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US Marines to radically remodel to counter China in Western Pacific in 10 year plan

When will these McDonald clowns finally understand the concept of retaliation? If US is launching a couple of missiles from Guam first, the Chinese can destroy Guam with just a couple of missiles launched by land and sea. The rest of the missiles sitting on Guam will be gone along with the island. Try to think with the brains and not with the balls for a minute. Without Guam US has no property left in the Pacific to put future missiles on it.

This rube still doesn’t understand. Guam is heavily defended by both land and sea based defenses. Second, there are thousands of islands in the Western Pacific the US can place missile batteries on. Apparently you are completely oblivious to the US island hopping campaign in the Pacific in WW2. The US will also deploy missiles on Japanese islands north and east of Taiwan and potentially South Korea.

The US is also close to deploying air launched AGM-183 hypersonic missiles on B-52 bombers.

US lethality is set to increase exponentially in the Western Pacific. There’s no doubt about that at this point.

The only clown here is you. You clearly don’t have a clue.
All within reach of Chinese missiles and hyper sonic ones. US has no defense against fast incoming ballistic missiles. There's no such thing as impenetrable shield.
All within reach of Chinese missiles and hyper sonic ones. US has no defense against fast incoming ballistic missiles. There's no such thing as impenetrable shield.

The US has multiple layers of ballistic missile defenses, including Patriot, THAAD, SM-6, and SM-3. And the US does have a classified defense capability against hypersonic missiles. That would be the SM-6, especially the upcoming hypersonic SM-6 Block 1B.

The Western Pacific will be a graveyard for Chinese forces.
That is if SM-6 really works against something like the DF-26, a big IF. The only way to find out is if the US has the courage to launch the initial strike against the Chinese targets first. In the Chinese retaliation scenario the US shall be presented the opportunity to display if SM-6 really works against a couple to dozens of DF-26. Everything depends on whether the US is prepared to strike first.
That is if SM-6 really works against something like the DF-26, a big IF. The only way to find out is if the US has the courage to launch the initial strike against the Chinese targets first. In the Chinese retaliation scenario the US shall be presented the opportunity to display if SM-6 really works against a couple to dozens of DF-26. Everything depends on whether the US is prepared to strike first.

SM-6 has been tested successfully against multiple medium range ballistic missiles. It’s a highly capable missile with anti air, cruise, ballistic and antiship capabilities. The SM-6 Block Block 1b will will replace the Block 1a’s 13.5in rocket booster with a 21in rocket booster. It will have hypersonic capability with incredible range. It’s an exquisite capability, and why it’s taking on the anti hypersonic role.
America is going to implode soon. Multi ethnic states like America or Yugoslavia will never work out in the long term. What will happen is America will become a Hispanic country like Brazil where whites will either build gated communities or leave altogether.
Except China's going to take over the world through commerce not by bullets. This is just more useless posturing. It's already too late to stop the inevitable.

America is going to implode soon. Multi ethnic states like America or Yugoslavia will never work out in the long term. What will happen is America will become a Hispanic country like Brazil where whites will either build gated communities or leave altogether.

The US is not Yugoslavia. It is not going to be imploding. But political dysfunction and paralysis? Yep, that's been the case for over 20 years but now it will just seriously stall progress while China rushes forward. The US is still ahead in many key factors but China's sheer momentum will help it surpass the US in the next ten years.
The US can put the defensive and offensive missiles on Guam but when the situation arises where China is taking drastic measures in further dominating the South China Sea and most importantly a military operation in capturing Taiwan we shall witness the action or inaction from the American side. If the US chooses not to engage the Chinese on behalf of Taiwan then it proofs the US has zero confidence in all these missiles on Guam and US Navy operating in the Western Pacific. It is fair assessment from a neutral standpoint but please do not show up with the excuse the US has no obligation to protect Taiwan if it decides to act as a coward after all the boasting of what the US missiles can do.
The US can put the defensive and offensive missiles on Guam but when the situation arises where China is taking drastic measures in further dominating the South China Sea and most importantly a military operation in capturing Taiwan we shall witness the action or inaction from the American side. If the US chooses not to engage the Chinese on behalf of Taiwan then it proofs the US has zero confidence in all these missiles on Guam and US Navy operating in the Western Pacific. It is fair assessment from a neutral standpoint but please do not show up with the excuse the US has no obligation to protect Taiwan if it decides to act as a coward after all the boasting of what the US missiles can do.

The US is not going to fight China militarily in China's own backyard. China has the upper hand and any decisive military defeat will be psychologically unacceptable to the American political elite and American society. The US will be posturing more aggressively to place psychological and political pressure on China but it will inevitably be useless as it won't be able to contain China's inevitable dominance.
I think America needs to stop this cold war with China and consider joining the BRI in a Eurasian+ bloc. North America can be linked to Asia via a bridge in the Bering Strait. If the failed trade war is any indication, the USA no longer has the heft needed to confront a determined China. If you can beat'em, join em.

The current Indo-Pacific bloc is a joke. S. Korea and Japan are at each others throats and in long run will be in serious demographic decline. India is obsessed with regional and domestic sectarian conflicts....and is still non aligned in practice. From the American prespective...I don't see what so attractive about the "Indo-Pacific" concept.

Only the wallets of military industrial complex benefits from a new cold war with China. The American people have little to gain. Since China is not expansionist and not really a threat.
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I think America needs to stop this cold war with China and consider joining the BRI in a Eurasian+ bloc. North America can be linked to Asia via a bridge in the Bering Strait. If the failed trade war is any indication, the USA no longer has heft to confront a determined China. If you can beat'em, join em.

The current Indo-Pacific bloc is a joke. S. Korea and Japan are at each others throats and in long run will be in serious demographic decline. India is obsessed with regional and domestic sectarian conflicts....and is still non aligned in practice. From the American prespective...I don't see what so attractive about the "Indo-Pacific" concept.

Only the wallets of military industrial complex benefits from a new cold war with China. The American people have little to gain. Since China is not expansionist and really a threat.

Won't happen anytime soon. The American elites are delusional and they are obsessed with domination. They know China's rise is the only thing that will end total American domination so American society is currently subjected to a round the clock 24/7 propaganda campaign to demonize China and to send anti-China hysteria to a fever pitch in order to mobilize American society. However, the problem is that the American elites themselves do not really know exactly what they are doing or what the end goal should be.

This will not end well. American confrontation of China will hurt China's interests in certain areas but as China has demonstrated many times before and during this coronavirus crisis, its leadership is competent and its society is united in responding quickly against any threat. So whatever the US throws at China, it will only cause China to dig in its heels and boost innovation and reduce any dependence on the US or Western technology. In the end, the US is only helping China to become more innovative and thus, more technologically advanced while hastening its own demise.
Basically the US has already lost if you look at what the end game is going to look like. Technically speaking right now it is continuing playing a losing game that is how you can view the whole political and strategic affairs or from an economic/financial standpoint. Putting missiles on Guam does not change the destined outcome if it is all for show but not going to be used.
Basically the US has already lost if you look at what the end game is going to look like. Technically speaking right now it is continuing playing a losing game that is how you can view the whole political and strategic affairs or from an economic/financial standpoint. Putting missiles on Guam does not change the destined outcome if it is all for show but not going to be used.

Missiles on Guam is just more useless posturing. It has absolutely zero impact on the ultimate outcome, which is the demise and collapse of the American empire. Honestly, I am afraid of what comes next. Perhaps this is only a short hiccup but this may also be the beginning of the end. As we all know from history, sometimes empires can collapse overnight, look at the Soviet Union. The US is under a massive burden from its own debts and this economic disaster may send things into a tailspin leading to a massive economic collapse which will rob the US of the capability to continue to fund its wars of empire. It will lead to a great decline in the American living standard and of American prestige in the world.

In 2008, when the US last suffered a great crash, Obama sent Susan Rice to Beijing and China helped bail the US out. Today, that is no longer an option. Trump's constant antagonism of China and warlike posturing against China has destroyed any mutual trust or goodwill. If the US suffers a devastating blow, China will not bail out the US but will go on the offensive to rampage through the corpse of America's empire.

America is run by incompetent, corrupt, self serving idiots. This will end very badly mark my words. I'm honestly afraid of the near future.
There are many reasons for the United States and China to fight each other. But why do they have to do that. Nobody won. And only benefit countries like Russia, India, Iran ....
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