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US Politics

they discussed "some of the high flying assets as well as some of the tremendous achievements" :rofl:

Trump's been getting the highest level daily intel over the last 24 hours, same briefing Obama gets, maybe they have new satellite imagery of hostile Russian and Chinese formations ready to annex moar land from their smaller neighbours, or is crazy Kim readying a nuclear salvo to destroy evil capitalist Japan..

it begins ! :partay:

An Indian is going to tell me to go home, do I have to remind you that America is my home.
for someone living in America, I'd have expected you to know what "go home" meant.

also, remember this ? I made it for you a long time ago :partay:

cant see anything, maybe that's just as well ? :P

Okay, little misunderstanding there. It's you, I didn't realize, did you change your name?
just meant a little "go home, you're drunk" type thing, nothing mean and KKK :P

yes, originally with an M1 to this name, and my backup account was cbu105, which was also mysteriously banned the same time around a month ago for some reason.

“Pro #ISIS & #Jihadis say they ‘prefer #Trump to #Clinton because he is ‘telling Muslims what half of America thinks of them,” she tweeted.
Whatta bunch of ballonie. We all know who Omar Mateen's father was rooting for, and lets not forget that Hillary received more than $100,000,000 in donations from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, the largest sponsors of terrorist organizations like ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra.




Hillary ISIS Beheading.jpg
Whatta bunch of ballonie. We all know who Omar Mateen's father was rooting for, and lets not forget that Hillary received more than $100,000,000 in donations from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, the largest sponsors of terrorist organizations like ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra.

honestly, this was the biggest reason why I felt that Americans have to reject the status quo and go for Trump, this unholy alliance between the fountainhead of all global terror, that is the Saudi clergy, and freedom lovin' 'murrica,

"what the hell is going on"

President Trump in 2011 stumping for loser Romnoy

Mott Romnoy


Romnoy lost big league ! :sarcastic:
Whatta bunch of ballonie. We all know who Omar Mateen's father was rooting for, and lets not forget that Hillary received more than $100,000,000 in donations from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, the largest sponsors of terrorist organizations like ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra.
Look, we like it or not, but all the countries that you mentioned are considered United States allies in the Middle East, and there is a very good possibility that they will be our friends under president Trump.

Now I should be the last person to defend Saudi Arabia, but the fact is, Saudi government does not "sponsor" or fund ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra, but yes, Saudi citizens do.

@T-72, you think Trump is anti-Saudi Arabia, actually, he's more anti-Iranian.

In an interview to CNN, Trump had no problem if Saudi Arabia gets nuclear weapons.

TRUMP: At some point we have to say, you know what, we're better off if Japan protects itself against this maniac in North Korea, we're better off, frankly, if South Korea is going to start to protect itself, we have…

COOPER: Saudi Arabia, nuclear weapons?

TRUMP: Saudi Arabia, absolutely.

COOPER: You would be fine with them having nuclear weapons?

TRUMP: No, not nuclear weapons, but they have to protect themselves or they have to pay us.

Here's the thing, with Japan, they have to pay us or we have to let them protect themselves.

COOPER: So if you said, Japan, yes, it's fine, you get nuclear weapons, South Korea, you as well, and Saudi Arabia says we want them, too?

TRUMP: Can I be honest with you? It's going to happen, anyway. It's going to happen anyway. It's only a question of time. They're going to start having them or we have to get rid of them entirely.
In just two an a half years the campaign for the 2020 election begins in earnest. There's lots of support for Michelle Obama on social media.

@T-72, you think Trump is anti-Saudi Arabia..
no I don't, I know it's almost next to impossible because the al Sauds can regulate oil production and crash the world economy anytime they want.

I also know any rapprochement or detente with Russia etc will involve very difficult negotiations and might not work out and who knows, stuff might even get worse but Trump is a really smart guy, we should all thank god he'll make those calls now, not a crazy dying of many illnesses, (both mental and physical) evil witch.

In just two an a half years the campaign for the 2020 election begins in earnest. There's lots of support for Michelle Obama on social media.

planning a comeback already ?

1999 - 2016 wasn't enough time for people to forget, the US electorate clearly does not like dynasties. :)
no I don't, I know it's almost next to impossible because the al Sauds can regulate oil production and crash the world economy anytime they want.

I also know any rapprochement or detente with Russia etc will involve very difficult negotiations and might not work out and who knows, stuff might even get worse but Trump is a really smart guy, we should all thank god he'll make those calls now, not a crazy dying of many illnesses, (both mental and physical) evil witch.

planning a comeback already ?

1999 - 2016 wasn't enough time for people to forget, the US electorate clearly does not like dynasties. :)
She may not run, but she's extremely popular and doesn't have the baggage Hillary did.
In just two an a half years the campaign for the 2020 election begins in earnest. There's lots of support for Michelle Obama on social media.


What is Michelle Obama's credentials? She has never held any public office and has no political experience. Barack Obama was a senator when he started running in 2007.
What is Michelle Obama's credentials? She has never held any public office and has no political experience. Barack Obama was a senator when he started running in 2007.

What is Trump's credentials? He has held no public office and has no political experience but he still got elected. As long as you meet the basic requirements you're good.
What is Trump's credentials? He has held no public office and has no political experience but he still got elected. As long as you meet the basic requirements you're good.

Billionaire businessman, famed TV celebrity having a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, decades of TV performances, created thousands of jobs with one of the most famed companies in the world. Michelle Obama has far less fame compared to Donald Trump.
Billionaire businessman, famed TV star with a Hollywood star, decades of TV performance.

That is not public office or political experience unlike Trump,Michelle arguably has been in politics longer then Trump and has seen how it works and the kind of problems that are brought up. Can you say the same for trump? Not really.
That is not public office or political experience unlike Trump,Michelle arguably has been in politics longer then Trump and has seen how it works and the kind of problems that are brought up. Can you say the same for trump? Not really.

Michelle Obama has never been in politics. Being first lady is not political experience.

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