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US plans go beyond Pak existence

I don't understand this Pakistani mentality at all. Everyone is engaged in asserting how 'bullying' US is & how to show middle finger to them.

Anyone actually reading their opinions & thinking seriously how real or how fake their concerns are? And if real, what you should be doing to prevent it? You can engage in blame game later (should you survive). Calls for introspection.
The piece forgot to mention that it was musharaff that got us into this mess and not Asma Jehangir.

Musharaf is gone. Now we have to come out of this mess, this should be our motive. We have to fight against the enemies of Pakistan and defeat them as soon as possible. :pakistan:
I don't understand this Pakistani mentality at all. Everyone is engaged in asserting how 'bullying' US is & how to show middle finger to them.

Anyone actually reading their opinions & thinking seriously how real or how fake their concerns are? And if real, what you should be doing to prevent it? You can engage in blame game later (should you survive). Calls for introspection.

The opinion of the American people is almost always supportive.It's the american government and the CIA is what most of us are worried about there is a very popular conspiracy theory out these days most people get upset because of.But we have to remember it i just a theory.
Musharaf is gone. Now we have to come out of this mess, this should be our motive. We have to fight against the enemies of Pakistan and defeat them as soon as possible. :pakistan:

It is not entirely Msharraf's fault when he started to support the mericans we were only supplying them with weapons this lifted all embrgoes and the USgave us alot of aid si don't you think that at that tome Mussharaff was thinking that it wpould be a great deal for PAkistan it was only when the Taliban came to pakistan when things got messy.
think about it.

you are right what you are saying is true
but can our elite stop licking american boots
to save pakistan eliminate alll the political, economic and religous elite
retire all red tapers then InshaAllah things will come to normal

Same was happening in Iran Shah of Iran was kissing American a*s, in the process many Iran’s were killed. Same is the saturation in Pakistan; in this western terror only blood spilled is of Pakistan army and civilians.

Now US call Pakistan their friend on the other stabbing knife behind our backs when Pakistan was helping Afghan in Russia Afghanistan war Russia never strike inside Pakistan .every friend of American pay their friendship in blood. Cuba is a small island which stood against Americans and US can n t do anything about it.

We all need one more long march to stop US interference in Pakistan. Iraq which occupied by US still Iraqi politician warns US not to interfere in their internal affairs.
US dose n t has the courage to attack their real enemy like Cuba Russia etc.

Infect US is the reason that Iran is its enemy. Now US making another enemy which is Pakistan.
Musharaf is gone. Now we have to come out of this mess, this should be our motive. We have to fight against the enemies of Pakistan and defeat them as soon as possible. :pakistan:

Musharaff might not be in power ......but its like mentioning the iraq war without out reference to bush and putting everything on obama.
Musharraf is gone and the new government is no different either w.r.t its policies regarding WOT and i for seriously doubt if any other democratic party namely PML(N) would have adopted any different.:undecided:

Seriously i might be going out of my mind saying this but we need some one like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Pakistan as well that can show the Americans a middle finger and shape Pakistan's foreign policy in favor of Pakistan's interest and not the US or India or Afghanistan.

I agree. Pakistan really needs to look out for Pakistan's best interest first. Just like every other nation looks out for their best interst, Pakistan must do the same, Pakistan is a nation too.


people in pakistan are being fooled by pakistani ruleing class since 1947

2 years back i had honor of attending a workshop in Institute of strategic studies islamabad and all cream of Pakistani universities was present...

my room used to be head quator of all the students from different universities
students from balochistan and sindh complained injustices but at lest agreed it was not any specific province which was cause of truble but 2.5 percent brahmans of society
who are creating differences between brothers for their intrests

a common pakistani is nither extremist or sepratist....its only due to exploitation of political economic and religous elite that they are frustarated and showing their hate against this exploitary system by joining extremist

if you want to eliminate terrorism rescue pakistan from 2.5 % brehmans.... and leave pakistan alone.... ironically we got cursed when we became friends with USA
as a neighbor i advice you if you want to survive kick US out from ur political and strategic list of friends

Sorry? Did you just say Brahmins?? A Hindu caste? I am confused. :crazy:
What about cricket and women joining the Armed Forces ?

What are you talking about man..cricket?If Talibans ever take control of Pakistan it will go into civil war.Probably Millions of Pakistanis will be killed as there is huge amount of moderate people in Pakistan.Anyway it is far fetched.This can only happen if the whole PA/ISI defects to Talibans.
Well Said.Pakistanis perhaps will be happy when they will not even have internet because of Taliban rule in Pakistan.

You know the taliban are a bigger threat but there are a few theorys that suggest that the Pakistani taliban are in cahoots with the CIA and US government i mean if they can make taliban stronger they can declare pakistans nukes unsafe and take them away from us that will releive alot of pressure from India which might lead to war with China.
You know the taliban are a bigger threat but there are a few theorys that suggest that the Pakistani taliban are in cahoots with the CIA and US government i mean if they can make taliban stronger they can declare pakistans nukes unsafe and take them away from us that will releive alot of pressure from India which might lead to war with China.
Man Why do you people have to drag China everywhere?China will not fight for Pakistan against US or India for that matter..period.Chinese will only provide weapons.We have to fight ourself and even let's say Talibans are US and CIA people...Why can't we ******* kill them on our OWN territory?
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