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US Man Arrested in Connection With Disappearance of Okinawa Woman

If raping and destroying a 12 years old girl life is not going to stop them, then nothing will. They have to live with the consequence of hosting a devil.
Well, it's all just happening to them now. Remember what happened to the months old babies in China? Though it's not on that scale, but yes, karma, what a bitch.

Lol, Indians should join the US army. They will get ample of opportunities and get away scott free.
my heart goes out for japanese people..

we take full responsibility for this tragic.
I don't know what to write.......a Criminal committed a Crime. And He's been arrested and will remain in Jail for the remainder of his life. End of the story, justice served. Why do we have to see people with "An American"? or "A Chinese"?? A criminal is a criminal, no matter how he looks or where he comes from. If this guy was a Chinese or a Hindu, would be immediately somehow imply that an entire nation has criminal intend towards the other? In this case towards a 70 year old relationship and an ally who we work with and protect (US and Japan)?? :hitwall:

This thread should've been closed after the first few posts. Not sure why people are getting high off it!!

Says who? A Russian wana be European?? :rofl: :angel:. You want me to list out your Comrades crimes on here? A lot of them are pretty shameful and the list is in hundreds if not thousands!

India is hosting the US forces. The process in bigger/larger numbers is about to start in the next few months :enjoy:

Other than posting that news, which the crime committed is indeed bad and heinous, the reason for threads like this is good old bashing other people and countries.
Okinawans Rallying as US National Linked to Murder Case

07:23 20.05.2016(updated 11:22 20.05.2016)

A rally is taking place outside of a US military base in Japan’s Okinawa after a US national was arrested in connection to a murder of a Japanese woman, local NHK broadcaster reported Friday.

TOKYO (Sputnik) – Earlier this week, it was reported that Kenneth Franklin Shinzato, a US national and a former marine who works at the US Air Force base in Okinawa, was arrested on suspicion of disposing of Rina Shimabukuro’s body. The local authorities reportedly believe that he has also killed the young woman who has been missing since April.

#IWJ #沖縄 #嘉手納#うるま市 20歳女性の事件受けて #嘉手納基地 ゲート1抗議集会
「no rape!!」「close all bases!!」怒りの声 https://t.co/sajyLHWVSG pic.twitter.com/YfGaKwHmZi

— IWJ_okinawa1 (@IWJ_okinawa1) 20 мая 2016 г.

According to the NHK broadcaster, the residents of the prefecture are currently standing outside the Kadena Air Base demanding its closure.

On Thursday, Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida lodged a protest over the incident with US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy, calling it extremely regrettable.

Later that day, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter pledged his full cooperation to Japan over the incident.

Okinawa is home to a large US military presence and there have been mass protests over the years by the island’s inhabitants over incidents of alleged rape by US armed forces personnel stationed there.

Another murder in Okinawa, Japan. Sad that few few Americans make the entire race hate us pretty much.

— Sig (@RampageZayaLA) 19 мая 2016 г.

Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga on murder of local woman: "This incident has occurred precisely because the base is there."

— SNA Japan (@ShingetsuNews) 20 мая 2016 г.

The prefecture has also seen mass protest against the elocution of the US Marine Corps Air Station Futenma was agreed on in 2006. Current plans envision the base to be closed by February 2019 and relocated within the Okinawa prefecture. Over 1.5 million square meters of the coastal maritime belt are expected to be filled as part of the relocation.

@BarackObama How do you feel about the murder case by a US marine soldier in Okinawa.

— 最もまともなあにまろ (@Martialmobb) 19 мая 2016 г.

Following the incident, Tokyo demanded that Washington boost discipline at its military bases in Japan and assist in the investigation.
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