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US Politics

Trump won majority support from latinos hence he can bought votes from Florida
Trump supported the war on Iraq at first then he condemned it (just like all others did). He is heavily influenced by the zionist lobby(just like Bush did). His daughter married a jew and he has claimed that he will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Its not a wonder why he has done all these anti-muslim comments. Obama was a weak president that he tried at first to draw back US from this story with the war on terror then Arab spring happened and he created a mess. But at least he was careful not to say things like "we are at war with muslims". With Trump expect more radical policies

All this supposed anti-Muslim rhetoric (which is in fact misunderstood) is a election tactic to appeal to the average White Republican voter in the Bible Belt, Midwest etc. whose knowledge about foreign policy is as big as the Grand Mufti of KSA's knowledge of French wines. That type of voter sees conflicts and terrorist attacks in the Muslim world and occasionally in the West and naturally is scared/worried. I have never seen Trump being against the average Muslim. If he was such an anti-Muslim he would not have done business with Muslims or have had investments in Muslim countries or travelled to Muslim countries. Mostly the GCC but other areas too.

Anyway I could care less if he loves, hates, dislikes or is indifferent to Muslims. What I care about is him not pursuing a similar disastrous policy in the MENA region as Bush Jr., Obama and Clinton did. I doubt this as he has put a lot of emphasis on criticizing such failed policies so it would be an own goal to follow it unless the powers behind him are simply too strong to combat.

Obama/Clinton are the foremost reason for the chaos to begin with. They are also responsible for prolonging the Syrian war by their indifference. You must be extremely naive to think that Obama was pro-anything in Syria. In fact I believe that every regional power and world power is perfectly fine with sacrificing Syria to accomplish their own agendas which vary.

Anyway I do not believe that it can be any worse than under Obama/Clinton or Bush Jr.

Trump has his faults like everyone but the reason why he was elected to begin with was due to his opposition to the establishment. Now copying them after becoming the president would be a gigantic own goal.

As for Israel, US would support them regardless of who would have been elected. Even if an Muslim Arab-American of Palestinian origin was elected as the president.

Of course I could very likely be wrong but I doubt so.

Anyway Trump was not elected by the American voter due to those reasons but many others which have more to do with local issues. Many times more.

And most importantly, president or not, he is just the figurehead. Behind him is the biggest political machinery on the planet. They make the choices for him. It is not like in the MENA/China etc. were most leaders can mostly decide on their own and decide/sack all officials at will without any or little accountability from the people. Which is why a well-run dictatorship is always better than a badly run democracy.

Anyway most importantly us conservatives/liberal conservatives will always prefer a leader in the mold of Trump rather than liberal socialists like Hillary, globalists and neocons. Besides Trump is good entertainment and I like the fact that a showman could become the president and beat people who have been politicians their entire adult lives almost. It is a big middle finger to the liberal/socialist establishment in the West and everywhere else where so-called "progressives" are trying to poison others with their moronic ideas.
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Now what is left is to see were his views just for election or he firmly believes in them and materialize .....if he does arent we screwed ?
I didn't say all or most, just that they will most likely be a democrat.

Fine. There won't be too many is what I meant. There are also some Trump supporters who were primarily motivated by xenophobia and race. That doesn't mean most of them were. Same goes for Democrats saying what happened tonight was because of immigration and ethnicity. Most don't think that. That was my only point.
There won't be too many is what I meant. There are also a some Trump supporters who were primarily motivated by xenophobia and race. That doesn't mean most of them were. Same goes for Democrats saying what happened tonight was because of immigration and ethnicity. Most don't think that. That was my only point.

Unfortunately, Trump himself has said things which tell us a different story. Of course, not all Trump supporters are racist, but most racists are Trump supporters.
Of course, not all Trump supporters are racist, but most racists are Trump supporters.

Some were, yes. But most weren't. That's the point.

It doesn't matter what you say. The whole world has heard what Trump has said about Muslims, Mexicans etc. during the election campaign. People who voted Trump also voted for these views. There is no way round it.

Now, if trump is half the man he says he is, he will deliver on his promises.

No, you don't get it. He's a terrible guy who said terrible things, yes. But he said a lot of other things too that had nothing to do with immigration/race/religion. Many of his voters don't even like him.

Most of what he talked about had nothing to do with these issues. That's simply what the media covered most because it was the most outrageous and alarming. That's not why most people voted for him. His "crooked Hillary"/anti-establishment attacks were far more effective. Go look at some exit polling data. There's no way around it.
Well if American can chose a play boy as president and Indian an i....t what's wrong with our IK:lol: @Zibago
We live in a reactionary era were the people are fed up with globalization and they vote strong populist leaders who are anti-globalists whether its Trump, or Duterte, or Erdogan, or Modi etc

Bty i dont trust the physical condition of Trump. He was in far better shape 10-20 years ago.

It seems that the Cuban-Americans (great people overall) in Florida did not buy into the supposed anti-Latin comments of Trump. Similar to how many Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans did not buy into his supposed anti-Muslim rhetoric. It seems that the average voter can figure out who is the more genuine candidate.

@KAL-EL how do you see this election and the immediate future? Do you buy the nation of Trump being a dividing figure rather than a unifying one? I think that a lot of Americans will be positively surprised in this regard. Pence also seems like a very capable politician. Much better than that Kaine guy.

We live in a reactionary era were the people are fed up with globalization and they vote strong populist leaders who are anti-globalists whether its Trump, or Duterte, or Erdogan, or Modi etc

Bty i dont trust the physical condition of Trump. He was in far better shape 10-20 years ago.

Which is a good thing as that globalist nonsense has failed. Let countries trade with each other all they want to, let people visit and interact all they want to, but internal matters should be internal matters. We don't need Clinton's or other "Saints" telling the entire world how to live, act, what to think, do etc. in the name of "democracy" or whatever label is convenient to mention. Or a unified culture. With all due respect. Liberals of today do not even follow traditional liberalism anymore but some allen socialistic/communistic blend of some sorts.

Besides in a world were sane traditional and conservative values are under attack and ridicule we, people who still value many of those great values, must support people who support them as well and not those who want to undermine them at every opportunity.

Therefore Trump as the only sane choice IMO.
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Some were, yes. But most weren't. That's the point.

No, you don't get it. He's a terrible guy who said terrible things, yes. But he said a lot of other things too that had nothing to do with immigration/race/religion. Many of his voters don't even like him.

Most of what he talked about had nothing to do with these issues. That's simply what the media covered most because it was the most outrageous and alarming. That's not why most people voted for him. His "crooked Hillary"/anti-establishment attacks were far more effective. Go look at some exit polling data. There's no way around it.

I don't buy that for one moment. We have just scratched the surface and no doubt the US elections have revealed something deeply disturbing. Trump's statements didn't fall from the sky. He uttered those ugly words because he knew that he had to cater the views of his voter base. This ugly sentiment has been brewing for years now. With Trump it has now got a voice and a face. That cannot be taken lightly at all. I'm sorry, but with Trump al lot of things have changed now. Also, the US perception will not remain the same.

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