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US officials confirm Israeli air raid on Iraq


May 24, 2011
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US officials have confirmed that Israel was responsible for the bombing of an alleged Iranian weapons depot in Iraq last month, The Associated Press news agency reports.
The attack marks a significant escalation in Israel's years-long campaign against what it sees as Iranian military assets in the region.

The confirmation comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly hinted that his country was behind recent air raids that have hit bases and munition depots belonging to Iran-backed paramilitary forces operating in Iraq.

The mystery attacks have not been claimed by any side and have left Iraqi officials scrambling for a response amid strong speculation that Israel may have been behind them.

Earlier this week, the deputy head of the Iraqi Shia militias, known collectively as the Popular Mobilization Forces, openly accused Israeli drones of carrying out the attacks, but ultimately blamed Washington and threatened strong retaliation for any future attack.

Such attacks are potentially destabilising for Iraq and its fragile government, which has struggled to remain neutral amid growing tensions between the United Statesand Iran.

Al Jazeera's Natasha Ghoneim, reporting from Baghdad during the latest round of air raids, said Iranian-backed armed groups have been operating in Iraq with the full support of the government since 2014 when they joined the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) group.

"A new law that came into effect on July 31 requires all paramilitary groups to report to the Iraqi security forces, or put down their weapons," Ghoneim reported.

Iranian commanders killed
There have been at least three explosions at Iraqi Shia militia bases in the past month. US officials now confirm Israel was responsible for at least one of them.

Two US officials said Israel carried out an air raid on an Iranian weapons depot in July that killed two Iranian military commanders. The US officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to discuss the matter with the media.

The July 19 attack struck a militia base in Amirli, in Iraq's northern Salaheddin province, causing a huge explosion and fire.

A senior official with the Shia militias at the time told AP that the base hit housed advisers from Iran and Lebanon.

He said the attack targeted the headquarters of the advisers and a weapons depot.

On August 12, a large explosion at the al-Saqr military base near Baghdad shook the capital, killing one civilian and wounding 28 others.

The base housed a weapons depot for the Iraqi federal police and the PMF. The most recent of the explosions came on Tuesday night, at a munitions depot north of Baghdad.

There have been weeks of speculation in Israel that the army is attacking targets in Iraq.

'We act in many arenas'
In an interview with a Russian-language TV station on Thursday, Netanyahu indicated the speculation is true.

"I don't give Iran immunity anywhere," he said, accusing the Iranians of trying to establish bases "against us everywhere", including Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.

Asked whether that means Israel is operating in Iraq, Netanyahu said: "We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran."

Early on Friday, the New York Times, citing Israeli and US officials, reported that Israel bombed an Iranian weapons depot in Iraq last month.

It would be the first known Israeli air raid in Iraq since 1981 when Israeli warplanes destroyed a nuclear reactor being built by Saddam Hussein.

It also steps up Israel's campaign against Iranian military involvement across the region.

Israel has previously acknowledged hundreds of air raids on Iranian targets in neighbouring Syria, primarily arms shipments believed to be destined for Iran's Hezbollah allies.

Israel considers Iran to be its greatest enemy and has repeatedly promised that it will not allow the Iranians, who are supporting the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to establish a permanent military presence in Syria.

Striking Iraq would be far more complicated than reaching neighbouring Syria.

The Israeli warplanes would likely have to travel through Turkey, a former ally that now has cool relations with Israel, or through Saudi Arabia, to carry out attacks on Iraq.


So first they attacked on Irani Targets in Syria .
After Syria they are attacking Iranian targets in Iraq.
After Iraq Netanyahu vowed to attack on Yemen.
After Yemen will they begin to attack Iranian Mainland ?
This Netanyahu must stopped
The house of pigs aka (Sauds) and other swines i.e. UAE rulers have given their blessing for all this to happen.
I think in any war with Iran this tiny UAE and Bahrainian rulers will be vanished in dust at the very first hour .
UAE is changing their course when they saw Iran downed their Lord's drone and captured Unroyal'S ship without any murcey.
But Iran should must find they way to stop Netanyahu.
Vulgar language and hatred not allowed
The house of pigs aka (Sauds) and other swines i.e. UAE rulers have given their blessing for all this to happen.

I fail to see what connection Saudi Arabia and UAE have to do with this. They know as much as we do as to who is conducting these attacks and from where.

I think in any war with Iran this tiny UAE and Bahrainian rulers will be vanished in dust at the very first hour .
UAE is changing their course when they saw Iran downed their Lord's drone and captured Unroyal'S ship without any murcey.
But Iran should must find they way to stop Netanyahu.

What, so Israel attacks Iran and you want UAE/Bahrain vanished? Is your Lord country Iran at war with Israel or Arab Sunni Muslims??

After Iraq Netanyahu vowed to attack on Yemen.

Where'd you read that? Btw, all Iran will do is attack other Muslims in Arab nations as it seeks to make these territories Persian and wants to avenge Sahaba/Imam Hussein defensive war against Persia. You're going to be let down if you ever think Iran will attack Israel.

This coward terrorist shithole country can use any of its proxies in Syria or Lebanon to fire even one rocket at Israel any time it wants and it certainly won't escalate into a war. Will be nothing more than a short skirmish. But, your Lord country is blinded by hatred of Arab Sunni Muslims and wants to avenge the Islamic conquest of Persia. So it will never do anything against Israel.
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I think in any war with Iran this tiny UAE and Bahrainian rulers will be vanished in dust at the very first hour .
UAE is changing their course when they saw Iran downed their Lord's drone and captured Unroyal'S ship without any murcey.
But Iran should must find they way to stop Netanyahu.

I think the only way for Iran to protect it self is by having Nukes, and a decent delivery system to go along with it. They're surounded by hungry dogs, who hunt in groups because they are too cowardly to fight fair.

I fail to see what connection Saudi Arabia and UAE have to do with this.

Its no secret they have a severe alergy anything to do with 'shia/iran,' they always favoured interventions in Iraq, and have funded proxies in their neigborhoods. There were also leaks about Saudi Arabia opening their skies for the Israelis for a potential attack on Iran nuclear facilities. They sold out Palestine, and even went as far as offering to pay the Palestinians on the behalf of their zionist masters to accept the so called 'deal of the century' they have done everything in their power to ensure Israel's dominence in the region.
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Its no secret they are have a severe alergy anything to do with 'shia/iran,' they always favoured interventions in Iraq, and have funded proxies in their neigborhoods. There were also leaks about Saudi Arabia opening their skies for the Israelis for a potential attack on Iran nuclear facilities. They sold out Palestine, and even went as far as offering to pay the Palestinians on the behalf of their zionist masters to accept the so called 'deal of the century' they have done everything in their power to ensure Israel's dominence in the region.

To hell with you and Palestine, I'm not talking about Palestine. You enter a thread about purported Israeli strikes in Iraq and first thing you thing of is Saudi Arabia/UAE. UAE is not even a religious country and doesn't care about Shia or Sunni. It has territorial disputes with Iran. As for Saudi Arabia, it had disputes with Iran since the revolution in Iran. Because Iran was trying to destabilize Saudi Arabia and Kuwait at the time(early 80's). I'm a starch enemy of Saudi/UAE regimes for reasons different than yours, but that doesn't mean I drag them into something they have nothing to do with.

So don't go around blaming Arabs for this and threatening to destroy another two Muslim nations because you're too coward to respond to Israel or too much filled with hatred for Arab Sunnis(because of Islamic conquest of Persia or other religious motivations). The truth is Iran is just using Israel feud as justification to attack Arabs. It has no plan to ever attack Israel or go to war with it. All it wants is a Shia Empire in the Middle East. After which(if it achieves that) will make peace with Israel.
Just saying bro. It's a little surreal to see you ALMOST justifying Israel's actions here.

Maybe you oughta change that flag of yours to your birth country (Jordan)

No one here hates Israel here more than me. And I also hate the Iran and Arab regimes. All three need to be destroyed and the Caliphate needs to be established. We'll put you in charge of the Caliphates twitter page.
No one here hates Israel here more than me. And I also hate the Iran and Arab regimes. All three need to be destroyed and the Caliphate needs to be established. We'll put you in charge of the Caliphates twitter page.
Reported. Post heavily implies sympathy towards the most potent terror group operating in this decade.

I don't take the 'Jarida' seriously.

Reported. Post heavily implies sympathy towards the most potent terror group operating in this decade.

I know you're trolling, but for viewers sake who don't know that, the Caliphate is basically all Muslim nations in the region answering to one leader and they will redistribute resources and all be required to contribute militarily. It's hardly any different from the current state of region but with security/good leadership/emphasis on worshipping God and restoring Islam. It will be much safer/prosperous than what Europe, US or anywhere else in the world will look like when they go full blown far right. We're already seeing the result of this trends in the Brexit, US-Nato rift, trade wars, etc....

ISIS on other hand are low iq narrow minded retards.
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