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US Man Arrested in Connection With Disappearance of Okinawa Woman


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China

US Man Arrested in Connection With Disappearance of Okinawa Woman

03:26 20.05.2016(updated 03:28 20.05.2016)

Investigating the disappearance of a 20-year-old woman on the island of Okinawa, Japanese authorities have arrested an American employed at a US military base.

The last known contact from Rina Shimabukuro, 20, came at around 8 pm on April 28, when she spoke with her boyfriend via mobile app, saying she was going for a walk. The next morning, the boyfriend reported her missing.

Japanese police have now arrested an American civilian in connection with the incident. Kenneth Shinzato, 32, works at Kadena Air Base. Using GPS evidence from Shimabukuro’s phone, police discovered her last known location was in an industrial area near her home.

Authorities analyzed vehicle traffic and surveillance footage from the area that showed Shinzato’s vehicle.

During interrogation, Shinzato indicated that he had murdered the 20-year-old and dumped her body, which was then found at the location Shinzato provided.

"The US military extends its deepest sympathies to the people of Japan, and express our gratitude for the trust that they place in our bilateral alliance and the American people," US Defense Department spokesman Peter Cook told reporters.

He described the incident as "an appalling tragedy."

The Japan Times reports that Lt. Gen. Lawrence Nicholson, head of US Marines in Okinawa, apologized to Okinawa Vice Gov. Mitsuo Ageda by telephone, describing the incident as "very regrettable."

"As I look back at all the developments to date, I’m simply speechless," Okinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga told reporters.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/asia/20160520/1039938411/okinawa-murder.html#ixzz499Zjn5Vn


Tragic, terrible, cannot be accepted.

Japan needs to get rid of this cancer sooner than later...

Yup. Very tragic. Did you hear the one about how some US marines entered some local Japanese home and threatened the women with their guns/tied them up? All the more reasons to remove US military bases from Japan...

(Btw, just to be clear on one thing, I'm not Japanese. You could almost read my username as "Hi-Robo #2", w/e, though it's actually "hirobo #2", but the avatar on the other hand... Watashi no namae wa ___________ desu!)

[Darth Vader desu]
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They sold their soul to the devil so they have to live with it.

The heaviest price is paid by the Okinawans who happen to be staunchly anti-US base...

I perceive them as victims and sympathize.

I would not think the same of those elites in Tokyo and their media/business accomplices, though.

Servants can't do anything about masters, sad truth about those pretty girls in Japan and Philippines.

That's exactly why sovereignty is the highest political virtue and the sovereign nation state is the highest political office. In peace time, to be brutally killed by a foreign military man in your own land is the worst tragedy, I guess.
The Ryukus have been sold out by the government in Tokyo for centuries. During ww2 the civilian population of Okinawa was seen as expendable and they suffered horrific losses. Then there is discrimination against Okinawans on the mainland islands to the extent that they have to live with the Buraku population on the fringes of society.

Now the shame of forcing upon the Okinawan s the presence of foreign military men of dubious character.
The heaviest price is paid by the Okinawans who happen to be staunchly anti-US base...

I perceive them as victims and sympathize.

I would not think the same of those elites in Tokyo and their media/business accomplices, though.

That's exactly why sovereignty is the highest political virtue and the sovereign nation state is the highest political office. In peace time, to be brutally killed by a foreign military man in your own land is the worst tragedy, I guess.

So true. I see it everyday in corporate world. Even number 2 guy in the company get shit on. All those liberal western boot licking Chinese out there who think China spend too much on military should read more stories like these.
Servants can't do anything about masters, sad truth about those pretty girls in Japan and Philippines.

this guy wasn't a service member of the U.S. he only worked at the airbase. So he's screwed he'll be tried in Japan and serve a life sentence for murder in Japan.


and no one wants to point out he's black since that wouldn't be PC, but fact is Black Americans commit more rape and murder than White,Hispanic, and Asian Americans

but let's overreact and let the actions of one black guy taint all the U.S servicemen in Okinawa and Japan :disagree:
china should exploit this. send some agents there and pay some whities to do more kidnapping again and again, then sit back and watch 'em locals burn the airbase down and eat popcorn. after that proceed to next phase... it sounds evil, but them CIA been doing this forever now around the world. let 'em play chinese game for once. lol
Okinawans need to demand referendum to secede from their oppressors, Japan. China and most of Asia will back this move so that Okinawans are no longer brutalised and mistreated.

this guy wasn't a service member of the U.S. he only worked at the airbase. So he's screwed he'll be tried in Japan and serve a life sentence for murder in Japan.


and no one wants to point out he's black since that wouldn't be PC, but fact is Black Americans commit more rape and murder than White,Hispanic, and Asian Americans

but let's overreact and let the actions of one black guy taint all the U.S servicemen in Okinawa and Japan :disagree:

This should be a lesson for all Asian nations to not embrace multiculturalism like West has. Accept only select immigrants that can offer skills that are hard to find in their own country. Kick out lazy and disruptive foreigners.
Okinawans need to demand referendum to secede from their oppressors, Japan. China and most of Asia will back this move so that Okinawans are no longer brutalised and mistreated.

This should be a lesson for all Asian nations to not embrace multiculturalism like West has. Accept only select immigrants that can offer skills that are hard to find in their own country. Kick out lazy and disruptive foreigners.

are you implying Chinese wouldn't fit into Japanese society?

and Muslims should be kicked out of China and Japan as well?
There are blacks and there are niggas - this is what I hear black people say. Blacks are meant to be o.k but the niggas on the other hand....

I agree and I don't mean to label all black as thugs,rapists, and murderers, but fact is they commit more crime than other races.

I don't know if it's a cultural, racial or both.
I agree and I don't mean to label all black as thugs,rapists, and murderers, but fact is they commit more crime than other races.

I don't know if it's a cultural, racial or both.

Hey, you live in the states so you do know but too p.c to state it.

I watch a cartoon series called the Boondocks and it explains it perfectly.
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