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US nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia

The US wants to take a support role in the Middle east is a fact proven in Yemen and Syria.. you can read about it anywhere..

One should take things in their context.. the word SHOULD came as a confirmation to the $100 billion deal, which is a fact according to the US statements..
If you insist, please do call these facts. Just remember you didn't get this from any policy statement or anything.

KSA interest in destroyers with ABM capabilities was confused with the tailor made LCS.. all that was shelved.. the price of $11 billion for 4 LCS and the delivery dates did not fit the Saudi requirements, also because they wanted AEGIS and SM-3 and 6, so there is no point discussing this, let's wait and see..
I see. I suppose that's why you said you " think that 4 DDG51 with AEGIS and SM-3- 6 are a possibility (it is foolish to think 14 DDG51s)"

The $20 for naval expansion can bring in a whole lot of systems including a few DDG51s..what it can bring in is still to be seen..
4 DDG51s = 7.2 billion = 36%
2 DDG51s 3.6 billion = 18%

Alvaro the Bazan / F100 frigate
F101/4 €453m (~US$600m) each
F105 (the basis of the Australian Hobart-class destroyer) €834m (~US$1.1bn)
Hobart class A$8 billion for 3 ships (original contract cost) US$5.94 billion for 3 > US$1.98 billion per ship

Horizon class :
  • - France: €1.08 billions FY 2009 (~US$1.5b)
  • - Italy: € 1.5 billions FY2016
Type 45 Over £1,050M or US$1,358.46M per ship

BMD won't come much cheaper.

Germany will not be able to deliver 1000 Leo2s
If you insist, please do call these facts. Just remember you didn't get this from any policy statement or anything.

I see. I suppose that's why you said you " think that 4 DDG51 with AEGIS and SM-3- 6 are a possibility (it is foolish to think 14 DDG51s)"

4 DDG51s = 7.2 billion = 36%
2 DDG51s 3.6 billion = 18%

Alvaro the Bazan / F100 frigate
F101/4 €453m (~US$600m) each
F105 (the basis of the Australian Hobart-class destroyer) €834m (~US$1.1bn)
Hobart class A$8 billion for 3 ships (original contract cost) US$5.94 billion for 3 > US$1.98 billion per ship

Horizon class :
  • - France: €1.08 billions FY 2009 (~US$1.5b)
  • - Italy: € 1.5 billions FY2016
Type 45 Over £1,050M or US$1,358.46M per ship

BMD won't come much cheaper.

Germany will not be able to deliver 1000 Leo2s
The issue with Germany was a political one (the green opposition parties), because of "supposed" human right abuse in Yemen (like if Yemen was at peace for the last 50 years!)
KSA wanted a big number of Tanks and the Type 209 submarines, 5 first and 24 more on long term.. production was not the real issue, since It would have involved some ToT and assembly lines in KSA for both deals..(Tanks and Submarines)
US, Saudi agree arms deals worth almost $110 billion: White House

By Afp

Published: 16:47, 20 May 2017 | Updated: 16:47, 20 May 2017


US President Donald Trump (L) shakes hands with Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud during a signing ceremony at the Saudi Royal Court in Riyadh on May 20, 2017

Washington has agreed arms deals with Saudi Arabia worth almost $110 billion, a White House official said Saturday, the first day of President Donald Trump's visit to the traditional US ally.

"This package of defence equipment and services support the long-term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of Iranian threats," the official said.

It will also bolster the kingdom's "ability to contribute to counter-terrorism operations across the region, reducing the burden on the US military to conduct those operations," the official added.

Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson "will attend a signing ceremony" for the deals, the official said.

The official described the agreements as "a significant expansion of the over seven-decade-long security relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

The official did not provide details of the agreements with Riyadh, which is one of the world's biggest defence spenders.

A preliminary deal worth $6 billion to assemble 150 Lockheed Martin Blackhawk helicopters in Saudi Arabia was separately announced at the Saudi-US CEO Forum held in Riyadh during Trump's visit.

The programme to "support the final assembly and completion of an estimated 150 S-70 Black Hawk utility helicopters" will support around 450 jobs in the kingdom, said a forum statement.

US defence contractors are major suppliers of weapons to Saudi Arabia, which for more than two years has led a coalition conducting air strikes and other operations against rebels in Yemen.

The new deals come despite mounting pressure on Washington from rights groups to stop arms sales to Riyadh, which has come under repeated criticism over civilian casualties in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia on Thursday announced the creation of a new military industries firm as part of the kingdom's efforts to boost defence production.

The kingdom's Public Investment Fund said the new government-owned company, Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI), "aims to become one of the world's top 25 defence companies by 2030."

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said in an April report that Saudi Arabia last year was the world's fourth-largest military spender, spending $63.7 billion.

they trying to build dajjal army with that sort of money jeez
The US wants to take a support role in the Middle east is a fact proven in Yemen and Syria.. you can read about it anywhere..

One should take things in their context.. the word SHOULD came as a confirmation to the $100 billion deal, which is a fact according to the US statements..

KSA interest in destroyers with ABM capabilities was confused with the tailor made LCS.. all that was shelved.. the price of $11 billion for 4 LCS and the delivery dates did not fit the Saudi requirements, also because they wanted AEGIS and SM-3 and 6, so there is no point discussing this, let's wait and see..

The $20 for naval expansion can bring in a whole lot of systems including a few DDG51s..what it can bring in is still to be seen..

I was talking about the Abrams deal that has more possibilities of going through now than with the previous US administration.. the Leo2 was asked for because of the refusal by the US to sell the Abrams in the required numbers by KSA.. They wanted a thousand or so and the Obama administration told them, you need only 250 !!!

KSA/GCC folks need everything under the sun if they want to feel safe against likes of genocidal killer Sodomonis!!!!
On a condition when Many states issue export restrictions to Saudi Arabia on arm trade, USA welcome the opportunity despiten risen opposite voices and received a huge deal. Such one sided government to government deals when costumer rely solely on politician's decision, Comprehensive ToT issues is not mostly on agenda and the systems always come pricy cause not having a competition environment. Which type of a ToT are you expecting for which parts, when you are ordering such complex systems like destroyer, Thaad and others? Aegis Radar tech? Or Command control tech? SM series naval missile or Harpoon tech? Thaad seeker head or missile or thaad radar itself? How many of you believe a country like USa let those tech to deliver Saudi's hands. No need to mention when It is their most strategic defence toys to be exported to a problematic region.
"Support Final Assembly" for 450 people terms on deal is actually emphasizing for screwing the bolt or casting for USA transfered parts.
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seems like saudia arabia has enough of Irani arm wrestling in yemen and iraq, Iran should prepare of inevitable now, once the new military hardware is deployed the warnings will go to Iran either step down or face the might of modern arab forces, most probably brave Irani forces will be erased and Irani infrastructure will take great hit isis will get strengthened in iraq and keep pressure on Iran, yemen will be under total arabian domination.
Either Iran should test ICBMs and go nuclear with in 5 years or arabs will destroy Iranian forces.
Damn impressive, war with Iran on the way eh?

Do you think looking at the past few centuries of Saudia Arabia even if they get the most advanced technology in large numbers it will only be for showing. When it shall come to war, it shall always be threat nothing more than that from the Arabs. These people will always be dependent on other muslim countries to wage their wars and defend them.
On a condition when Many states issue export restrictions to Saudi Arabia on arm trade, USA welcome the opportunity despiten risen opposite voices and received a huge deal. Such one sided government to government deals when costumer rely solely on politician's decision, Comprehensive ToT issues is not mostly on agenda and the systems always come pricy cause not having a competition environment. Which type of a ToT are you expecting for which parts, when you are ordering such complex systems like destroyer, Thaad and others? Aegis Radar tech? Or Command control tech? SM series naval missile or Harpoon tech? Thaad seeker head or missile or thaad radar itself? How many of you believe a country like USa let those tech to deliver Saudi's hands. No need to mention when It is their most strategic defence toys to be exported to a problematic region.
"Support Final Assembly" for 450 people terms on deal is actually emphasizing for screwing the bolt or casting for USA transfered parts.
Money talks! If US will not deliver, Saudi Arabia will look for another buyer.

Do you think China or Russia care about export restrictions to Saudi Arabia? They are willing to capitalize.
Money talks! If US will not deliver, Saudi Arabia will look for another buyer.

Do you think China or Russia care about export restrictions to Saudi Arabia? They are willing to capitalize.

Saudi Arabia is oriented to order mostly NATO standart products on strategic systems cause of many reasons. In NATO, KSA doesn't have much choice on such complex systems like destroyer, Thaad. As far as I know, Saudi Arabia did such big scale record deals like 50-60 billion $ with USA in past. What did KSA receive in term of TOT in past?
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