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US monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says


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US monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says

ReutersPublished April 12, 2022 - Updated about 3 hours ago

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken participates in a joint news conference during the fourth US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue at the State Department in Washington, DC, on Monday.  — AFP

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken participates in a joint news conference during the fourth US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue at the State Department in Washington, DC, on Monday. — AFP
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was monitoring what he described as a rise in human rights abuses in India by some officials, in a rare direct rebuke by Washington of the Asian nation's rights record.
“We regularly engage with our Indian partners on these shared values (of human rights) and to that end, we are monitoring some recent concerning developments in India including a rise in human rights abuses by some government, police and prison officials,” Blinken said on Monday in a joint press briefing with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.
Blinken did not elaborate. Singh and Jaishankar, who spoke after Blinken at the briefing, did not comment on the human rights issue.
Blinken's remarks came days after US Representative Ilhan Omar questioned the alleged reluctance of the US government to criticise Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government on human rights.

“What does Modi need to do to India's Muslim population before we will stop considering them a partner in peace?” Omar, who belongs to President Joe Biden's Democratic Party, said last week.
Modi's critics say his Hindu nationalist ruling party has fostered religious polarisation since coming to power in 2014.
Since Modi came to power, right-wing Hindu groups have launched attacks on minorities claiming they are trying to prevent religious conversions.
Several Indian states have passed or are considering anti-conversion laws that challenge the constitutionally protected right to freedom of belief.
In 2019, the government passed a citizenship law that critics said undermined India's secular constitution by excluding Muslim migrants from neighbouring countries.
The law was meant to grant Indian nationality to Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jains, Parsis, and Sikhs who fled Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan before 2015.
In the same year, soon after his 2019 re-election win, Modi's government revoked the special status of occupied Kashmir in a bid to fully integrate the Muslim-majority region with the rest of the country.
To keep a lid on protests, the administration detained many Kashmir political leaders and sent many more paramilitary police and soldiers to the Himalayan region also claimed by Pakistan.
Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) recently banned wearing the hijab in classrooms in Karnataka state. Hardline Hindu groups later demanded such restrictions in more Indian states.
That's a blackmail, nothing more. You accepted Modi, and that was it.
Happy to see that Blinken and the US administration is finally waking up to the realities of present day India.

America as a defender of democracy cannot look the other way when lifes of millions of Indian muslims is in danger.
because the US has always cared so much for them
Hope the US means it and pressurises India to drop it's anti-Muslim stance.

Us has multiple economic avenues it can pursue to bring Modi to heel.
Happy to see that Blinken and the US administration is finally waking up to the realities of present day India.

America as a defender of democracy cannot look the other way when lifes of millions of Indian muslims is in danger.

US monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says

ReutersPublished April 12, 2022 - Updated about 3 hours ago

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken participates in a joint news conference during the fourth US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue at the State Department in Washington, DC, on Monday.  — AFP

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken participates in a joint news conference during the fourth US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue at the State Department in Washington, DC, on Monday. — AFP
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was monitoring what he described as a rise in human rights abuses in India by some officials, in a rare direct rebuke by Washington of the Asian nation's rights record.
“We regularly engage with our Indian partners on these shared values (of human rights) and to that end, we are monitoring some recent concerning developments in India including a rise in human rights abuses by some government, police and prison officials,” Blinken said on Monday in a joint press briefing with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.
Blinken did not elaborate. Singh and Jaishankar, who spoke after Blinken at the briefing, did not comment on the human rights issue.
Blinken's remarks came days after US Representative Ilhan Omar questioned the alleged reluctance of the US government to criticise Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government on human rights.

“What does Modi need to do to India's Muslim population before we will stop considering them a partner in peace?” Omar, who belongs to President Joe Biden's Democratic Party, said last week.
Modi's critics say his Hindu nationalist ruling party has fostered religious polarisation since coming to power in 2014.
Since Modi came to power, right-wing Hindu groups have launched attacks on minorities claiming they are trying to prevent religious conversions.
Several Indian states have passed or are considering anti-conversion laws that challenge the constitutionally protected right to freedom of belief.
In 2019, the government passed a citizenship law that critics said undermined India's secular constitution by excluding Muslim migrants from neighbouring countries.
The law was meant to grant Indian nationality to Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jains, Parsis, and Sikhs who fled Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan before 2015.
In the same year, soon after his 2019 re-election win, Modi's government revoked the special status of occupied Kashmir in a bid to fully integrate the Muslim-majority region with the rest of the country.
To keep a lid on protests, the administration detained many Kashmir political leaders and sent many more paramilitary police and soldiers to the Himalayan region also claimed by Pakistan.
Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) recently banned wearing the hijab in classrooms in Karnataka state. Hardline Hindu groups later demanded such restrictions in more Indian states.

Finally US taking note of Human rights violations in India.

Sanctions on India are coming.


So I’m with Ilhan Omar and Blinken on this. Valid points, most of them. This kind of criticism is good and it needs to be stepped up.

Shortly US will impose crippling sanctions on India.

US monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says

ReutersPublished April 12, 2022 - Updated about 3 hours ago

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken participates in a joint news conference during the fourth US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue at the State Department in Washington, DC, on Monday.  — AFP

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken participates in a joint news conference during the fourth US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue at the State Department in Washington, DC, on Monday. — AFP
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was monitoring what he described as a rise in human rights abuses in India by some officials, in a rare direct rebuke by Washington of the Asian nation's rights record.
“We regularly engage with our Indian partners on these shared values (of human rights) and to that end, we are monitoring some recent concerning developments in India including a rise in human rights abuses by some government, police and prison officials,” Blinken said on Monday in a joint press briefing with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.
Blinken did not elaborate. Singh and Jaishankar, who spoke after Blinken at the briefing, did not comment on the human rights issue.
Blinken's remarks came days after US Representative Ilhan Omar questioned the alleged reluctance of the US government to criticise Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government on human rights.

“What does Modi need to do to India's Muslim population before we will stop considering them a partner in peace?” Omar, who belongs to President Joe Biden's Democratic Party, said last week.
Modi's critics say his Hindu nationalist ruling party has fostered religious polarisation since coming to power in 2014.
Since Modi came to power, right-wing Hindu groups have launched attacks on minorities claiming they are trying to prevent religious conversions.
Several Indian states have passed or are considering anti-conversion laws that challenge the constitutionally protected right to freedom of belief.
In 2019, the government passed a citizenship law that critics said undermined India's secular constitution by excluding Muslim migrants from neighbouring countries.
The law was meant to grant Indian nationality to Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jains, Parsis, and Sikhs who fled Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan before 2015.
In the same year, soon after his 2019 re-election win, Modi's government revoked the special status of occupied Kashmir in a bid to fully integrate the Muslim-majority region with the rest of the country.
To keep a lid on protests, the administration detained many Kashmir political leaders and sent many more paramilitary police and soldiers to the Himalayan region also claimed by Pakistan.
Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) recently banned wearing the hijab in classrooms in Karnataka state. Hardline Hindu groups later demanded such restrictions in more Indian states.

Ah the biggest hypocritical liar state in the world, America. Who is now firing warning shots at its pet, India. Why? Because india, unlike the prostitute leadership of Pakistan, has stood up against Western commands of opposing Russia.

As a Pakistani, it is truly a disgraceful moment to witness. Where the leader of india, a criminal fascist, had the balls to say to America that it won't take orders on whom to buy oil from. Whereas our scared little puppet General Bajwa, ran to Washington DC while the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Imran Khan was visiting Moscow.

General Bajwa, go jump in the sea of shame. You call yourself a Muslim? Pfft! You're a disgrace for all Muslims and Pakistanis alike.
Ah the biggest hypocritical liar state in the world, America. Who is now firing warning shots at its pet, India. Why? Because india, unlike the prostitute leadership of Pakistan, has stood up against Western commands of opposing Russia.

As a Pakistani, it is truly a disgraceful moment to witness. Where the leader of india, a criminal fascist, had the balls to say to America that it won't take orders on whom to buy oil from. Whereas our scared little puppet General Bajwa, ran to Washington DC while the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Imran Khan was visiting Moscow.

General Bajwa, go jump in the sea of shame. You call yourself a Muslim? Pfft! You're a disgrace for all Muslims and Pakistanis alike.
bajwa generaaal dollar

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