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US military shepherds humanitarian aid to Pakistan

It's not as simple as that. When an overwhelmingly catastrophe of such a scale strikes, you need all the help you can get. Katrina in the US should remind us how difficult it can be not to lose the plot. A superpower that was literally brought to its knees whilst everyone watched the drama unfold. I'm sure people still remember the scenes from the Superdome on their tv sets.

I agree that Sindh and Punjab haven't lived up to their duties. It's extremely shameful that these provinces turned down to accommodate any of their brothers and sisters.

yes a super power was brought to its knees but everyone within the country helped and the US didn't go around the world begging for aid or the people of diffrent states didn't say its not our concern.....

July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck the city of Tangshan, a thriving industrial city with approximately one million inhabitants, without warning. None of the precursors observed near Haicheng were observed this time. The earthquake caused an estimated 250,000 fatalities and 164,000 injured.....guess what the CHINESE did they said well this has been a natural disaster that has hit CHINA so only the chinese will overcome it we don't need foreign assistance....

to become a superpower.... or to become a NATION you have to stop begging the world and standup and fight your own disasters....a nations resolve is proven in times of CRISIS....so please i don't think asking for world assistance is the solution.....

if our political leaders who consider CHINA as a friend and all that need to learn from the chinese in the art of handling disasters.....

there is a chinese proverb....you give a man a fish he eats for a day....you teach him how to fish he eats for life!!!! :pakistan::china::pakistan:
yes a super power was brought to its knees but everyone within the country helped and the US didn't go around the world begging for aid or the people of diffrent states didn't say its not our concern.....

July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck the city of Tangshan, a thriving industrial city with approximately one million inhabitants, without warning. None of the precursors observed near Haicheng were observed this time. The earthquake caused an estimated 250,000 fatalities and 164,000 injured.....guess what the CHINESE did they said well this has been a natural disaster that has hit CHINA so only the chinese will overcome it we don't need foreign assistance....

to become a superpower.... or to become a NATION you have to stop begging the world and standup and fight your own disasters....a nations resolve is proven in times of CRISIS....so please i don't think asking for world assistance is the solution.....

if our political leaders who consider CHINA as a friend and all that need to learn from the chinese in the art of handling disasters.....

there is a chinese proverb....you give a man a fish he eats for a day....you teach him how to fish he eats for life!!!! :pakistan::china::pakistan:

Let's not compare Pakistan with the US or China. We all know what the financial situation of Pakistan currently is. Neither does Pakistan have any ambitions or the potential of becoming a superpower. Pakistan just wants to become stable, prosperous and strong. A state that can feed its people, provide health care, security, jobs, education etc. Consider South Korea and China as a good example.

However, I agree that Pakistan ought to learn to stand-up on its own feet. In order to do so the leadership will have to understand that priorities lie elsewhere. Yes, we should observe and learn from our wise neighbour China. China is an exemplary role model for Pakistan.
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even US recieved humanitarian aid after Katrina hurricane despite all the resources they have got. we should thank the world for helpin us. but this doesnt mean we should stop helpin ourselves. and no one in punjab or sindh is stoppin anyone from goin anywhere. read the statements comin from PM and CM sindh. if some politicians are playin dirty politics then we shouldnt let them effect us
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