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US Names Jamaat-ud-Dawa as Terror Outfit, Sanctions Two Lashkar Leaders

Mr UN is pet dog of USA and other Anti Muslim states they are not terrorists terrorists are nations which are killing Muslims in Kashmir and Afghanistan and did in Iraq and Palestine because UN is blind to these mass murders

Why is Pakistan a signatory of a US pet dog = UN = blind?
Where is the dignity?
Pakistan still has the option to opt out of UNO, why it does not?
Yes because in Kashmir they are fighting for people of Kashmir for their freedom and for you they may be terrorists for us they are not as for some groups in TTP who are paid by RAW they are mass murdering civilians mostly in Pakistan

Do not fool yourself or try too fool others..LeT/JuD/JeM are not Kashmiri terrorist organisations..they are Pakistani terror orgs...they are an extension of the Pakistani establishment and forward Pakistani state policy..they do not attack India just in Kashmir but all over India and Afghanistan too.

Plus TTP enjoys extensive local support in your North western provinces..who shelter and sympathize with their cause..how is that possible, if locals believe they are mass murdering civilians and are working for RAW.

People in your tribal area support them, because they believe that TTP is defending them against the Pakistani state which has allied themselves with Americans in their invasion of Afghanistan, against fellow Muslims.
Do not fool yourself or try too fool others..LeT/JuD/JeM are not Kashmiri terrorist organisations..they are Pakistani terror orgs...they are an extension of the Pakistani establishment and forward Pakistani state policy..they do not attack India just in Kashmir but all over India and Afghanistan too.

Plus TTP enjoys extensive local support in your North western provinces..who shelter and sympathize with their cause..how is that possible, if locals believe they are mass murdering civilians and are working for RAW.

People in your tribal area support them, because they believe that TTP is defending them against the Pakistani state which has allied themselves with Americans in their invasion of Afghanistan, against fellow Muslims.
Yes they are freedom fighters have yes Muslims from many areas including Kashmir and as long as India doesn't leave Kashmir alone Jihad will continue Sir so you want peace go leave Kashmir alone and stop killing Muslims in India other wise don't cry when Mujahideen come after you

Why is Pakistan a signatory of a US pet dog = UN = blind?
Where is the dignity?
Pakistan still has the option to opt out of UNO, why it does not?
Under Musharraf yes our government became USA puppet and we paid really heavy price for it
Yes they are freedom fighters have yes Muslims from many areas including Kashmir and as long as India doesn't leave Kashmir alone Jihad will continue Sir so you want peace go leave Kashmir alone and stop killing Muslims in India other wise don't cry when Mujahideen come after you

Under Musharraf yes our government became USA puppet and we paid really heavy price for it

So basically you agree..Indian army is forthright in eliminating these Pakistani terrorist in Kashmir and other places, just like Pakistani army is in eliminating TTP in NWFP..or are you just a hypocrite??!!
So basically you agree..Indian army is forthright in eliminating these Pakistani terrorist in Kashmir and other places, just like Pakistani army is in eliminating TTP in NWFP..or are you just a hypocrite??!!
For Indians they may be terrorists for us they are not you keep fighting them they would keep coming more and more until Kashmir is freed from India
1. did it solved anythng for US .. Alqeeda is still their, Tal;iban is still their ... The have ruined Iraq, libya and afghanistan more then it was before .. Iraq is a mess now much bigger then when it was under Saddam, Libya is a mess now, smae goes for Afghanistan ..

Yes, it did.. I see it as a diversion tactic. They have successfully pitted Shias and Sunnis against each other. Muslims are fighting each other rather than fighting the evil USA.
Why is Pakistan a signatory of a US pet dog = UN = blind?
Where is the dignity?
Pakistan still has the option to opt out of UNO, why it does not?

Under Musharraf yes our government became USA puppet and we paid really heavy price for it

Do not twist the Pakistan vs UNO history, or tell me you dont know shik about it.

Its more than 6 decades that Pakistan is the member of the UNO.
What Musharaf factor you are talking about?
For Indians they may be terrorists for us they are not you keep fighting them they would keep coming more and more until Kashmir is freed from India

Not just for Indians, rest of the world is declaring them terrorist too..which essentially make you a terrorist sympathizer..and your nation(if it agrees to your POV)..a terrorist state..in eyes of the world.

That is why, there is hardly any sympathy for you on the world stage.. when there is a terrorist attack on Pakistani soil...for they know..you are not just victims but perpetrators of your own mess.

Pakistan has to understand that it cannot keep poisonous snakes in its backyard and think they will only bite the neighbour.
Hillary Clinton
how many time they gona name JUD as terrorist? after every 3 years these yankees name JUD as terrorist but guess what neither saudia nor we care about USA labelling JUD as terrorist :P

then lungi baz sitting in Delhi will be targeted simple as that specially that murderer and terrorist MODI

believe me hindu terrorist and extremist in ur military are biggest threat to you indians then Pakistan specially that rogue RAW agency killing its own citizens to Blame ISI in a false flag operations

That's not what UN (rest of the world except Pakistan )believes, that is what matters and is reflected in various surveys around the globe too. Most of the people around globe hate Pakistan and sees it as going down the line of DPRK .
Keep em coming, I love me some bacon !

1. did it solved anythng for US .. Alqeeda is still their, Tal;iban is still their ... The have ruined Iraq, libya and afghanistan more then it was before .. Iraq is a mess now much bigger then when it was under Saddam, Libya is a mess now, smae goes for Afghanistan ..

Yes it did..through their targeted assassinations in addition to on the ground operations, have successfully neutralized AQ ability to conduct terror attacks on American soil..which is all that matters to them. They do not care about Iraq or Afghanistan for that matter Pakistan. There hasn't been a single successful terror attack by AQ or its affiliates on American soil since 9/11.
Al Qaida has been almost eliminated from Afghanistan.

2. both have nothng to do with elimination of leaders .. in case of both swat and North wazirsiatan .. they are weak becoz of the operation ... its nothng to do with killing of the leaers .. Most of the TTp guys are killed when we were having a peace nigocization .. to kill the peace deal btw TTP and Establisment ./. look it up on internet and u will know .. ( personally im against negotiations )

Other than Hakeemulah can you name another TTP leader who was assassinated before start of negotiations..Hakeemulah wasn't assassinated to stall the negotiations..he had been targeted many times..escaped with an inch of his life..it is a part of declared American policy..they would kill him as soon he is found.

3. well these nut jobs dnt care .. the concept of jihad is a strenght for muslims .. believing that they will go to Jannat .. ( i am not advocating jihad, just telling a fact ) .. these jahidis (have stood against the most powerful empires .. the faught with very powerful armies , US, isreal, russia and inida .. dont they know that they cant match their force??? they do ... This is why muslim insurgents are the most dangerous ones ...

Knowing that, why would Pakistan continue to shelter and nurture them..if and when were they to turn against you..they would wreck havoc on your nation(as some of them already are)...why not gradually end them?

4. there is a very big misconception in india and they use it as propoganda .. that some people in establishment .. in our country it doesnt work that way .. either the entire army is pro or against it .. if we save haqqanis, it is not the policy of some people in establishment ... its all army .. same goes with LeT ... we didnt let them do anythng for years , stopped aiding them cross over .. but we have to keep them around if we want to use them later ..

You can not have it both ways ..either you control their actions or you don't..after all 26/11 or recent Herat attacks happened after Musharrafs U turn speech..so either they were able to conducted these attacks..because your establishment was on board..or they are non state actors as your govt claims them to be.

5 . Not true .. TTP is not taliban .. taliban have said it time and again.. TTP was never a part of taliban .. No attack from Afghan taliban is lunched inside pakistan .. but since they are fighting USA, they cant pick a fight with TTP... since alot of them are hiding inside these regions ...

You are fooling youself...if you believe that, TTP is formed of the very same tribal..that supported, sheltered, trained fighters for Afghan Jihad(both Pakistani as well as Afghans)..they have deep sympathies for each other..they live together(in the same area), support each other..Mullaha radio calls Mullha Omar his Qaid.
AT has tried to distance itself from TTP..as they do not want to open another front, when they are already fighting Americans...but make no mistake, they are very pissed at you..for supporting Americans.

6 . I dnt knw.. LeT is smart they have the biggest NGO ... they do alot of social work .. people who have lost blood fighting for kashmir is kinda of heros in Pakistan .. btw it is my personal opnion .. USA lost in Afghanistan due to Pakistan... when US kicked their as in Afghanistan .. we helped them regroup inside Pakistan .. they reinforce and lunched a very effective insurgency ... we never openly supported them after 9/11 .. but taliban has not thing to do with 9/11.. it was alqeeda and pakistan has caught more Alqeeda members then USA ..

i tried to give u my unbiased opinion ... i hope it will give u some insight about the ground realities about Pakistan

It was Pakistani ISI which arranged negotiations b/w OBL/ AQ with Taliban to settle in Afghanistan ..after he was kicked out of Sudan...this what brought American WOT to your shores.
Not just for Indians, rest of the world is declaring them terrorist too..which essentially make you a terrorist sympathizer..and your nation(if it agrees to your POV)..a terrorist state..in eyes of the world.

That is why, there is hardly any sympathy for you on the world stage.. when there is a terrorist attack on Pakistani soil...for they know..you are not just victims but perpetrators of your own mess.
I am not going to defend any individual or organisation but let me ask you this, why India or rather the Indians have adopted to be pimp or poodles of one country or another, you talking about sympathy, tragic as it was, i can recall people dancing in the streets of Middle East when 9/11 took place.....simply because the likes of US are hypocrite when serving justice in some quarters and since it's become habitual for Indians to rub their nose on the same lines of accusing Pakistan of harbouring it's own mess..... do you people have an iota of brains to comprehend as what are the demands of the likes of TTP and other scums and why are we fighting them. If you people have a friction of humanity left then ask yourself, how these ragtags acquire resources to carry out their campaign.... do you have any idea how much they pay to a suicide bomber..... get to know the ground realities before indulging in all chest thumping and obsession to capitalize on anything that's ant-Pakistan..... firing over others shoulder may do your appetite good but it would never acknowledge you any credibility.
I am not going to defend any individual or organisation but let me ask you this, why India or rather the Indians have adopted to be pimp or poodles of one country or another, you talking about sympathy, tragic as it was, i can recall people dancing in the streets of Middle East when 9/11 took place.....simply because the likes of US are hypocrite when serving justice in some quarters

Yes people in Palestine danced, while the world trade center fell..all the while Arafat donated blood for victims of 9/11..even in India, there was a feeling, hey we have been complaining about terrorist pit in our neighborhood for over a decade..but American never cared..now they know.

and since it's become habitual for Indians to rub their nose on the same lines of accusing Pakistan of harbouring it's own mess..... do you people have an iota of brains to comprehend as what are the demands of the likes of TTP and other scums and why are we fighting them.

Yes they demand..end to Pakistan's association with west and Sharia in Pakistan..which you object...but hypocritically Pakistan was absolutely fine and even supportive, when their cousins were implementing sharia laws in Afghanistan.

If you people have a friction of humanity left then ask yourself, how these ragtags acquire resources to carry out their campaign.... do you have any idea how much they pay to a suicide bomber.....

These rag tag acquire the resources carry out their campaign..because you built it for them ..Afghan Jihad day..you created indoctrination centers(madrasahs) , training camps all over your tribal areas and even places like Muridke and P.Ok , even taught them how to built bombs and suicide vests..because supposedly they were fighting against Soviets and Indians.

You brought in Kalashnikov culture in your country...established flourishing arms bazars.

Primary source of their funding in Zakat from middle eastern countries and extortion.

get to know the ground realities before indulging in all chest thumping and obsession to capitalize on anything that's ant-Pakistan..... firing over others shoulder may do your appetite good but it would never acknowledge you any credibility.

It is hardly firing over the another's shoulders..when we have saying 'so' from day one, what rest of the world has just started to acknowledge.

It is more like "we told you so"

Even now, your selective approach in dealing with terrorist sheltering in your country is absolutely flawed ..eventually even these pets of yours will also rise against you..and you ll be dealing with another TTP on your hands.
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Totaly confused brain- what Jamat ud dawa or LeT has to do with these 53000 dead?-

Mind the distinction between JuD- LeT and TTP-
btw i call my wife Ammy- magar pyar say :D-

Haha, keep on debating upon the names, the fact is they all are terrorist. You may find good and bad.

Actually no group has caused those 50K deaths, its the mentality that prevails in pakistan.
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