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US Politics

update 4:00 pm November 8th- Rick Scott's lead has fallen to 0.2 percent, which means it is headed for a hand recount. Ron DeSantis' lead is down to 0.4 percent and headed for an automatic recount. Nikki, Fried, the democratic candidate for agricultural commissioner, has taken a lead of almost 500 votes over republican Matt Caldwell. It is also headed for a hand recount. Currently there are still precints reporting in Miami-Dade and Bay counties, and thousands of absentee and provisional ballots being counted, many of them in Broward and Palm Beach. The military vote will also be counted by next week. Things are looking really close, and it could very well be a repeat of 2000

Also, Trump is considering Florida's current outgoing Attorney General Pam Bondi as a replacement for Jeff Sessions.

Trump is also considering former New Jersey Gov. Chris Cristie, current Health and Human services secretary Alex, Azar, and losing Kansas gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach. Unfortunately, he does not seem to be seriously considering Trey Gowdy, probably because he supports Mueller. Out of all those potential nominees, I think Bondi is the only decent one.
Heh you have taken over for me while I was away. Good job bud.
No problem. That's what we're here for my friend :cheers:

Here's a good sane analysis from Washpo of all places (surprised it made it there):

Interesting analysis. Another great defeat for the Liberal Left.

Looks like Americans are satisfied with the economic boom under President Trump, while Dems can keep sending AntiFa hordes and push for tranny bathrooms.
Dems were counting on a similar wave to what GOP got in 2010 (that dems seem to be wary in talking about now whenever they bring up this as some referendum on Trump's first 2 years).

They might have gotten at least half of it (say 30 - 40) if they didnt abandon fundamental due process (with Kavanaugh) and go all in with the russian nothing burger (and instead actually work with Trump to get some of that old working democrat legislation w.r.t immigration, healthcare etc through). Instead they barely got under 30ish?..and thus very slim majority in house.
They (Dems) spent 70 million bucks on just Beto O Rourke lol....and nothing to show for it in the end haha...and they are contemplating running Beta as president candidate LOL.
Lol, I read Beto isn't even his real name. He goes by that name in order to appeal to Latino voters :lol:

Otherwise he's just a "cisgendered White privileged patriarchal" male according to the official ShitLib narrative (tbh he is a privileged White Liberal who only wants non-White votes but lives in gated all-White communities, just like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton).

Hopefully he gets me-too'ed and Dems replace him with an "empowered" Black tranny.
Trump now has a big silver lining in that he can attack the Dem house for 2020 on key campaign issues that got him to the presidency....because lets face it, all the dems are going to do is continue with the inquisition ( satisfying 1/3rd of American population but ignoring the solid 1/3rd neutrals that are already getting increasingly frustrated with them and completely angering the 1/3rd pro-trump people that will turnout much more in 2020). I'd say everything is falling into place quite nicely overall. Trump can just get through more judges as needed with no dems or even the 2 RINO ladies needing to vote....thanks Harry Reid!
Dems are the gift that keeps giving.

I say good on them. Let them double down. Let the frankensteins they created and protected continue to push the normies towards the Right.

The radical left makes Trump look like an angel in comparison. Now throw in the elitist ShitLib media which is completely out-of-touch with the average American, couple that with the retarded Democrat platform of open borders and loose immigration + free gibs for everyone and you get the disaster known as the American left which is only doubling down on its suicidal war path.

The actual results in NYC district ocasio cortes runs in are showing some very interesting trends now (as democrats go full on with the progressive socialism and abandon traditional working class pragmatic common sense stuff that was once their forte):


A key bit:

New York's 14th Congressional District is more than 70 percent people of color, and 50 percent Hispanic. Ocasio-Cortez, who was born in the Bronx to a Puerto Rican mother, fit the district’s changing demographics, and neatly fit a larger narrative of a national Democratic Party in which increasing progressivism and diversity go hand and hand.

But a closer examination of the data tells a different story. Ocasio-Cortez’s best precincts were places like the neighborhood where Bonthius and his friends live: highly educated, whiter and richer than the district as a whole. In those neighborhoods, Ocasio-Cortez clobbered Crowley by 70 percent or more. Crowley’s best precincts, meanwhile, were the working-class African-American enclave of LeFrak City, where he got more than 60 percent of the vote, and portions of heavily Hispanic Corona. He pulled some of his best numbers in Ocasio-Cortez’s heavily Latino and African-American neighborhood of Parkchester, in the Bronx—beating her by more than 25 points on her home turf
Lol, she mostly got her support from the White Liberals and champaign socialists (AKA Starbucks socialists, AKA iPhone socialists).

Meanwhile her own ethnic demographic voted more for Crowley the White man.
update 7:15 pm November 8th: Democrat Kyrsten Sinema takes slim lead over Republican McSally, still over 500,00 votes left to count.

Labor secretary Alex Acosta has been named as a possible replacement for Sessions
Acting AG Whitigar says there was no Russian interference.
. . .
Hear these Democrat terrorists make open threats to Fox News anchorman Tucker Carlson and his wife and kids right outside their home. I wonder what DemonRat party has to say about its supporters using violence and terrorism to intimidate those with differing opinions?

"Tucker Carlson we're here to fight, we know where you sleep at night", hear these zombies chant.

A protest outside the Washington, D.C. home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson has lead to a criminal investigation from police. Twitter has suspended the anti-fascist group that promoted the protest and tweeted Carlson's address.

About 20 protesters gathered in front of Carlson’s home Wednesday night, chanting loudly and using a bullhorn, according to a police report obtained by CBS News. Carlson said he was at his Fox News office, preparing for his 8 p.m. show, and his wife Susie was home alone at the time. The couple’s four children were not there.

Carlson’s wife said she heard “loud banging and pounding on her front door,” the police report says. When officers arrived, they found politically-charged signs left on cars in the driveway, a sign on the front door and the anarchy symbol spray painted on the driveway.

The police report describes the protest as “anti-political” and a “suspected hate crime.” Police are investigating an offense of defacing public property, but the department told CBS News no arrests have been made.

A group called Smash Racism D.C. posted messages on social media encouraging the protest and revealing Carlson’s address. “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!” the group wrote in a Facebook post. In a tweet, Smash Racism D.C. said Carlson spreads “fear into our homes” every night and would be reminded “that you are not safe either.”

In videos posted on Facebook and Twitter, protesters are heard calling Carlson a “racist scumbag” and chanting, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

@Nilgiri @Psychic @LeGenD @Gomig-21 @Metanoia

Hear these Democrat terrorists make open threats to Fox News anchorman Tucker Carlson and his wife and kids right outside their home. I wonder what DemonRat party has to say about its supporters using violence and terrorism to intimidate those with differing opinions?

"Tucker Carlson we're here to fight, we know where you sleep at night", hear these zombies chant.

A protest outside the Washington, D.C. home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson has lead to a criminal investigation from police. Twitter has suspended the anti-fascist group that promoted the protest and tweeted Carlson's address.

About 20 protesters gathered in front of Carlson’s home Wednesday night, chanting loudly and using a bullhorn, according to a police report obtained by CBS News. Carlson said he was at his Fox News office, preparing for his 8 p.m. show, and his wife Susie was home alone at the time. The couple’s four children were not there.

Carlson’s wife said she heard “loud banging and pounding on her front door,” the police report says. When officers arrived, they found politically-charged signs left on cars in the driveway, a sign on the front door and the anarchy symbol spray painted on the driveway.

The police report describes the protest as “anti-political” and a “suspected hate crime.” Police are investigating an offense of defacing public property, but the department told CBS News no arrests have been made.

A group called Smash Racism D.C. posted messages on social media encouraging the protest and revealing Carlson’s address. “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!” the group wrote in a Facebook post. In a tweet, Smash Racism D.C. said Carlson spreads “fear into our homes” every night and would be reminded “that you are not safe either.”

In videos posted on Facebook and Twitter, protesters are heard calling Carlson a “racist scumbag” and chanting, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

@Nilgiri @Psychic @LeGenD @Gomig-21 @Metanoia


MSM is too focused on how Jim Acosta got his *** handed to him by Trump lol....rather than cover actual genuine threat to both life and first amendment. One deranged vox piece of crap actually openly supported these anitfa scumbags doing this.

In all honesty, Tucker's wife should get a firearm and learn to use it and they should probably get a bodyguard too. Antifa only learns the hard way.
. .
This guy really lives in La La land! He’s lost the House and he is still bragging, unbelievable.

Trump and his friends celebrating his "Big Victory" :lol:

Okay, on a serious note, Trump and his supporters can pretend as much as they want, like nothing happened.

Here are some interesting facts:

So far Democrats have flipped 31 House Seats.

328 State Legislature Seats. Note, Democrats had already flipped 44 seats since 2017, the total is 372.

7 Governor seats.

In other words, since getting elected (2 years), Trump has lost 410 seats, Obama had lost 1040 seats in eight years.

Well, that hardly looks like “Big Victory”.
This guy really lives in La La land! He’s lost the House and he is still bragging, unbelievable.

Trump and his friends celebrating his "Big Victory" :lol:

Okay, on a serious note, Trump and his supporters can pretend as much as they want, like nothing happened.

Here are some interesting facts:

So far Democrats have flipped 31 House Seats.

328 State Legislature Seats. Note, Democrats had already flipped 44 seats since 2017, the total is 372.

7 Governor seats.

In other words, since getting elected (2 years), Trump has lost 410 seats, Obama had lost 1040 seats in eight years.

Well, that hardly looks like “Big Victory”.
Well, let's see what ShitLibs themselves think of their own "victory", in fact they seem rather disappointed.

From the HuffPo article @Nilgiri linked to earlier:

While Tuesday night was not a complete win for Republicans, there was no blue wave, either. By most measures, Republicans beat the odds of history and nearly everyone’s expectations, while Democrats were left disappointed as the fantasy of Beto O’Rourke, Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams and others winning fizzled. Not one new progressive Democrat was successful bursting onto the scene. It will take a few days to process the meaning of this year’s election returns, but the instant analysis is clear: Democrats may have won the House, but Trump won the election.

As I always say, in politics, what is supposed to happen tends to happen. I predicted in August that the Democrats would take the House but that alone was not enough for most Democrats. As much as this year’s midterms offered an obvious opportunity to rebuke President Trump, little of what the arrogant Democrats and members of the mainstream media expected would happen actually did. So much of what they said turned out to be wrong that it will take a while before the significance becomes clear. And if the 2018 midterms prove anything, it is that Trump is standing strong while Democrats and their allies who thought Trump would have been affirmatively rejected are in fact the ones who have themselves been denied.

Democrats have underperformed in comparison with the historical markers and general expectations of a midterm cycle. The president’s party loses 37 seats in the House on average in midterm elections when his approval is below 50 percent — but Democrats aren’t projected to pick up nearly that many seats. No liberal will want to admit it, but Trump is an asset to the Republican Party, while President Barack Obama was a disaster for the Democratic Party.( :sarcastic: )

Let the message be clear: Voters had a chance to repudiate Trump and they did not. Much of the commentariat has said this year’s elections are about who we are as a country and what America is all about. Well, a lot of America seems to be about supporting Trump. The Democrats thought Trump’s negatives would be enough to propel them to victory. The 2018 results show it is clear they need a different plan if they think they can win in 2020.

The midterms largely followed the conventional wisdom of how midterms are supposed to go. The president’s party lost some seats, but by and large what happened was far from the blue-wave rebuke that Democrats and their allies in the media said was going to happen. So if the midterms were supposed to be bad for the GOP and all eyes were on Trump this year, the big question is whether anything about Tuesday night’s results supports the idea that Trump was a weight on Republican candidates. Is Trumpism a political blight on the Republican Party? The answer is that Trumpism is a net plus. What that says about the GOP and America is unclear. But for the purposes of the 2018 midterms, Trump is a winner.

Trump and his allies have an appeal that the elites in New York and Hollywood cannot dismiss or combat. All of the 2018 Democratic heartthrobs lost. That must sap the enthusiasm of the resistance. For the most part, when voters had to decide, the angry left was rejected and Trump was rewarded.

CNN Crying "This was not a blue wave" (LOL)

Democrats Have No Platform, Other Than Hatred for Trump And Republican Voters

So now that Democrats have won the house, people are wondering 'what's their agenda?'

Will they push for creating more jobs and bringing down uneployment?

Will they bolster law and order within the country and support law enforcement?

Will they fight for America's economic interests against rivals like China?

The answer to all three is a big fat: NO!

So what exactly is the Democrat Party's Agenda then?

Their agenda is to get Trump to release his tax returns to prove he's not as rich as he claims

And to impeach Justice Bret Kavanaugh.

Apparently, in the eyes of the Democrat party these things are more important than creating jobs, bolstering law enforcement and protecting America's economic interests against rivals like China.

You might be wondering 'but why?' Well, because "orange man bad" "he be a waicist" and "white supreemist".




Liberal automaton's repeating
the same mantra like mindless zombies


In a nutshell the Democrat party's agenda is to oppose Trump in everything he does, even if it means at the expense of the American people.

The entire Democrat platform is a negative platform, it is reactive rather than proactive, and often in the most retarded ways. It is not offering anything positive, unless of course one considers promises of "Free Stuff" and a "borderless country" as positives, neither of which is a practical strategy in the real world because Democrats themselves don't practice them in their personal lives by leaving the doors of their own homes open for complete strangers to enter and eat their food, sleep in their bed with their wife, daughter, sister or mother, use their bathrooms and wear their clothes.

In other words, Democrats are just a bunch of desperate hypocrites with no platform other than extreme hate, incitement of terrorism, and identity politics.

Last edited:
Well, let's see what ShitLibs themselves think of their own "victory", in fact they seem rather disappointed.

From the HuffPo article @Nilgiri linked to earlier:

While Tuesday night was not a complete win for Republicans, there was no blue wave, either. By most measures, Republicans beat the odds of history and nearly everyone’s expectations, while Democrats were left disappointed as the fantasy of Beto O’Rourke, Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams and others winning fizzled. Not one new progressive Democrat was successful bursting onto the scene. It will take a few days to process the meaning of this year’s election returns, but the instant analysis is clear: Democrats may have won the House, but Trump won the election.

As I always say, in politics, what is supposed to happen tends to happen. I predicted in August that the Democrats would take the House but that alone was not enough for most Democrats. As much as this year’s midterms offered an obvious opportunity to rebuke President Trump, little of what the arrogant Democrats and members of the mainstream media expected would happen actually did. So much of what they said turned out to be wrong that it will take a while before the significance becomes clear. And if the 2018 midterms prove anything, it is that Trump is standing strong while Democrats and their allies who thought Trump would have been affirmatively rejected are in fact the ones who have themselves been denied.

Democrats have underperformed in comparison with the historical markers and general expectations of a midterm cycle. The president’s party loses 37 seats in the House on average in midterm elections when his approval is below 50 percent — but Democrats aren’t projected to pick up nearly that many seats. No liberal will want to admit it, but Trump is an asset to the Republican Party, while President Barack Obama was a disaster for the Democratic Party.( :sarcastic: )

Let the message be clear: Voters had a chance to repudiate Trump and they did not. Much of the commentariat has said this year’s elections are about who we are as a country and what America is all about. Well, a lot of America seems to be about supporting Trump. The Democrats thought Trump’s negatives would be enough to propel them to victory. The 2018 results show it is clear they need a different plan if they think they can win in 2020.

The midterms largely followed the conventional wisdom of how midterms are supposed to go. The president’s party lost some seats, but by and large what happened was far from the blue-wave rebuke that Democrats and their allies in the media said was going to happen. So if the midterms were supposed to be bad for the GOP and all eyes were on Trump this year, the big question is whether anything about Tuesday night’s results supports the idea that Trump was a weight on Republican candidates. Is Trumpism a political blight on the Republican Party? The answer is that Trumpism is a net plus. What that says about the GOP and America is unclear. But for the purposes of the 2018 midterms, Trump is a winner.

Trump and his allies have an appeal that the elites in New York and Hollywood cannot dismiss or combat. All of the 2018 Democratic heartthrobs lost. That must sap the enthusiasm of the resistance. For the most part, when voters had to decide, the angry left was rejected and Trump was rewarded.

CNN Crying "This was not a blue wave" (LOL)

They were desperately hoping for something like 2010 which was a complete rout for Obama (which they still have not recovered from if you look at state legislatures).

Instead, even though they were aided big time by like (big record) 50 or so House republican resignations (esp in crucial suburbia), they barely managed to scrape to a majority.....and got walloped in the Senate. Incumbency counts for a lot in house seats....Troy Balderson for example won his seat neck to neck against connor in the earlier special election in Ohio (suburb) district...but this time he pulled close to 5% ahead (against same guy) because he was incumbent this time. So tons of resignations/resets definitely squanders incumbency force....which is probably what lot of these GOP RINOs counted on as some kind of Parthian shot at Trump/MAGA base.

Its clear to see if GOP house had few resignations and got behind the Trump Agenda (which they didn't in those cases and thus resigned), they would have likely held there too. So the house is likely a necessary thing to happen for greater good of GOP and 2020.

Democrats are in a really bad shape if these trends hold.....especially now its clear to Trump that suburbs are where the battle is to be brought to now....something he can easily adapt to...whereas Democrats simply have no adaptation in their thought process at all.
This is one of the House races I am closely watching, I will love to see Harley Rouda wins this important race. Dana Rohrabacher is a disgrace he is so pro-Russian that he is called Putin’s favorite congressman.

Meet Harley Rouda:

One of his hard-hitting ads:

About Harley Rouda

I’m a businessman, husband, father, and a patriot – not a politician. I love this country, and I’m running for Congress because Washington politicians have failed us for too long.

I’ve spent my career working to grow businesses large and small – helping create and support thousands of jobs. We helped our workers get ahead. Hard work, honesty, fairness and respect. Those values drove us everyday.

My wife Kaira and I have worked hard to raise our four children. We’re involved in our community and Orange County charities that help the homeless; protect victims of domestic violence; support veterans, reduce gun violence, advance educational opportunities, strengthen human rights and protect our environment.

But in Washington, too many politicians only care about themselves and their special interest campaign contributors. That’s why they’ve done nothing to reduce the cost of health care and prescription drugs, fix our crumbling roads and bridges, or make college more affordable.

I’m refusing to take any money from corporate PACs – because I will only answer to you, not drug companies, the gun lobby, or Wall Street bankers.

In Congress, I’ll use common sense to find common ground. We can make health care more affordable. We can invest in schools and career training. And we can protect Social Security and Medicare. It all starts by putting country ahead of party, and people ahead of special interests.

I respectfully ask for your vote to change Washington, and make Congress work for America and Orange County.

View attachment 502684
Rouda with his family.
Putin loses his best buddy in Congress! :usflag:

Dana Rohrabacher (Putin’s favorite congressman) defeat by the Democrat Harley Rouda ended his 30-year career in the US Congress. I was watching this race very closely, I could not wait for this loser’s defeat. I’m loving it!

May be the loser can now move to Russia.



Kyrsten Sinema became the first Democrat to win an Arizona Senate seat in 30 years.

Thank you, Pres Trump, for the help!

WATCH: Democrat Kyrsten Sinema gives her victory speech:
Well, let's see what ShitLibs themselves think of their own "victory", in fact they seem rather disappointed.

From the HuffPo article @Nilgiri linked to earlier:

While Tuesday night was not a complete win for Republicans, there was no blue wave, either. By most measures, Republicans beat the odds of history and nearly everyone’s expectations, while Democrats were left disappointed as the fantasy of Beto O’Rourke, Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams and others winning fizzled. Not one new progressive Democrat was successful bursting onto the scene. It will take a few days to process the meaning of this year’s election returns, but the instant analysis is clear: Democrats may have won the House, but Trump won the election.

As I always say, in politics, what is supposed to happen tends to happen. I predicted in August that the Democrats would take the House but that alone was not enough for most Democrats. As much as this year’s midterms offered an obvious opportunity to rebuke President Trump, little of what the arrogant Democrats and members of the mainstream media expected would happen actually did. So much of what they said turned out to be wrong that it will take a while before the significance becomes clear. And if the 2018 midterms prove anything, it is that Trump is standing strong while Democrats and their allies who thought Trump would have been affirmatively rejected are in fact the ones who have themselves been denied.

Democrats have underperformed in comparison with the historical markers and general expectations of a midterm cycle. The president’s party loses 37 seats in the House on average in midterm elections when his approval is below 50 percent — but Democrats aren’t projected to pick up nearly that many seats. No liberal will want to admit it, but Trump is an asset to the Republican Party, while President Barack Obama was a disaster for the Democratic Party.( :sarcastic: )

Let the message be clear: Voters had a chance to repudiate Trump and they did not. Much of the commentariat has said this year’s elections are about who we are as a country and what America is all about. Well, a lot of America seems to be about supporting Trump. The Democrats thought Trump’s negatives would be enough to propel them to victory. The 2018 results show it is clear they need a different plan if they think they can win in 2020.

The midterms largely followed the conventional wisdom of how midterms are supposed to go. The president’s party lost some seats, but by and large what happened was far from the blue-wave rebuke that Democrats and their allies in the media said was going to happen. So if the midterms were supposed to be bad for the GOP and all eyes were on Trump this year, the big question is whether anything about Tuesday night’s results supports the idea that Trump was a weight on Republican candidates. Is Trumpism a political blight on the Republican Party? The answer is that Trumpism is a net plus. What that says about the GOP and America is unclear. But for the purposes of the 2018 midterms, Trump is a winner.

Trump and his allies have an appeal that the elites in New York and Hollywood cannot dismiss or combat. All of the 2018 Democratic heartthrobs lost. That must sap the enthusiasm of the resistance. For the most part, when voters had to decide, the angry left was rejected and Trump was rewarded.

CNN Crying "This was not a blue wave" (LOL)

First of all, opinions do not change the facts, everyone has a right to their opinion, but they do not change the facts. So far, Democrats have defeated more than 418 Republicans and that number is still growing.

But just for fun, I did watch the two CNN clips you posted, both are from November 6, and the reaction of CNN commentators were when the initial results were coming in, you should check what they’re saying NOW, trust me, you won’t like it. :D

And sorry to disappoint you, since you put so much effort in highlighting Ed Rogers Washington Post opinion piece, you and @Nilgiri certainly did not even know that Ed Rogers is not “ShitLibs” , he is actually a Right-Wing pro-Trump lifelong Republican. What would one expect from him?!

For your information, Washington Post has an opinions section where right-wing and conservatives can write their opinions.
DISGRACEFUL!!! Donald Trump is a NO SHOW at Event to Honor Fallen Marines!

VOTER ALERT!!! Republicans are Endangering Our Democracy!
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