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US missile defense: Seoul must make clear extent of alliance cost

Its not about seeing Japanese as a threat. Its about the attitude of Japanese not seeing Korean as an equal partner. Japan feels they are a higher level than South Korea due to bigger economy, big population and bigger land mass. Therefore they do not need to bow down and make any sincere apology over their torture of Korean in WWII.
As long as you Far East Asians dont get together making your own Alliance and depend less on west. You dont stand a chance for peace.
Japan Taiwan Korea China Indonesia Malaysia Singapore.
You should all make a NATO like union. You dont need USA babysitting. East Asia is developed enough to take care of itself.
But dreams are dreams.
Nobody will agree with me and start blaming the other country for trouble and marry go round
i always wonder a possibility that whether china can help SK to destroy the NK regime, thens reunified the Korea, the prerequisite is US out of Korea peninsula. but i doubt if SK want unification or not.
Man South Korean Eagles can destroy all of Pyongyang and major military establishments in a jeffy. Do you think NK migs and other antique planes stand a chance?
And i dont think the so called HUGE NK army will remain loyal to pyongyang once there top leadership plus Command and control is taken out.
And for korean reunification. Do you want to take in the mess in NK? and all that poverty? they will eat SK economy away. I believe a democratic NK Having friendly relations with SK is the best options.
And i insist on my point that SK needs US only if China is a threat and i assure you China wants friendly relations with SK and its growing every day. Even people of china have warm sentiments for koreans.

NK is no problem for South. Only there Nukes bother me. What can SK or even USA can do for there nukes
You don't understand the complication of the North Korea threat. It is not their tank, aircraft, or ship that scare South Korea. It is their artillery and missiles that can reach Seoul in minute. It's defenseless for South Korea. They have to finish to defeat North Korea's massive army in one day or the damage will be unimaginable for South Korea.
Do you have any insight into why Taiwan was able to get over this animosity and establish friendly relations with Japan, while China and South Korea were not?

Taiwan was one of those exceptionally obedient colony, other than a few rebellions by the aborigines who are consequently slaughtered off. Now they are too few to matter anyway. I found it very interesting that some of the Taiwanese aborigines are rather pro-China. What animosity Taiwan has towards Japan are from the immigrants that gone over with the KMT, and for KMT to survive its standoff against the mainland, they will have to look for allies, which is why any remnants of animosity on the island are to be suppressed. Although from time to time things does shimmer to the surface, like the Diaoyu island disupte with Japan.
Taiwan was one of those exceptionally obedient colony, other than a few rebellions by the aborigines who are consequently slaughtered off. Now they are too few to matter anyway. I found it very interesting that some of the Taiwanese aborigines are rather pro-China. What animosity Taiwan has towards Japan are from the immigrants that gone over with the KMT, and for KMT to survive its standoff against the mainland, they will have to look for allies, which is why any remnants of animosity on the island are to be suppressed. Although from time to time things does shimmer to the surface, like the Diaoyu island disupte with Japan.

Hu Jintao meets with delegation of Taiwanese minorities, pledges further disaster support

“Hu Jintao pointed out that Taiwanese ethnic minority compatriots are important members of the great family of the peoples of China, and that ‘for a long period of time, you have engaged in an unwavering struggle to resist foreign aggression and preserve national dignity, and have worked tirelessly for the development of the peoples of China and the development of Taiwan, making a great contribution to the improvement and development of cross-strait relations.

Warriors of the Rainbow. A movie by John Woo. Based on a TRUE facts.

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