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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

That was Republic of China, not People's Republic of China. Different government, different army, changes everything.

They were not the Chinese?

Nationalist: 1,320,000 KIA, 1,797,000 WIA, 120,000 MIA, and 17,000,000–22,000,000 civilians dead [4]
Communist: 500,000 KIA and WIA.
Oh, the same border clashes where we rolled into Vietnam, burned down their infrastructure and eliminated 180,000 rebels?
Yup, the same one that forced the PLA's leadership to acknowledged that they lost.

Then go to the front line and experience PLA for yourself :lol:
Will YOU be there?

Ooopsss...I forgot...I actually served in a military while you are a conscript reject. :lol:
They were not the Chinese?

Nationalist: 1,320,000 KIA, 1,797,000 WIA, 120,000 MIA, and 17,000,000–22,000,000 civilians dead [4]
Communist: 500,000 KIA and WIA.

Different soldiers with different discipline, since you can't say the South Vietnam was the exact same as the North Vietnam.
Japan's experience in WW2 level military technology is as relevant as saying Mongol cavalry is a major threat to all of Eurasia.
Today's Japan will easily get crushed by China 1 on 1, to compare something that happened 75 years ago to the modern war scenario is just plain silly.

I did not say about the Japan - China modern war in fantasy of you today. I have suggested to your fellow FairAndUnbiased should compare with the corresponding war when he did want to swank off something of his war....
I did not say about the Japan - China modern war in fantasy of you today. I have suggested to your fellow FairAndUnbiased should compare with the corresponding war when he did want to swank off something of his war....

that's the beauty of it. PRC has never been successfully invaded by a foreign power. No foreign soldiers have ever set foot on a piece of PRC ground without being part of a diplomatic delegation.
The US couldn't militarily defeat China 60 years ago when China was poorer than Africa and US was at the height of its 50's golden age. Instead, US/Korean/15 other nations forces combined were pushed back 400 km and never regained that land ever again.

The US can never militarily defeat China. 1 J-20 = 100 F-15s.
US military has changed a lot since then. Gulf War 1991 served as an awakening for China.
US military has changed a lot since then. Gulf War 1991 served as an awakening for China.
what's your point?
the Gulf War in 1991 served as an awakening not only for China, but to the rest of the world as well

yes, the US military has changed a lot, but we have also changed with them,
back in 1991 , would anyone have believed that China could have come up with a fifth gen air craft in 20 years ?
Will YOU be there?

Ooopsss...I forgot...I actually served in a military while you are a conscript reject. :lol:
LOL I'm a civvie. I can hide behind the soldiers. But you cannot. So if you wanna trash talk the PLA, I suggest you back up your talk and meet them first.

LOL at the joker. I can so imagine like 30 years ago he and one other guy went to the recruiting station and he was recruited while the other guy didn't. So the joker turns around and says to the other guy "ha ha you're a conscript reject" and that was the brightest day in his whole life for 30 years. :rofl:
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