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US military aid to Ukraine surpasses India, UK, Russia, France and Germany's military budget. Wow.

how much has been donated so far i mean the total amount from including EU
This can't be true, India is buying Russian products like crazy. The graph says India gave $ 76 BILLION to Ukraine in military aid? What is it that India produced that was given to Ukraine for $ 76 BILLION? India is the largest defense buyer of Russian equipment. Please elaborate!
The Graph compares the defence budget of the respective nations with the amount of aid given to Ukraine by U.S.
The Graph compares the defence budget of the respective nations with the amount of aid given to Ukraine by U.S.

Thank you for identifying the gap. I overlooked the line, just saw the post heading and looked at the data. Bad habit of always looking into details and finding answers. PDF team doesn't sleep it seems. Good work 🙏
The United States can make a lot of dollars just by running the printing press,
I wonder how this aid reaches Ukraine and in what fashion. May not all be military equipment related maybe money to help them run government and other things critical for Ukraine.
Is this $ 115 billion already spent or some committed? I believe a $ 40+ billion was committed last week when Zilinsky was in the US? Is that pledge also included?
115 bil included EVERYTHING. From flying tens of thousands of Ukrainian to the US to train with HIMARS or Patriot to housing them to probably spending money. It also worth notice that a lot of those money are spend on infrastructure. Like they did with Afghanistan, so the road that transport those item from Poland to Ukraine, to the railway line structure that build between the two country would also counted toward those 115 billion fund.

Actual military article transfer is around 18 billion at the moment, will eventually become 40 billion by 2023.

This is the same as those people saying we have given 87 billion aid in Afghanistan and then it must be 87 billion worth of equipment that got left behind. That's laughable because unless Afghanistan has 5 Ford Class Carrier hiding somewhere, the firearms, the mini-tank, MRAP, and the old Blackhawk we left behind are no where near 87 billion. A lot of those money went to either infrastructure or payment.
To keep it in context, I believe that Russia spends about $50 billion per year.
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