill that their own President was not going to sign, that’s not how our system works.

Here we go:

Senate passes short-term spending bill to avert shutdown

The legislation was passed by voice vote and will keep the government open until Feb. 8, Source

Meanwhile it looks like Trump is again ready to cave, and the new deal is even worse than the deal he rejected in December last year.

Of course, his extremist crazy supporters, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are not happy:

Sean Hannity called it a garbage compromise “On this new, so-called compromise, I’m getting details,” Fox News host Sean Hannity said, referring to the tentative agreement reached by a bipartisan conference committee that would allocate roughly $1.3 billion for physical barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. “1.3 billion? That’s not a — not even a wall, a barrier?” Hannity said. Source

With Shutdown Looming, Border Deal Is Reached ‘in Principle’

WASHINGTON — House and Senate negotiators on Monday night agreed in principle to provide $1.375 billion for fencing and other physical barriers at the Mexican border, part of a broader agreement that would stave off another partial government shutdown without funding President Trump’s wall.

The agreement would allow for 55 miles of new bollard fencing, with some restrictions on location based on community and environmental concerns, according to two congressional aides, who requested anonymity to disclose details of the private negotiations. That is a fraction of the more than 200 miles of steel-and-concrete wall that Mr. Trump demanded — and 10 miles less than negotiators agreed on last summer, before Democrats took control of the House.

The deal, which must still pass the House and the Senate, and secure Mr. Trump’s signature, came together just before Mr. Trump, framed by banners emblazoned with “Finish the Wall” at an event in El Paso, doubled down on his demands.

“We’re building the wall anyway,” he told the crowd, saying that aides had told him that the negotiators had made progress.

The funding for 55 miles of new fencing is a figure far lower than the $5.7 billion that Mr. Trump had demanded and marginally less than the $1.6 billion for 65 miles of pedestrian fencing in the bill that the Senate Appropriations Committee had passed last year.

In December, the president, concerned about reneging on his signature campaign promise, refused to sign onto that legislation, forcing the nation’s longest government shutdown. Source

Why dont you actually wait and see what happens.....remember all the stuff you posted expecting 100% a grand Hillary win? :D

There are things at a President's disposal.....and right now the focus is on the democrats giving him free gifts to smack them around with so easily (just watch first 15 minutes or so LOL):

Its kinda creepy how Kamala Harris does that awkward laugh (when uncomfortable/lying) just like Hillary......

"what were you listening to while getting stoned in college?"

"Snoop dawg I think....or maybe tupac?"

......coming from a head narc ...a frggin DA/AG that graduated in 86 (before either released an album).

You really can't make this crap up!!! :rofl:


Another slam dunk for Trump to use if this dumb broad makes it to the finals lol.

@Desert Fox @OsmanAli98 @VCheng @Hamartia Antidote

Harris’ office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Yeah no sh!t sherlocks!
I started to have white hair a year ago. On my last count, I have exactly 11... OMG this is not happening!!!

No white hairs yet for me on the top (yet!).

I do have a couple already in my beard (gotta look for em tho), and couple other beard hairs are transitioning to copper colour slowly too (I'm assuming they will turn white later)



Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination of William Barr for Attorney General. His nomination now moves to the Senate floor where, in all likelihood, Barr will be confirmed very soon.

The vote in the Judiciary Committee was 12-10. Every Democrat on the Committee voted against Barr.

This is the same William Barr whom the Senate confirmed unanimously three times during the Reagan-Bush years. The last of these times, when Barr was nominated to be Attorney General under Bush, the Judiciary Committee approved him by unanimous vote, and the full Senate confirmed him by a voice vote.

Barr was confirmed unanimously even though he testified that Roe v. Wade was incorrectly decided. Joe Biden, then the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, praised Barr for his candor. Biden added that Barr, who had been serving as Deputy Attorney General, as “a throwback to the days when we actually had attorneys general that would talk to you.”

This time around, Barr received no votes from Committee Democrats. In all likelihood, he will receive virtually no Democratic votes on the Senate floor.

Democrats will try to explain their negativity by citing the Mueller investigation. But Barr had nothing but praise for Mueller, and is a personal friend of the special counsel.

Barr testified that he doesn’t believe Mueller would engage in a witch hunt. Matthew Whitaker who is the acting Attorney General and will remain in the job if Barr is not confirmed, refused to deny that Mueller’s probe is a witch hunt.

It’s true that Barr made no categorical commitment to release Mueller’s report in its entirety. Instead, he promised to release as much of it as is permitted by law.

The Democrats weren’t satisfied with this answer. However, they cannot reasonably expect Mueller to violate the law, including applicable regulations. A promise to release more of the Mueller report than the law permits would be legitimate grounds for voting against Barr. A promise to release all that the law permits is not.

The Democrats’ unanimous opposition to Barr isn’t about Mueller, a personal friend of Barr. Rather, it’s the product of their resistance to President Trump. Indeed, any number of Trump appointees have been approved without any Democrat support or with virtually none.

Accordingly, the next time a Democrat is president, Republicans will be well within their rights unanimously to oppose his or her nominees. They should exercise this right freely, though not indiscriminately.

If Republicans happen to control the Senate, meaning that the nominee can’t be confirmed without some GOP votes, this should not deter them from saying no. I suspect it will deter a few GOP members, but it shouldn’t.
Trump the Ninth Circuit


While the talking heads and experts yammer on about a compromise no one has read, the wall along the Mexican border rises, slowly and surely.

Even the Ninth Circuit will not stand in its way.

The Daily Caller reported, "The ruling is another legal victory for Trump in the case after U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel ruled against California in February 2018. Curiel found 'Congress delegated to its executive counterpart, the responsibility to construct border barriers as needed in areas of high illegal entry to detect and deter illegal entries.'

"Trump accused Curiel of being biased against him in an earlier case involving Trump University. Curiel ruled against then-presidential candidate Trump on several points throughout the 2016."

After the election, President Trump settled for everything the plaintiffs wanted. He did so late on a Friday, and then picked a fight with the cast of "Hamilton," which then dominated the news instead of the Trump University settlement.

Pick your battles. Donald Trump selects carefully. California does not.

The court said, "Having determined that the border barrier projects were authorized under section 102(a), we have little trouble concluding that the environmental claims were also properly dismissed. The Secretary has waived the legal requirements that California and the environmental groups allege DHS violated…we lack jurisdiction to consider any argument challenging the waivers themselves."

But this was just a three-member panel of the Ninth. California likely will appeal to the full court.

We shall see how this plays out.

But the wall is endangering one species -- alienus illegali -- which is an invasive species.

Posted by Don Surber at 2/12/2019

As expected, Trump caved and signed $1.3 billion spending bill, which is similar to the one he refused to sign last year in December, but now he has started even more dangerous drama, the “stable genius” has declared a national emergency to build his BS wall.

Nancy Pelosi has already issued a warning to gutless Republicans poised to support Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency at the border, saying that the next Democratic president could do the same on guns.

Trump claims there is a crisis at the border, the data suggest otherwise. Majority of illegals in the US are who came to the country legally and then overstayed their visas, not crossed the border illegally. And according to US custom and border protection statistics majority of narcotics enters through US port of entry, not through the border illegally.

Trump doesn’t give a damn about the long-term consequences of his actions, it’s all about winning by hook or crook.

Why dont you actually wait and see what happens
I like to set the record straight.

remember all the stuff you posted expecting 100% a grand Hillary win?
Well, who could have thought a Bozo will lose the popular vote by nearly 3 million and still end up in the White House? :D

i can never complain Trump is boring
We all have our likes and dislikes. :enjoy:
@RabzonKhan whatever happened to:


Pelosi says Democrats will give 'nothing for the wall'

i.e ZILCH...nada...ZERO

Yet gives 1.4 billion for wall in the bill directly (and reneges on her promise to her progressive "human shit on the streets of san francisco is A-OK" base).

Then Trump bypasses her anyway LOL....and gonna win on it whatever 9th circuit (dem court) throws his way....as proven with the travel ban in SCOTUS (with one more constitutionalist judge added since, the one dems tried "believe all women" with and now hypocritically silent about it for Virginia drama). All timed well with 2020 election fervour as dems keep moving further and further left to try "out do" trump in posturing.

The real conversation thread is here btw:


You should add your two cents there :D ...and tell all the folks there why ORANGE MAN BAD when it comes to something so common sense as having a wall on the border with mexico. :D

@VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @Desert Fox @OsmanAli98

Well, who could have thought a Bozo will lose the popular vote by nearly 3 million and still end up in the White House?

California illegal voters STRONK! Get a license at DMV and yer good to go to cast ballot!

"No, no. Nothing for the wall," Pelosi replied. "We're talking about border security."
"We can go through this all back and forth -- no," Pelosi added. "How many more times can we say no? Nothing for the wall."

= 1.4 billion bucks in the end AND egg on face anyway :rofl:
You should add your two cents there :D ...and tell all the folks there why ORANGE MAN BAD when it comes to something so common sense as having a wall on the border with mexico. :D


This is just the beginning of the acrimony for the next two years.
This is just the beginning of the acrimony for the next two years.

I think its going to last far longer than that tbh.

This is an issue the traditional cold war era democrats were in favour of big time, front, left and centre (protecting labour unions by cutting down on illegals undercutting wages).

But like the pre WW2 KKK stuff (when it comes to civil rights movement)....gotta put a "hood" over all of that and embrace the traditional country club republican "open borders = cheap labour yaaaay!" position (of course laundered as to not be "waissssist" in todays projectioneering of virtue signalling in the voter plantations).

Its funny how Trump fits into the early Joe Biden mold nearly to a T lol. But democrats just want people to forget all of that or ignore it in the haze of intersectional, socialist posturing today.

Like with anything when a spoiled brat starts grabbing more of another's political pie for itself (thinking it can get away with it and solely determine the full colour, shape and scope of the pies to be made in future)....it will inevitably throw a tantrum when you start grabbing back what it took for granted. The republicans were too tighty-whitey snooty snob types to realise that during the post-reagan era/haze....but Trump has made them revisit and relook it big time (look at these rust belt types, they dont care about your moral posturing and gimmicking, they care about JOBS and SECURITY that they have to deal with day in day out, not you sitting pretty with the dems that have joined you and have left them behind but leaving an opportunity for you by their posturing to still be with them and taken them for "granted")....or simply perish in the end.

This beyond anything and everything else will be the Trump presidency (all 8 years of it, and it will likely crystallize on this more and more with time even after it, esp given the free gifts dems keep throwing his way).....an exposure of what the democrats are and how they went all in with the alinsky playbook...and the time it will take for them to mend their ways and become more balanced again (by leaving their gated elite complexes and actually try becoming working class again), if they can even do that.
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