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US Names Jamaat-ud-Dawa as Terror Outfit, Sanctions Two Lashkar Leaders

Keep em coming, I love me some bacon !


do you have to post such graphic picture without a Warning- you stupid piece of sh it-

Haha, keep on debating upon the names, the fact is they all are terrorist. You may find good and bad.

Actually no group has caused those 50K deaths, its the mentality that prevails in pakistan.

Those responsible for 50k deaths are being dealt with in N Waziristan-
you have alot of catching up to do-
Those responsible for 50k deaths are being dealt with in N Waziristan-
you have alot of catching up to do-

So after so much debate, you guys finally decide the one in NW is bad terrorist. Good catch up. lol
no big deal.. new name, new name plate, new registered address... & the same old business!
So after so much debate, you guys finally decide the one in NW is bad terrorist. Good catch up. lol

i really believe now you have lot of catching up to do- the war in Waziristan started in 2004- time for you to wake up-
i really believe now you have lot of catching up to do- the war in Waziristan started in 2004- time for you to wake up-

Last time I checked, there were talks going on. May be they feel they are good terrorist and then Karachi happened to change their view.

War wouldn't have taken a decade if your army is clear about the fact that all terrorist are bad. Time is taken in filtering out the good terrorist among bad which can be used strategically against Afghanistan government or even send to Kashmir.

You have done a lot of catching up since 2004 :lol:
Last time I checked, there were talks going on. May be they feel they are good terrorist and then Karachi happened to change their view.

War wouldn't have taken a decade if your army is clear about the fact that all terrorist are bad. Time is taken in filtering out the good terrorist among bad which can be used strategically against Afghanistan government or even send to Kashmir.

You have done a lot of catching up since 2004 :lol:

Lol- Amrika invaded Afghanistan and after a decade they gave in to the notion of good taliban- even they negotiated with them- talked to them- so did we-
Infact we were saying the same thing even before amrika realized that after spending billions and loosing thousands-
Maybe thats how the modern warfare works around here against a fighting force that blends in with the locals- in other worlds not single entity at single place- to traditionally bomb them to oblivion-
Even in a traditional War negotiations do takes place-

i dont know if you have just taken birth or you hv selective amnesia some thing- but your views are outdated-
hell lot of catching up to do for you- :lol:-
Other than Hakeemulah can you name another TTP leader who was assassinated before start of negotiations..
Nek Muhammad ... droned one day after signing a peace agreement

You can not have it both ways ..either you control their actions or you don't..after all 26/11 or recent Herat attacks happened after Musharrafs U turn speech..so either they were able to conducted these attacks..because your establishment was on board..or they are non state actors as your govt claims them to be.
i couldn't understand what point are u trying to make ?
it was done by a a person who is ex army officer .. later joined TTP .. that is what indian goivernment keep bringing up .. Pakistan was to initiate operation in south waziristan .. as pakistan have limited troops .. so that was done so that due to indian pressure .. Pakistan couldnt move the troop to the western border .. there is no cridable proof against LeT involvement in that case ...

You are fooling youself...if you believe that, TTP is formed of the very same tribal..that supported, sheltered, trained fighters for Afghan Jihad(both Pakistani as well as Afghans)..they have deep sympathies for each other..they live together(in the same area), support each other..Mullaha radio calls Mullha Omar his Qaid.
AT has tried to distance itself from TTP..as they do not want to open another front, when they are already fighting Americans...but make no mistake, they are very pissed at you..for supporting Americans.
they have been denounced by afghan taliban many times ... Pakistan has

It was Pakistani ISI which arranged negotiations b/w OBL/ AQ with Taliban to settle in Afghanistan ..after he was kicked out of Sudan...this what brought American WOT to your shores.
Taliban was getting very popular .. Pakistan put their weight on their side ... make them even stronger .. before that every city and province is controlled by a war lord , equally as bad as taliban ... US left Afghanistan in a mess , they felt used .. Pakistan united Afghanistan... Osama turned against US... he was the hero for them .. Pakistan had no links with Osama before Afghan war.. He was introduced to us by Saudis and USA .. so to make a stable government which is pro Pakistan .. we supported taliban as they were conquering cities and gaining power even without our help ... yes ISI did settle difference btw Taliban and AQ so stability can be achieved ... it is debatable if PA could have choosen any other group .. Taliban was welcomed by local people at that time and they were pro pakistan so we did supported them .. it was a wise choice ...
do you have to post such graphic picture without a Warning- you stupid piece of sh it-
Aww come on ...Trust me i picked the least bloodiest of em, the rest were all pretty gruesome head shots :frown:
Anyhow my intention was to deter the in house terrorist from making ludicrous claims on jihadis. Ne-how will be more "sensitive" next time :kiss3:
Yes people in Palestine danced, while the world trade center fell..all the while Arafat donated blood for victims of 9/11..even in India, there was a feeling, hey we have been complaining about terrorist pit in our neighborhood for over a decade..but American never cared..now they know.
Ever wondered why Pakistani victories even in Cricket are celebrated in IOK...or all those people on ISI payroll....suffice to say those unmarked mass graves, no amount of skin lightening cream can turn you into snow white.

Yes they demand..end to Pakistan's association with west and Sharia in Pakistan..which you object...but hypocritically Pakistan was absolutely fine and even supportive, when their cousins were implementing sharia laws in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is a sovereign country, it should stand up and contain it's own mess, you are oblivious to the fact that when several hundred scum bags carry out attacks on Pakistani positions and then disappear without the apparent knowledge of Afghan authorities, then Pakistan has to make some decisions for them.

These rag tag acquire the resources carry out their campaign..because you built it for them ..Afghan Jihad day..you created indoctrination centers(madrasahs) , training camps all over your tribal areas and even places like Muridke and P.Ok , even taught them how to built bombs and suicide vests..because supposedly they were fighting against Soviets and Indians.
Don't let the Pak obsession get the better of you, how many suicide attacks have been carried out on the Indian forces in IOK or for that matter, was this part of the world even acquainted with the term, Suicide bomber'' before the Americans gate crashed into Afghanistan, !!!!
You brought in Kalashnikov culture in your country...established flourishing arms bazars.
Your selective approach hardly surprises me.....you blame a lot of your own troubles on illegal Bangladeshis yet here you remain ignorant to the fact how many Afghan refugees has Pakistan hosted who brought with them the so called Kalashnikov and heroin culture.... but as i said Indians just like to shoot in the dark.
It is hardly firing over the another's shoulders..when we have saying 'so' from day one, what rest of the world has just started to acknowledge.

It is more like "we told you so"
Do you really think that you are in a position to point fingers at others, the world is much bigger and more enlightened outside India and it exactly knows the high morals being exercised by Indian security forces in places like IOK, Manipur and elsewhere.
Even now, your selective approach in dealing with terrorist sheltering in your country is absolutely flawed ..eventually even these pets of yours will also rise against you..and you ll be dealing with another TTP on your hands.
Prey that we in whatever ways keep dealing with them, for if they decide to come knocking at your door then just take into account how the few hundred freedom fighters are keeping your several thousand forces on toes in IOK while others have created their own corridors. !!
Ever wondered why Pakistani victories even in Cricket are celebrated in IOK...or all those people on ISI payroll....suffice to say those unmarked mass graves, no amount of skin lightening cream can turn you into snow white.

How is this non sense related to topic at hand?

Afghanistan is a sovereign country, it should stand up and contain it's own mess, you are oblivious to the fact that when several hundred scum bags carry out attacks on Pakistani positions and then disappear without the apparent knowledge of Afghan authorities, then Pakistan has to make some decisions for them.

I doubt, I am oblivious to it....for I know the other side of the story too...btw Afghans also claim that " several hundred scum bags carry out attacks on Afghan positions and then disappear into Pakistan....infact Pakistan is hosting entire Afghan Taliban in North Wazirstan..after start of the operation they have been moved by Pakistani authorities into IDP camps near Khost.

Don't let the Pak obsession get the better of you, how many suicide attacks have been carried out on the Indian forces in IOK or for that matter, was this part of the world even acquainted with the term, Suicide bomber'' before the Americans gate crashed into Afghanistan, !!!!

Too many!!..and they were carried out by Pakistani pets..many of whom are carrying out suicide attacks on Pakistani army these days.."Karma is a bitch they say."

Your selective approach hardly surprises me.....you blame a lot of your own troubles on illegal Bangladeshis yet here you remain ignorant to the fact how many Afghan refugees has Pakistan hosted who brought with them the so called Kalashnikov and heroin culture.... but as i said Indians just like to shoot in the dark.

And Instead curbing it..you further promoted the said culture.. ..because it was beneficial for your to have legions of Kalashnikov armed, suicide vest donning..doped up kids ..to carry out your Jihad in Kashmir and Afghanistan..now chicken have come home roost.

Do you really think that you are in a position to point fingers at others, the world is much bigger and more enlightened outside India and it exactly knows the high morals being exercised by Indian security forces in places like IOK, Manipur and elsewhere.

They have higher morals than your armed forces..we never resorted to summary executions and aerial bombardment of our civilian areas..we have boots on ground .our forces might suffer higher casualties..but we minimize collateral damage.

There I haven't even brought up East Pakistan yet.

Prey that we in whatever ways keep dealing with them, for if they decide to come knocking at your door then just take into account how the few hundred freedom fighters are keeping your several thousand forces on toes in IOK while others have created their own corridors. !!

We have dealt with your Jihadis for over two decades now..you can fight your present enemies or not, it is inconsequential to us..your terror apparatuses for India remains intact...which will come and bite you in the back ..just like taliban did.
Let's see how long this one remains open before admin/mods delete it last one was within 5 minutes.:lol:

The Management is "extremely Charitable" towards those that it chooses to describe as "Charitable Organisations" :rofl:

Plus it offends the Bosses in the 'Deep State'. Can't have that happening......... :azn:
Totaly confused brain- what Jamat ud dawa or LeT has to do with these 53000 dead?-
Mind the distinction between JuD- LeT and TTP-
All terrorist groups are connected with an umbilical chord. To a certain degree, they fund each other, train each other and use each others assets.
US puts two LeT leaders on global terrorists list - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

US puts two LeT leaders on global terrorists list

By Anwar Iqbal
Published about 3 hours ago

US Department of Treasury has so far designated as terrorist 22 individuals and four entities associated with LeT— File photo
WASHINGTON: The United States on Wednesday declared two Lashkar-e-Tayyiba leaders — Nazir Ahmad Chaudhry and Muhammad Hussein Gill — specially designated global terrorists, an action which increases pressure on Pakistan to take punitive action against the group.

A statement issued by the US Department of Treasury said Mr Chaudhry and Mr Gill were being designated for acting for, or on behalf of, LeT, “a terrorist organisation based in Pakistan”.

Treasury and the US Department of State have so far designated as terrorist 22 individuals and four entities associated with LeT.

The State Department also maintained LeT’s designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organisat-ion and added the following aliases to its listing of LeT: Jama’at-ud-Dawa, Al-Anfal Trust, Tehrik-i-Hurmat-i-Rasool, and Tehrik-i-Tahafuz Qibla Awwal. The State Departm-ent originally designated LT as an FTO in December 2001, and the group was added to the United Nations’ terrorists sanctions list in 2005.

“In targeting Lashkar-e-Tayyiba leadership, today’s action demonstrates our unrelenting commitment to combating terrorism by disrupting terrorist groups’ financial activities,” said US Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen. “We will continue to target LeT’s financial foundation to disrupt and impede its violent activities.”

The Department of Treasury said that LeT was responsible for the November 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai which killed nearly 200 people. The group’s leader is Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, who is listed under UN Security Council Resolution 1267.

Nazir Ahmad Chaudhry

The notification stated that Mr Chaudhry had been an LeT senior leader since the early 2000s and has served as LeT vice-president, member of the group’s central leadership, and as close aide of LeT’s overall leader Muhammad Saeed. Mr Chaudhry directed the group’s public relations department for at least 10 years and, as of 2012, was the head of LeT’s information wing. Mr Chaudhry has also been a key strategist for the group and has been involved in LeT operational finance matters.

Muhammad Hussein Gill

Mr Gill is identified as a senior LeT shura member and as one of its founders.

He has been an accountant for LeT for more than 10 years and more specifically, has served as LeT’s chief financial officer and headed LeT’s accounts department for several years. He also has served in LeT’s revenue wing and has maintained LeT’s expense records.

As a result of Wednesday’s action, all property and interests in the United States or in the possession or control of US persons in which Mr Chaudhry and Mr Gill have an interest are blocked, and US persons are prohibited from engaging in transactions with them.

Published in Dawn, June 26th, 2014
nazir ahmad chaudhry to shareef se insan hai yaar unka kafi aucha family terms hai hamara sath Americans are drunk i guess
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