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US plans go beyond Pak existence


Feb 12, 2009
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Since World War 2 US come as a super power and continue its rain of terror. The countries and nations which do not accept American culture society face western terror.
During the cold war US indirectly and directly involved in war to oppose USSR. Nations and countries which support USSR were put to test in the form of war. Vietnam and Afghanistan are the example. These countries were the front lines for US to break USSR.

After the end of cold war western realized that Muslims unity is thread to western power.
So they start dividing them by supporting dictator’s ship in the Muslim countries and use them to do western dirty work. Iran Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were the first to challenge to western powers and call for muslin unity. But their leaders were put down by western intelligent agencies by assassinating them. Iran was the first to realize the dirty work of western world. So Iran stood alone in the western terror .Iraq was masterly use be US to put down Iran which failed .when Iraq was unable to finish Iran and Iraq realized what they are doing is wrong their military was wreaked in first gulf war and finished in second gulf war. Western powers attack Afghanistan and Iraq to surround Iran. This surround will complete when Pakistan will be disarmed form its nuclear weapon and occupied by west to completely block Iran. Then final death blow will be when Iran is attack and occupies by west and create western government in each Muslim country to support west.

American is imposing their will in every country in the world like fanatics. No peace will exit unless there is a balance of power in the world.
Fanatics and terrorist are the western soldiers fighting for global domination.

US plans go beyond Pak existence

Sunday, April 12, 2009

News Desk

RAWALPINDI: Two former top American officials have said that if the US failed over any important issue in Pakistan and subsequently Pakistan dismembered, then Washington will have to either hand over Pakistan and Afghanistan to terrorists and extremists or fight against them with or without world help.

Former US National Security Adviser Zbigniew Bryzenski and former American Secretary of State Henry Kissinger expressed these views during Dr Shahid Masood’s programme Mairay Mutabiq of Geo News, Saturday.

Bryzenski said, “We fear that the US may face defeat in Pakistan and Afghanistan. There is a strong possibility of defeat which is a real threat.”

He said that if the US failed in Pakistan, then “we will have to choose unsuitable things,” which, he added, would be very painful.

On this occasion Kissinger said, “I think military strategy has been given more focus.” He maintained, “First we have to deny our objectives in Afghanistan and then occupy its every part.” Such situations should be created that the neighbours of Afghanistan could become part of the war, which had joint interests in the region, he said.

Interestingly, Kissinger said, “ours and Iran interests are similar, not to let Afghanistan become the land of guerrilla fighters.” Similarly, he added, Russia had also interests like the US. “It’s a combination of military and political strategy”.

Bryzenski said he thought that military and political strategy in Afghanistan was moving in right direction.

“We want that Pakistan should help us. We have concern about some Pakistani institutions, especially intelligence services, which, we doubt, are assisting Taliban”, he remarked.

“We are unable to find answer to the question that how we could get Pakistan’s help, while Pakistan is sure that it faces threat from India.”

About political situation in Pakistan, he said, “it puts us in complicated situation that how long we will back such a Pakistani democratic government, which is passing through internal chaos and fighting against extremists.” He opined that these were such issues which were neither given proper attention nor got any answer.

“I think it is almost impossible for us to improve such a grave situation there.” He said like India, Pakistan also wanted to protect its interests in Afghanistan.

He said the world crisis could determine good or bad for the US and world. “The condition of any one could not improve without us,” he said. He said, “We could improve the situation without important players of the region.”

Henry Kissinger said on the issue of Pakistan that its was both a long and short-term problem. The short-term issue relates to Afghanistan while we should help India and Pakistan resolve their issues. “In my view we should set priorities that are achieved within a certain time-frame,” he said.

He said beyond US mediation we should talk to both India and Pakistan under the possible goodwill. If Pakistan is disintegrated and it is turned into a failed state even then we would have to seek a way out by countries that may be affected including China, India and Russia. “I don’t know right now what that way out will be. Everyday we look towards Islamabad and I hope that certain negotiations are held silently as it is not an issue that could be brought on the agenda. We hope this issue is never made part of the agenda,” he remarked. He said he did not know as to what kind of proposal should be floated on the issue. But a country that has numerous nuclear weapons but no government and where extremists are already present, it is certainly a cause of concern for the international community.

To a question whether the induction of new Secretary for foreign affairs and retaining the previous defence secretary by the Obama Administration perturbed him particularly with regard to the role of Israel, he said, “You know, some times Israelis too take up this question. They ask if I am under pressure and I always tell them as to what you want to do the next day and how would you tackle the coming events. And if you fail to respond to the second question, never pursue the first one. And I believe they won’t do so,” he said.

On this occasion Burzynski said, “I hope they won’t do so as it would prove detrimental to us and would not only be not beneficial to them but also dangerous for the region.

As it would boost the extremist forces to attack us in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Far East. We will be the target of attack and I fear who would be the beneficiary? It would really target us and therefore I hope they would not do so. I hope we will tell them plainly that we don’t want them to do so.” He said, “I think I understand their worries. I do not believe that we would not create a wrong impression that it is not a cause of worry and destruction for us.”

US plans go beyond Pak existence
The famous US historian, Webster Tarpley, talks about Bryzenski's and Obama's plan for Pakistan.

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yar omer

states dont fall due to barking dogs

what is US of A

read Rouge States ,Guide to worlds only super power by willium blum

you will hate US

its worst super power world ever saw

they are dogs and natural process will take place and it it self will soon disintegrate
^ I want every Pakistani to know what US plans are for Pakistan.

Just this Saturday, Bryzenski talked about Pakistan being "disintegrated" while the US historian Webster Tarpley was trying to tell us months ago that Bryzenski is planning to disintegrate Pakistan.

Its time for every Pakistani to wake up and smell the coffee.
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you are right what you are saying is true

but can our elite stop licking american boots

to save pakistan eliminate alll the political, economic and religous elite

retire all red tapers then InshaAllah things will come to normal
then Washington will have to either hand over Pakistan and Afghanistan to terrorists and extremists or fight against them with or without world help

Just imagin the situation, its going to be hell :tsk:

Man when is US going to unterstand, military power is not alway a solution to every problem. There are other way also, and US will unterstand it the hard way. :disagree:
no US will never understand

they are imperials they understand only when they fall

no US will never understand

they are imperials they understand only when they fall


Bryzenski is the man behind this plan. He's the one who came on Pakistan television this saturday and talked about a disintegrated Pakistan and an American, Webster Tarpley, is trying to warn us for months (even before US election) about Bryzenski's plan. It goes to show that not all Americans are like the US government, most Americans are good people its just some people in the government who are evil.
Well the issue according to me is.. pakistan is divded between the extrimsists.. moderates.. and seperatists.. if they face problems of seperatists in balchoistan.. they face threat of extrimists in fata/swat etc... I dont know whther there is any national consensus in the fight against these extrimists and i feel that many believe that the pakistan is fighting americas war. Strict state policy against terrorism/extrimism needs to be adopted rather than accepting the demands of the harline extrimsts groups, and i believe this is very much required for the existence of pakistan..!!!

people in pakistan are being fooled by pakistani ruleing class since 1947

2 years back i had honor of attending a workshop in Institute of strategic studies islamabad and all cream of Pakistani universities was present...

my room used to be head quator of all the students from different universities
students from balochistan and sindh complained injustices but at lest agreed it was not any specific province which was cause of truble but 2.5 percent brahmans of society
who are creating differences between brothers for their intrests

a common pakistani is nither extremist or sepratist....its only due to exploitation of political economic and religous elite that they are frustarated and showing their hate against this exploitary system by joining extremist

if you want to eliminate terrorism rescue pakistan from 2.5 % brehmans.... and leave pakistan alone.... ironically we got cursed when we became friends with USA
as a neighbor i advice you if you want to survive kick US out from ur political and strategic list of friends
Hegemony or Survival—- MUST READ ALL!!!
April 11, 2009 by talooman

by Talha Mujaddidi

It’s not about war on terror, it never was, it’s not about Al-Qaeda, and it never was. It’s not about Baitullah Mehsud either. It was always about US imperialism and hegemony. Renowned political thinker and linguist of our time Noam Chomsky, has got it right in his famous quote, “Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.” No wonder that the US, its allies, and our corrupt sell out government are repeating the same propaganda over and over again. ‘It’s our war’, it’s our war’, no it’s not our war. It’s US, India backed war inside Pakistan and we have to defend ourselves at all costs. This is ugly face of modern warfare. This is not 1965, warfare has changed altogether. Its multi dimensioned warfare now. Modern warfare is also called 4th generation warfare.

First is the psychological warfare, also called the media warfare
. Psychological warfare is part of ‘Intelligence warfare’. An example of this is the recent fake video that shows a girl being lashed by Pakistani Taliban. Psy-operations also include direct attack on enemy’s religion, culture, traditions, political history, and ethics. Then comes the Asymmetric Warfare (covert operations or terrorism), this is where RAW comes in when it supports and arms Tehrik-e-Taliban, (TTP) and Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) in Pakistan. Third is the economic warfare, example of this is India’s stoppage of River Chenab Water flow to Pakistan. The actual military action is the last step. Through these methods our enemies want to ‘soften us from inside’ and prepare us for final assault. Remember the old British divide and conquer strategy? It’s being used again.

The Imperialist Agenda

It’s about hegemony; it’s about bowing down to US imperialist designs. It’s not a secret anymore, Uncle Sam wants us to accept India’s regional hegemony and prostrate in front of India first then the US. US want Pakistan Army to change its policy doctrine and start treating India as a friendly neighbor, not as enemy number one. How naïve of them to ask us for such dramatic gestures? How can we allow India such privilege when we have Kashmir issue, Siachin, Sir Creek, Run of Katch, Chenab Water, and RAW’s terrorism issues left to be decided with India? As a nation it’s time for us to revive our history. We need to take out our Holy Book from our shelves and start reading it and understand what is going on around us. We need to take a trip down memory lane and recall Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam on the political/ ideological front. We also need to recall Tipu Sultan, Abdali, and Salahuddin Ayoubi on the military front. As Napoleon had said once that those nations who forget their history, their geography is changed. We can’t bow down to imperialist designs; it’s not in our genes! It’s surely, in the genes of our rulers, and their cronies, but not in the genes of majority of Pakistani people.

The US is following RAND Corporation’s 2004 study (authored by Cheryl Benard), to divide Muslims amongst religious lines. They have created both religious extremist in Pakistan and liberal fascists in Pakistan.

The Video question!!

I must write some lines about the video, Dr. Shahid Masood is right, when he said last week that we will never see the videos which shows Baitullah’s men slaughtering Pakistani policemen and soldiers, but we will see videos like the one which supposedly shows some girl being lashed by TTP. My question to NGO’s, Human Rights groups and liberal fascists is that can you show Pakistani public videos of Indian sponsored BLA terrorist attacking Pakistan Army officers including female officers? And how these soldiers have sacrificed their flesh and blood for the Pakistani nation? On a different note can we please see that video clip where Asma Jehangir is sitting across Narander Modi and being enlightened by his camaraderie?

To the main stream media my question is can we please see some videos about the life of the widows of the Pakistani soldiers who died fighting RAW/CIA sponsored terrorist? How come we only see ****** bollywood award shows, and movies? People we need to wake up!! As much as these religious extremist are trying to destroy this country, it’s a harsh reality that liberal fascist are also trying to destroy this country. My question to them is how many more useless marches we will have in name of liberalism, feminism, moderation and such urban jargons. Why not a march for 1600 Pakistani troops killed in fighting extremists? What about a march for 13000 Pakistanis killed since 9/11? When will we have a march against corruption and NRO? My message to liberal fascists is that if you are working against Pakistan intentionally then we need not worry about you, Allah will take care of those who have become tools of the Zionist, imperialist, and colonist. Indeed Allah is the best of the planners. If you are doing propaganda against Pakistan because you are misguided than come to the straight path, there is still time to mend ways. There might be delay in Justice in law of nature, but justice will come and it will be swift and all across the board, so it’s time to mend your ways and not poke holes in the nation that has made you whatever you are today. Don’t sell your faith for petty cash. Stop working against your Muslim brothers and sisters for the dream of getting western citizenships. No one will accept a person who was not honest to his own people.

Pakistani’s around the World Unite!!!

Fellow Pakistanis, this is the time we must unite, and rise up like a tide in the ocean. We must propagate truth and nothing but the truth. It’s hard to spread message of truth but it is imperative that we must do so against all odds. As Chomsky said, “Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it’s from Neptune.”

This is time to counter every assault on our nation, it’s no time for drawing room politics, and we must counter propaganda against our country. We must spread the message of hope and resilience amongst each other. Stop talking against Pakistan as most of us are used to when we are representing Pakistan in other countries. Don’t doubt the abilities of Pakistan Army, I have full confidence that Pakistan Army can and will, god willing live up to all challenges. Don’t doubt your own abilities either, for history is ripe with examples where common men achieved the impossible. And stop watching Indian movies, their corny shows, awards, and sleazy soap operas. Stop supporting their economy by buying their products. It’s not justified that we spend thousands of rupees on designer Indian clothes while half million of our citizen from Tribal Areas and Swat are homeless. Time for half measures and goodwill gestures is over. Would you watch movies made by someone who killed your brother or sister? Indian RAW is directly responsible for killing Pakistani soldiers, and civilians. So stop now, it’s not oxygen we can survive well without it.

People of Pakistan will never accept any political arrangement made between imperialist and their cronies in Islamabad. This is not a battle between liberals’ fascists and religious extremists; they are just spent fuel in this clash. This is a clash of the will, the will of the people of Pakistan to survive and defy Global Hegemonic Agenda. This is a battle that can’t be won by brute force and drone attacks. This battle is not just a battle it is a legacy of all the great leaders of the world who fought and gave their lives but never bowed their necks in front of a super powers and imperialists. This is a continuing legacy of the struggle that was sparked by Salahuddin Ayoubi, Ahmed Shah Abdali, Tipu Sultan, Omar Mukhtar, Shah Faisal, and Hassan Nasarullah, and this legacy will not be complete until we are free from chains of Yankee slavery.

Pakistan Zindabad

Hegemony or Survival—- MUST READ ALL!!! Revolution Required
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The piece forgot to mention that it was musharaff that got us into this mess and not Asma Jehangir.
The piece forgot to mention that it was musharaff that got us into this mess and not Asma Jehangir.

Musharraf is gone and the new government is no different either w.r.t its policies regarding WOT and i for seriously doubt if any other democratic party namely PML(N) would have adopted any different.:undecided:

Seriously i might be going out of my mind saying this but we need some one like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Pakistan as well that can show the Americans a middle finger and shape Pakistan's foreign policy in favor of Pakistan's interest and not the US or India or Afghanistan.
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