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US military 'ready to engage in a conflict with Iran'

Jul 11, 2011
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America's most senior military official has indicated that the country is ready to engage in a conflict with Iran, if President Barack Obama were to give the signal.

Tensions have been growing in the region following international condemnation over Tehran's growing nuclear ambitions.
Last month, Britain's ambassador to Iran was expelled from the country following attacks on the British Embassy. The US is also involved in a standoff over a downed spy drone, which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has refused to return despite America's requests.
General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, said that the US military had reached a point where they were ready to execute force against Iran if necessary.
In an interview with US media in Afghanistan he said: "We are examining a range of options. I'm satisfied that the options that we are developing are evolving to a point that they would be executable if necessary."
His comments come just days after Leon Panetta, US secretary of defence, said "no options were off the table" in stopping Iran develop a nuclear weapon.

Gen Dempsey said he had been quietly leading behind the scenes preparations for an attack against Tehran but said a war with the nation would be a "tragedy".
"My biggest worry is that it may miscalculate our resolve. Any miscalculation could mean that we are drawn into conflict and that would be a tragedy for the region and the world," he said.
Asked whether the US military is collecting information on the Middle Eastern nation via spy drones, Gen Dempsey said it would be "imprudent" for them not to attempt to find out what they were doing but stopped short of saying they had used unmanned aircraft.
"If you are asking are we gathering intelligence against Iran in a variety of means, the answer is of course," he said. "It would be imprudent of us not to understand what a nation which has declared itself an adversary of the United States is doing."
Gen Dempsey said the US is collaborating with Israel in its intelligence gathering but reiterated that there are no guarantees the Israelis would inform the US before launching an attack.
"We are trying to establish some confidence on the part of the Israelis that we recognise their concerns and are collaborating with them on addressing them," he said.
Leon Panetta, the secretary of defence, said this week that the US was prepared to step in to prevent Tehran realising its nuclear ambitions. He estimated that the country was only a year away from reaching its goal.
"The United States does not want Iran to develop a nuclear weapon," he said. "That is a red line for us and that is a red line for the Israelis. If we have to do it we will do it. If they proceed and we get intelligence that they are proceeding in developing a nuclear weapon then we will take whatever steps necessary to stop them. There are no options that are off the table."
If Iran were to gain a nuclear weapon, it could trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with officials in Saudi Arabia already saying they will look towards developing nuclear capabilities if the Iranians arm themselves.
Further evidence of US reconnaissance missions in the region include the indictment of several alleged CIA spies.
In May this year, Iran's intelligence ministry announced the arrest of 30 CIA "spies" it claimed were conducting sabotage missions.
Another 15 alleged US-Israeli spies were indicted earlier this month and this week Iranian state television showed clips of ex-US Marine Amir Hekmati allegedly confessing to espionage.
Earlier this month, the EU agreed to impose new sanctions against 180 officials in Tehran in an attempt to curtail the nation's nuclear programme. EU foreign ministers also said they were looking at additional measures to impose on Tehran's energy sector.

US military 'ready to engage in a conflict with Iran' - Telegraph
here obama has given the order to engage


but it appears he had an heart attack from the fear of it.
Obama will not order as the Pentagon plans.Obama is concentrating on the economic stability.He has hardly get rid of Iraq so he will not open a new chapter but Israel can be given a green signal to air strike at Iran.
Iran deterred planned invasion: IRGC

The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says, during the 2000s, the country managed to deter an invasion planned against it by its enemies.

“In the 1380s [on the Iranian calendar (2001-2011)], the enemies attempted to launch a military action against us by completing [a process of] surrounding Iran and preparing their desired conditions inside the country…,” Major General Mohammad-Ali Ja'fari said on Wednesday.

He added that “for various reasons, including Iran's missile power, their (the enemies) plans failed.”

“The United States dispatched troops to Afghanistan and Iraq under various excuses, but their main goal was to confront the Islamic Iran,” the commander stated.

The Iranian commander referred to admissions made by the US officials, who had asserted that a failure of their military options against Iran would cause them to resort to sanctions against and pressure on the Islamic Republic.

He attributed Iran's defense prowess to the nation's trust in the Islamic establishment in the country and their confidence in the capabilities of Iran's Armed Forces.

PressTV - Iran deterred planned invasion: IRGC
Man, Iraq war cost trillions. How much an Iran war will cost again???

Who the heck will pay for it???
And the p!g thinks why the world hates them.You are actually threatening a country all the time yet you blame it for acting like enemy.
War with Iran won't be so Bad Operation Iranian Freedom, just 2-3 Trillion and half a million troops maybe more, Destruction of the Iranian Air Force, Destruction of Iranian Air Defense, Destruction of Iranian Navy and finally Destruction of Iranian Army, who knows maybe you and I will be fighting Iran likely they will call in the Draft.
Right now they are being forced to retreat from Iraq in total humiliation..and Iraq is like 4x of Iraq! good luck with war of words! The funny part is that the whole party of IRGC commanders is having comedy circus with out of space statements while US is being forced to retreat from Iraq and no muscle to do much about Iran! its like the weaker kid waving candies at the fat boy who cant move due to his weight!
Right now they are being forced to retreat from Iraq in total humiliation..and Iraq is like 4x of Iraq! good luck with war of words!

War with Iran won't be so Bad Operation Iranian Freedom, just 2-3 Trillion and half a million troops maybe more, Destruction of the Iranian Air Force, Destruction of Iranian Air Defense, Destruction of Iranian Navy and finally Destruction of Iranian Army, who knows maybe you and I will be fighting Iran likely they will call in the Draft. Iraq was defeated in 3 weeks, 10 weeks to defeat Iran and then Operation Pakistan will come.
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