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US plans go beyond Pak existence

With due respect sir, the enemy is within. The problem of fanatics is cancerous for Pakistan and it is imperative for us to confront such people with force. This is our war and Pakistan is here to live.

Yes, even Gen. Musharraf said that he was 200% sure that there is some level of Indian involvement in our areas but the real enemy are those fanatics.

Your suggestion of someone like Ahmedinejad lead Pakistan would lead to isolation and followed by disastrous economic effects with sanctions. Our main trading partners being from the west. Even Iran, with all its oil, had to restrict the local consumption of oil in order to survive after the isolation.

That is more of an aid then trading partner i would say. West does not trade with you, they want to keep you on their aid so that they can exert leverage on Pakistan. Moreover the enemy that you talk about being within, let me ask you where was this so called enemy before the Americans landed in Afghanistan? Did you ever hear about suicide attacks before americans came to this region in Pakistan, now look where we are. With northern Alliance in Afghanistan India is getting stronger, even Musharraf recognized this, where do you think we stand, let me tell you no where, just see the huge trade deficit that we suffered since joining WOT yet alone the lives of countless Pakistani civilians as well as military personals. Its time to wake up and smell the real coffee. I'll suggest you read the thread about US Pakistan intelligence levels reached to the bottom. Continuity with the wrong approach will lead us nowhere but to the path of destruction.
So you're saying we should be like IRAN?well i've always admired the IRANIAN government they refuse to give in to opression and give a befiting reply to any threat from the opressors.And it is a rocky road but not as bad as the pot hole we're stuck in right now we have lost billions in this war on terror which is ultimately beleive it or not aimed at literally pushing pakistan into a well,it's ironic actually here we are losing our lives,sacrificing everything from our economy to our sovereignity to help an ally who in reality is an enemy.It's sad,and you are right the Iranian way is the right way for any muslim nation being opressed.:agree:

Not Exactly the Iranian way, but yes we should take a leaf out of their book too...a much better example would be of China.. becuase they have progressed from more or less the same situation which we are facing now except for terrorism..but they had their own issues like tibet and Taiwan..anyways but first step should be to get away from USA.
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