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US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

American troops are being paid to be there, they are mercenaries.
The rest of your statement is an opinion. I like to ignore the political talk, and dagger waving to look at the economy. US is highly is debt, Korea owns a significant portion of US debt and has among the worlds highest Forex reserves.

Pakistan is in debt - but unlike the US, its debt it mostly foreign loans. The biggest slave is the debtor. That is what Koreans are not. So 1st try to make those IMF payments before insulting Trillion dollar economies.

Oh, and Pakistan also had a US base, and has constant airspace violations as well as drone strikes. Not very
"free" if you ask me.

Feel free to compare the 2 countries on internationally accepted parameters such as literacy, defense budget, HDI, etc. But keep subjective statements that have no measure or meaning on the international level to yourself.

Good points.

What this illiterate doesn't seem to understand is that Korea gains much more with the USA here than it does without them.

If we wanted them to leave we could simply tell them to pack up and do so, yet they are offering billions of dollars in indirect military aid, and possibly even trillions if you consider them as the preventors of a North Korean attack on South Korea.

They gain very little; we gain a lot. We are the winners of this deal.

As for Pakistan, LOL! The USA does what it pleases, ignoring the protests of Pakistani politicians and citizens alike. They don't even consider them a real sovereign country, ignoring the Af-Pak border when it comes to their interests.

Name one country in the world today that is being owned by the USA at such a level?
I find it pretty confusing. If intelligence is correlated with lower temperatures, why is it that practically all ancient civilizations - Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, India were found in warmer climates while the colder areas were peopled with savages. It is practically around 1500 AD only that Europe started improving from its hellhole conditions of disease and starvation. The climate did not change drastically at that time.

1: Greece was not founded by people that evolved in a hotter climate. Ancient Greeks were descended from Proto-Indo-Europeans who came to what is now modern-day Greece circa 1500 BC.

2: Mesopotamia is/was not a civilization; it's the name of the fertile area centered on the Tiger-Euphrates river system. To what specific empires in the Mesopotamian region are you referring?

3: India - Indian civilization began with the Indo-Aryan migrations. These were a people who evolved on the Pontic-Caspian steppe, located in modern-day Ukraine. The Indo-Aryans introduced the culture and society to which Indians hold to today. They were mostly rulers, and did not have sufficient population size to survive inter-ethnic/inter-racial marraiges for long. By 1000 AD, the last holdouts of these peoples' were gone. Their descendants, living in Northern India, still hold partial ancestry to them as well.
1: Greece was not founded by people that evolved in a hotter climate. Ancient Greece was descended from Proto-Indo-Europeans who came to what is now modern-day Greece circa 1500 BC.

2: Mesopotamia is/was not a civilization; it's the name of the fertile area centered on the Tiger-Euphrates river system. To what specific empires in the Mesopotamian region are you referring?

3: India - Indian civilization began with the Indo-Aryan migrations. These were a people who evolved on the Pontic-Caspian steppe, located in modern-day Ukraine. The Indo-Aryans introduced the culture and society to which Indians hold to today. They were mostly rulers, and did not have sufficient population size to survive inter-ethnic/inter-racial marraiges for long. By 1000 AD, the last holdouts of these peoples' were gone. Their descendants, living in Northern India, still hold partial ancestry to them as well.

Mesopotamia / Sumer was a civilization. Please look it up.

If the "Ukrainians " had to come to a very hot climate to create a civilization, why were their cousins in cold climates still speaking grunt-grunt and eating raw flesh in caves.

And please look up the latest studies of archeogenetics of India. Might tell you a few new things . While Philology is mostly speculation, genetics is definitive.

And you still haven't said anything about Egypt or the Indus valley cities which certainly predated the "Indo Aryans".
No, and what does "giving away your defeat" mean? Why are all of you so damn illiterate?

Illiterate? An ugly, small, weak, smelly, small-eyed ***** monkey looking Korean calling me illiterate when he himself can not differentiate b/w the "review" and actual book... :lol:

No wonder you ladies are used as pissing holes by Western guys and that too, in your OWN countries ...LMAO!!!

You are replying to my response to you my illiterate friend.

My ugly korean 'friend', learn to comprehend English better.

Well it seems that 3rd worlders with supposedly big pen!ses, Africans and (though not true) South Asians, would much rather migrate to "small-pen!s" countries (White or East Asian countries), than the other way around.

No, its not about big penis...its about SMALLEST penises that YOU have! :rofl:

Probably that is the reason your girls are so willing to get 'screwed' by foreign guys? who treat them as their toilet holes? LOL...

Here it is again...the latest one ..


I suspect that, in the coming years, as liberal idiot Europeans (and Whites in general) realize that Muslimes like yourself are not smart enough, nor peaceful enough, to live among them, you will either be deported back to your nasty sub-Human countries, or you will be wiped out.

Yeah...deporting millions of Muslims out of Europe or just 'wiping' them out...LOL!

You see, Muslims aren't South Koreans who will give their women to western guys as their asswipes..LOL...any holocaust against Muslims will push West into civil war...and this will soon trigger a global crisis..no one is that stupid..nor Muslims..nor Europeans...

In America, Muslims in general are more educated, more wealthy, and more happy than average population...so much for being 'less smart' LOL!!!...and i.e when Muslims don't even come on H-B1 visa..unlike most Asians/Indians...

Anyways, I see now you are writing "oh those Muslimssssss" ....LOL

"THIS" post? How am I supposed to respond to "THIS" post when you were still writing it? Like I said, very low intelligence.


You retarded, sub-human, ugly, small-eyed, *****, monkey piece of sh!t.....the 'level' of your 'intelligence' is such that you do not even know that I LINKED you my post! This is a very standard way of linking things..

You imbecile, go back and click the word "THIS" in that post of mine ...which is in bold green...and you'll be taken to the post I'm referring to....Thats how you LINK stuff on internet..

You little monkey-face korean, you don't even know much about internet, eh?

Dumbfuck, ugly, small-pennised, small-eyed, American sh!t-eating monkey...you don't even know how to give information? LOL!

I asked you about the "list" ...Since you are making the claims..give me basics of those claims..like What was the temperature of Asian regions during Last Glacial, Iran, Turkey, Mediterranean countries and so on....

You don't give hundred page studies dumbfuck..give me precise values for above mentioned region and if then I don't believe your figures, then you should give me studies as your sources....

Did you even read all of these studies by yourself, you little ugly, small-pennis, low-self esteemed, monkey looking, small eye korean? :omghaha:

Now give me precise values since you are making claim that E.Asians and Europeans were living in "cold climates" during last glacial while other Asians, Arabs, North Africans,Iranians etc were not...

No, they really aren't know for such things. Maybe you feel that this is licking the White man's a$$

Yes,, you are a white-man's arse licker....and even your FELLOW E.Asians say this...ChineseTiger and many others have called you to stop serving your white-master here...lolol...

Koreans are known for licking whites' assss...your girls do it best....your mother probably ate sh!t of her white master...and he treated your mother kinda like how white guys are treating another girl from your country in the video above :rofl:

Lol, you keep proving me right. Your inferiority complex is in fact so strong that you're obsessing as to how many people like your comments. In addition, you have such low self-esteem that you had to write this up and 'prove' to me that people like you.

hahaha..little korean chao pow...I didn't say how people 'like' me...I just showed you how everyone is laughing at you...EVEN YOUR OWN PEOPLE!!!!!...Even E.Asians are calling you names, a false flagger, and idiot, and white man's slave...what else? lol..

Only few 'whiteys' here will agree with you since you are sucking their **** so hard...so they obviously like a yellow fever sucking their balls so much ....
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Now if only the fighting between two idiots above could be replicated around the world.
Mesopotamia / Sumer was a civilization. Please look it up.

Mesopotamia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesopotamia

Sumer - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumer

Like I said, Mesopotamia is a region in which many different civilizations flourished. One of these were the Sumerians. The intelligence needed to innovate such a society is nowhere close to the intelligence needed to innovate the modern world or new technological advancements. Besides, looking at one point in history, rather than the historical trend, is a bias any average intelligence person understands fairly well.

Some Somalians are high-IQ geniuses, hence, no Somalians can be low-IQ imbeciles. The statement is false, obviously.

The Fertile Crescent was indeed ahead of it's time, but so were the Africans at one point. Stone tools were innovated in Africa for example. The requisite intelligence need to develop stone tools is not much. I'm sure a population with mean IQ in the 70's or 80's could innovate such a technology.

If the "Ukrainians " had to come to a very hot climate to create a civilization, why were their cousins in cold climates still speaking grunt-grunt and eating raw flesh in caves.

They didn't HAVE to. They created civilizations in both Europe and South Asia. The Indo-European languages came from the Proto-Indo-Europeans, a language group spoken in every European country today (except Hungary, Estonia, and Finland). And what is this about their cousins being uncivilized? Do you know anything about ancient Europe? Have you heard of a group of people called the Ancient Greeks? How about the Celts? Maybe the Hittites? Also, don't be disingenuous. I never said they were Ukrainians so remove the quotation marks. I said they originated from what is today modern-day Ukraine.

And please look up the latest studies of archeogenetics of India. Might tell you a few new things . While Philology is mostly speculation, genetics is definitive.

Indeed, there is not 100% consensus on whether the PIE people only exported their culture, or their people as well. But they did in fact export their culture in the very least; this is not in contention.

Regarding the controversy over the possibility of migrations, numerous studies have shown strong genetic relations between ancient remains of people in Central Asia/South Asia, and Europe.

90% of the Bronze Age period mtDNA haplogroups were of west Eurasian origin and the study determined that at least 60% of the individuals overall (out of the 26 Bronze and Iron Age human remains' samples of the study that could be tested) had light hair and blue or green eyes.

A 2004 study also established that during the Bronze Age/Iron Age period, the majority of the population of Kazakhstan (part of the Andronovo culture during Bronze Age), was of west Eurasian origin (with mtDNA haplogroups such as U, H, HV, T, I and W), and that prior to the 13th–7th century BCE, all Kazakh samples belonged to European lineages.

Like you said, the genes don't lie. Also, it's interesting to note that many of the civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Anatolian Peninsula, and Syria were in fact of PIE descent.

The Indo-Iranians and their expansion are strongly associated with the Proto-Indo-European invention of the chariot. It is assumed that this expansion spread from the Proto-Indo-European homeland north of the Caspian sea south to the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Iranian plateau, and Northern India. They also expanded into Mesopotamia and Syria and introduced the horse and chariot culture to this part of the world. Sumerian texts from EDIIIb Girsu (2500–2350 BC) already mention the 'chariot' (gigir) and Ur III texts (2150–2000 BC) mention the horse (anshe-zi-zi).

They left linguistic remains in a Hittite horse-training manual written by one "Kikkuli the Mitannian". Other evidence is found in references to the names of Mitanni rulers and the gods they swore by in treaties; these remains are found in the archives of the Mitanni's neighbors. The time period for this is about 1500 BC.[10]:257In a treaty between the Hittites and the Mitanni, the deities Mitra, Varuna, Indra, and Nasatya (Ashvins) are invoked. Kikkuli's horse training text includes technical terms such as aika (eka, one), tera (tri, three), panza (pancha, five; compare with Gr. pente), satta (sapta, seven), na (nava, nine; compare with Lat. novem), vartana (vartana, turn, round in the horse race; compare with Lat. vertere, vortex). The numeral aika "one" is of particular importance because it places the superstrate in the vicinity of Indo-Aryan proper as opposed to Indo-Iranian or early Iranian (which has "aiva") in general.[11]

The standard model for the entry of the Indo-European languages into South Asia is that this first wave went over the Hindu Kush, either into the headwaters of the Indus and later the Ganges. The earliest stratum of Vedic Sanskrit, preserved only in the Rigveda, is assigned to roughly 1500 BC.[10]:258[12] From the Indus, the Indo-Aryan languages spread from c. 1500 BC to c. 500 BC, over the northern and central parts of the subcontinent, sparing the extreme south. The Indo-Aryans in these areas established several powerful kingdoms and principalities in the region, from eastern Afghanistan to the doorstep of Bengal. The most powerful of these kingdoms were the post-Rigvedic Kuru (in Kurukshetra and the Delhi area) and their allies the Pañcālas further east, as well as Gandhara and later on, about the time of the Buddha, the kingdom of Kosala and the quickly expanding realm of Magadha. The latter lasted until the 4th century BC, when it was conquered by Chandragupta Maurya and formed the center of the Mauryan empire.

And you still haven't said anything about Egypt or the Indus valley cities which certainly predated the "Indo Aryans".

I don't know who the Ancient Egyptians truly were, nor do you. The fact that genetic sequencing techniques have revealed King Tut as belonging to the haplogroup R1b1a2 (which is most significant in Europeans), and that Ramses II had red hair (among others) is a testament to the controversy as to what their origin was.

As for the Indus Valley, I already stated that even low-IQ populations can innovate certain things. A people with a mean IQ in the low-80s could surely create the Indus Valley civilizations.
@East Asia United

Oh, and your savage people never "dominated humanity". What a farce. South Asians have never even gotten as far as Europe or East Asia in their endeavors. Mudslime empires like the Ottomans (who only conquered Balkan Europe, not the whole world), or the Umayyad Caliphate (who only went as far as the Iberian peninsula) are not "world conquerors" my low-IQ turdskinned friend.

hahaha...dumbo little child... read what I wrote first...

Islamic Superpowers remained global leaders for centuries...what did you little sh!thole South Korea achieved?

Islamic Civilization holds the best success ratio among ALL human civilizations in recorded history...Lets look at last 2000 years..

Out of 1400 years of its history, Islamic Civilization remained global dominant civilization for 1000+ years...that is, 70%+ time of its entire existence! NO other civilization even comes close to this! In last 2000 years, Christian West remained dominant civilization for barely 600 years (1st to 3rd century AD, 1600's onwards)...this is merely 30% time of its existence in last 2000 years...

Islamic Superpowers/Muslims remained global leaders of humanity from 7th to 18th century! Islamic Superpowers and Great powers like Early Islamic Caliphate, Ummayad Empire, Abbasid Empire, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Timurid Empire, Safavid Empire etc dominated much of known globe during this time era..just like British, Germans, French dominated much of globe after 18th century..Your stupid Korea never even remained regional leader, forget about establishing any global civilization (a feat which only two cultures have achieved---Christian West, and Islamic Civilization)....But hey, you got some super IQ, eh?

Muslims laid the foundations of global spread of science, culture, arts, technology for the first time in human history..Thats why Islam is often called as 'The First Global Civilization' of human history. Before that, civilizations remained regional. Muslims brought knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Arts from India..and passed it on to Europe. They brought gun power from China and innovated it in their weapons..Got Western works, translated them, and caused them to spread in Europe...Islamdom remained the center of known world for centuries..Islamic Civilization had massive physical and cultural presence on every single continent of the known world..a feat NO other civilization was able to achieve prior to rise of Islam...All of this activity and global expansion laid the foundations of global spread of arts, science, technology, culture, and innovation...West took it to new level after industrialization in 18th century...What did YOUR pathetic sh!thole do to shape humanity? What did it achieved? Nothing! Accept it, your korea are just another useless, irrelevant slave of others..tiny land with no historical achievement lol..

You don't have to be present or conquer every square mile of planet to be called as "leading the humanity" or "dominating the world"...French Colonial Empire, at its height, was still smaller than Ummayad Empire...but it doesn't mean that French were not super powers...same goes for Ummayad Empire and other empires...The point is..when was last time S.KOREANS built any global empires? When did you become super powers? Leaders in science and technology? Heck, you tiny sh!thole did not even create any name-worthy civilization lol...

Regard my land...Well we built the earliest of advance civilizations...namely Indus Valley Civilization...South Asians were economic super powers all through history...we DID venture outside of South Asia...into South E.Asian lands...Just few centuries ago..under Mughal Empire, India held 25% of GLOBAL GDP!!!! When was your little, pathetic, useless sh!thole became THAT big on global economic scene? ...Koreans are not even mentioned in civilization history :rofl:

You remain a small, weak, small-eyed, smallest-pennised, inferiority-complex stricken, low self-esteemed race with zero significance at all...and on top of that, Westerners p!ss in your women's mouth :lol:
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Illiterate? An ugly, small, weak, smelly, small-eyed ***** monkey looking Korean calling me illiterate when he himself can not differentiate b/w the "review" and actual book... :lol:

No wonder you ladies are used as pissing holes by Western guys and that too, in your OWN countries ...LMAO!!!

My ugly korean 'friend', learn to comprehend English better.

No, its not about big penis...its about SMALLEST penises that YOU have! :rofl:

Probably that is the reason your girls are so willing to get 'screwed' by foreign guys? who treat them as their toilet holes? LOL...

Don't expect me to read all of that. It reeks so much of low self-esteem and poor impulse control that it actually lacks any substance. It's all just insults, with about 5% of it being a response to me.

Again, you prove me right. Lower-IQ populations are incapable of controlling their impulses. You poop-skins have a really hard time finishing a sentence without making an insult.

Keep wiping that nasty poop off your skin though. I'm sure one day you'll look like Michael Jackson! One day!


One only needs to watch the news: Hyundai opens new plant in the US, Samsung releasing S4.

vs. 5 bombings in Pakistan, boat full of Pakistanis heading for Australia capsizes.

It doesn't take logic to see where each country is heading.

About Prostitutes: Let me tell you there are TONS of Chinese and Russian immigrant girls working in the industry here. Using prostitutes as an example is pretty low and pathetic.

You would have been better off saying "Japanese masters" as that is where most young Korean girls hoping to work in the adult industry go.
Mesopotamia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesopotamia

Sumer - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumer

The Fertile Crescent was indeed ahead of it's time, but so were the Africans at one point. Stone tools were innovated in Africa for example. The requisite intelligence need to develop stone tools is not much. I'm sure a population with mean IQ in the 70's or 80's could innovate such a technology.

So "low IQ" warm cultures could develop complex civilizations while Western European cold climate folks were cave dwellers. So their IQ must have been lower. May be 40-50. So how did they suddenly become "smart" around 1500 AD?

"They didn't HAVE to. They created civilizations in both Europe and South Asia. The Indo-European languages came from the Proto-Indo-Europeans, a language group spoken in every European country today (except Hungary, Estonia, and Finland). And what is this about their cousins being uncivilized? Do you know anything about ancient Europe? Have you heard of a group of people called the Ancient Greeks? How about the Celts? Maybe the Hittites? Also, don't be disingenuous. I never said they were Ukrainians so remove the quotation marks. I said they originated from what is today modern-day Ukraine."

The Greeks are not contemporary with the Vedic civilization and came much later. So what were they doing all the time? Enhancing their IQ in Caves. Remember, as per the law of cold correlation, they should have had a great headstart over hot India.

Indeed, there is not 100% consensus on whether the PIE people only exported their culture, or their people as well. But they did in fact export their culture in the very least; this is not in contention.

How does one export language without people?

Regarding the controversy over the possibility of migrations, numerous studies have shown strong genetic relations between ancient remains of people in Central Asia/South Asia, and Europe.

Like you said, the genes don't lie. Also, it's interesting to note that many of the civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Anatolian Peninsula, and Syria were in fact of PIE descent.

I don't know who the Ancient Egyptians truly were, nor do you. The fact that genetic sequencing techniques have revealed King Tut as belonging to the haplogroup R1b1a2 (which is most significant in Europeans), and that Ramses II had red hair (among others) is a testament to the controversy as to what their origin was.

As for the Indus Valley, I already stated that even low-IQ populations can innovate certain things. A people with a mean IQ in the low-80s could surely create the Indus Valley civilizations.

I m not interested in the genetics of Kazakhis. As far as I know, Genetic studies show that Indian genes have remained in this country for the last 25-3000 years. So what is all this Indo Aryan? Further, there is nothing in our scriptures to show that they came from outside. Indians dont believe this mumbo jumbo mainly propagated by Witzel on basis of conjectures.
One only needs to watch the news: Hyundai opens new plant in the US, Samsung releasing S4.

vs. 5 bombings in Pakistan, boat full of Pakistanis heading for Australia capsizes.

It doesn't take logic to see where each country is heading.

About Prostitutes: Let me tell you there are TONS of Chinese and Russian immigrant girls working in the industry here. Using prostitutes as an example is pretty low and pathetic.

I'm sorry to say, but your people were really stupid to open the door to these Muslims. WHY? All they do is attempt to rape your daughter, screw your goat, and drink your dogs **** (and this is while they're not blowing you up, converting you to Islam, or collecting their weekly welfare check).

You need to become nationalist again. I think the people ate Stormfront are douche-bags, but they are 100% correct about the Mo slime. You need to deport them back to their homelands, lest they burden you with their violence and inferior intelligence.

East Asia will never accept Muslims in our communities. I think in the next 10 years, White countries will be the same.
So "low IQ" warm cultures could develop complex civilizations while Western European cold climate folks were cave dwellers. So their IQ must have been lower. May be 40-50. So how did they suddenly become "smart" around 1500 AD?

Again, the Ancient Greeks, Celts, Germanic Tribes, etc. were not cave-dwellers. You keep making yourself look like a fool. And the Indus valley civilization was probably poorer than sub-Saharan African populations today. Are you telling me that the Negroids of Africa must be geniuses, seeing as how they're indigenous technology today is much better than the Indus Valley civilizations?

There were many societies in Europe far more 'complex' than the Indus Valley. If you are really trying to tell me that the IVC makes the Ancient Greeks look like "cave-dwellers" then you are a propagandist.

The Greeks are not contemporary with the Vedic civilization and came much later. So what were they doing all the time? Enhancing their IQ in Caves. Remember, as per the law of cold correlation

Yes they were. You are talking about 1500 BC vs 800 BC, not a large difference in those times. Regardless, the Vedic civilization was created by the same people that created the Greek civilization.

they should have had a great headstart over hot India.

Indeed they did. Comparing Dravidian India with any European society would make you look like a fool. The Vedic civilization was created by Indo-Aryans, so yes, they had a much greater head-start compared to the 'native' Indians of the time.

How does one export language without people?

LOL! EXACTLY. That's why I believe the Indo-Aryans weren't just diffusing their cultural, but were also doing so through migrations.

Thanks for helping my point.

As far as I know, Genetic studies show that Indian genes have remained in this country for the last 25-3000 years. So what is all this Indo Aryan? Further, there is nothing in our scriptures to show that they came from outside. Indians dont believe this mumbo jumbo mainly propagated by Witzel on basis of conjectures.

For the last 3,000 years.... About the same time as the Indo-Aryans arrived.

Further, there is nothing in our scriptures to show that they came from outside.

You need to take a look at your scriptures again then....

The Rig Veda contains accounts of conflicts between the Aryas and the Dasas and Dasyus. The Rig Veda describes Dasas and Dasyus as people who do not perform sacrifices (akratu) or obey the commandments of gods (avrata). Their speech is described as mridhra which could variously mean soft, uncouth, hostile, scornful or abusive. Other adjectives which describe their physical appearance are subject to many interpretations. However, many modern scholars connect the Dasas and Dasyus to Iranian tribes Dahae and Dahyu and believe that Dasas and Dasyus were early Indo–Aryan immigrants who arrived into the subcontinent before the Vedic Aryans.
Again, the Ancient Greeks, Celts, Germanic Tribes, etc. were not cave-dwellers. You keep making yourself look like a fool. And the Indus valley civilization was probably poorer than sub-Saharan African populations today. Are you telling me that the Negroids of Africa must be geniuses, seeing as how they're indigenous technology today is much better than the Indus Valley civilizations?

There were many societies in Europe far more 'complex' than the Indus Valley. If you are really trying to tell me that the IVC makes the Ancient Greeks look like "cave-dwellers" then you are a propagandist.

Yes they were. You are talking about 1500 BC vs 800 BC, not a large difference in those times. Regardless, the Vedic civilization was created by the same people that created the Greek civilization.

Indeed they did. Comparing Dravidian India with any European society would make you look like a fool. The Vedic civilization was created by Indo-Aryans, so yes, they had a much greater head-start compared to the 'native' Indians of the time.

LOL! EXACTLY. That's why I believe the Indo-Aryans weren't just diffusing their cultural, but were also doing so through migrations.

Thanks for helping my point.

For the last 3,000 years.... About the same time as the Indo-Aryans arrived.

You need to take a look at your scriptures again then....

As a practicing Hindu , I read the Vedas in original..in sanskrit.so dont give me the wiki please. there are no references to any outside country. And we dont bother about what ignorant foreigners with little or no Sanskrit knowledge think.

And that was a typo, I meant 30000 years.

Tell me any study which has refuted this:

In what could be a major setback to dravidian parties in tamil nadu, an inter-continental research in cellular molecular biology has debunked the aryan invasion theory.

“We have conclusively proved that there never existed any aryans or dravidians in the indian sub continent. the aryan-dravidian classification was nothing but a misinformation campaign carried out by people with vested interests,” Prof Lalji Singh, Vice-chancellor, Banaras Hindu University, told DNA.

The findings of a three-year research by a team of scientists, including Prof Singh and others from various countries, has been published by American Journal of Human Genetics in its issue dated december 9.

“The study effectively puts to rest the argument that south indians are dravidians and were driven to the peninsula by aryans who invaded north india,” said Prof Singh, a molecular biologist and former chief of Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad.

According to Dr Gyaneshwer chaubey, Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, Estonia, who was another indian member of the team, the leaders of dravidian political parties may have to find another answer for their raison d'être. “we have proved that people all over india have common genetic traits and origin. all indians have the same dna structure. no foreign genes or dna has entered the indian mainstream in the last 60,000 years,” dr chaubey said.

Dr Chaubey had proved in 2009 itself that the aryan invasion theory is bunkum. “that was based on low resolution genetic markers. this time we have used autosomes, which means all major 23 chromosomes, for our studies. the decoding of human genome and other advances in this area help us in unraveling the ancestry in 60,000 years,” he explained.

However, Gnani Shankaran, noted dravidian thinker, said the time for writing the last word on dravidian philosophy has not yet come. “We have to find out the credentials of the authors of this research paper and their hidden agenda. In Tamil Nadu, the dravidian and aryan ties are inter-related. the dalits in our land are the descendents of the dravidian brahmins who were pushed to the lowest strata of society by the aryans,” shankaran said.

According to Prof Singh, Dr Chaubey, and Dr Kumarasamy Thangaraj, another member of the team, the findings disprove the caste theory prevailing in India. interestingly, the team found that instead of aryan invasion, it was indians who moved from the subcontinent to europe. “That’s the reason behind the findings of the same genetic traits in eurasiain regions,” said Dr Thangaraj, senior scientist, CCMB.

“Africans came to india through Central Asia during 80,000 to 60,000 BCE and they moved to Europe sometime around 30,000 BCE. The Indian Vedic literature and the epics are all silent about the aryan-dravidian conflict,” said Dr S Kalyanaraman, a proponent of the saraswathi civilization which developed along the banks of the now defunct river Saraswathi.


Indian diversity. Last genetic nail driven into the AMT-Aryan-Dravidian divide coffin: (Metspalu, Gyaneshwer Chaubey et al, AJHG, Dec. 2011)

Genetic study finds no evidence for Aryan Migration Theory--On the contrary, South Indians migrated to north and South Asians migrated into Eurasia

What geneticists consider a landmark paper has just been published in a highly reputed scientific journal, American Journal of Human Genetics, authored by an international group of geneticists including Metspalu, Gyaneshwer Chaubey, Chandana Basu Mallick (Evolutionary Biology Group in Tartu, Estonia), Ramasamy Pitchappan (Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chennai), Lalji Singh, and Kumarasamy Thangaraj (CCMB, Hyderabad). The study is titled: Shared and Unique Components of Human Population Structure and Genome-Wide Signals of Positive Selection in South Asia, The American Journal of Human Genetics (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.11.010

The study is comprehensive, unlike previous studies of human genome and is unique, because it focuses on large number of populations in South Asia, and India, a region which harbours one of the highest levels of genetic diversity in Eurasia and currently accounts for one sixth of human population in the world.

The study analysed human genetic variation on a sample of 1310 individuals that belong to 112 populations, using new genome-wide data contains more than 600,000 single nucleotide polymorphic sites among 142 samples from 30 ethnic groups of India. The most important scientific findings of the study are:

• South Asian genetic diversity is 2nd in the world, next only to Africa, mainly due to long periods of indigenous development of lineages and with complex population structure where one can see the different caste and tribal populations.

• Two genetic components among Indians are observed: one is restricted to India and explains 50% genetic ancestry of Indian populations , while, the second which spread to West Asia and Caucasus region. Technically called “haplotype diversity”, it is a measure of the origin of the genetic component. The component which spread beyond India has significantly higher haplotype diversity in India than in any other part of world. This is clear proof that this genetic component originated in India and then spread to West Asia and Caucasus. The distribution of two genetic components among Indians clearly indicates that the Aryan-Dravidian division is a myth, Indian population landscape is clearly governed by geography.

• A remarkable finding is that the origin of these components in India is much older than 3500 years which clearly refutes Aryan Invasion theory of the type enunciated by Max Mueller ! The study also found that haplotypic diversity of this ancestry component is much greater than in Europe and the Near East (Iraq, Iran, Middle East) thus pointing to an older age of the component and/or long-term higher effective population size (that is, indigenous evolution of people).

• Haplotype diversity associated with dark green ancestry is greatest in the south of the Indian subcontinent, indicating that the alleles underlying it most likely arose there and spread northwards.

• The study refutes Aryan migrations into India suggested by the German orientalist Max Muller that ca. 3,500 years ago a dramatic migration of Indo-European speakers from Central Asia shaping contemporary South Asian populations, introduction of the Indo-European language family and the caste system in India. A few past studies on mtDNA and Y-chromosome variation have interpreted their results in favor of the hypothesis, whereas others have found no genetic evidence to support it. The present study notes that any migration from Central Asia to South Asia should have introduced readily apparent signals of East Asian ancestry into India. The study finds that this ancestry component is absent from the region. The study, therefore, concludes that if such at all such a dispersal ever took place, it should have occurred 12,500 years ago. On the contrary, there is evidence for East Asian ancestry component reaching Central Asia at a later period.

• India has one of the world’s fastest growing incidence of type 2 diabetes as well as a sizeable number of cases of the metabolic syndrome, both of which have been linked to recent rapid urbanization. The study points to a possible genetic reasons and recommends further researches on four genes – DOKS, MSTN, CLOCK, PPARA – implicated in lipid metabolism and etiology of type 2 diabetes.

Dec. 9, 2011

Shared and Unique Components of Human Population Structure and Genome-Wide Signals of Positive Selection in South Asia
Mait Metspalu1, 2, 13, , , Irene Gallego Romero3, 13, 14, Bayazit Yunusbayev1, 4, 13, Gyaneshwer Chaubey1, Chandana Basu Mallick1, 2, Georgi Hudjashov1, 2, Mari Nelis5, 6, Reedik Mägi7, 8, Ene Metspalu2, Maido Remm7, Ramasamy Pitchappan9, Lalji Singh10, 11, Kumarasamy Thangaraj10, Richard Villems1, 2, 12 and Toomas Kivisild1, 2, 3

1 Evolutionary Biology Group, Estonian Biocentre, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
2 Department of Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
3 Department of Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QH, UK
4 Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Department of Genetics and Fundamental Medicine, Bashkir State University, 450054 Ufa, Russia
5 Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu and Estonian Biocentre, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
6 Department of Genetic Medicine and Development, University of Geneva Medical School, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
7 Department of Bioinformatics, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
8 Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology Unit, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK
9 Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chettinad Health City, Chennai 603 103, India
10 Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad 500 007, India
11 Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi 221 005, India
12 Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
As a practicing Hindu , I read the Vedas in original..in sanskrit.so dont give me the wiki please. there are no references to any outside country. And we dont bother about what ignorant foreigners with little or no Sanskrit knowledge think.

And that was a typo, I meant 30000 years.

Tell me any study which has refuted this:

Why do you guys always copy-paste the EXACT same study? What? There is not a single other study in the world that posits the same hypothesis as this one? :yay:

Provide a link to the study, and the publisher. I'd like to know the validity of it and whether it was actually PUBLISHED or not.

So far, the only thing I've found is a bunch of theories on forums. No real published study.... I'm waiting.

Also, do you understand the theory you are positing to be true? You're saying that the Proto-Indo-Europeans were actually Indian in origin, and that they in fact created European, South Asian, and Middle-Eastern civilization. :rofl: :rofl:

Do you guys not understand that the world treats you as fools? Yea, the Indian morons in the subcontinent today are the direct ancestors of the Germans, French, English, Slavic, Italians, etc.

Why do you guys always copy-paste the EXACT same study? What? There is not a single other study in the world that posits the same hypothesis as this one? :yay:

Provide a link to the study, and the publisher. I'd like to know the validity of it and whether it was actually PUBLISHED or not.

So far, the only thing I've found is a bunch of theories on forums. No real published study.... I'm waiting.

Also, do you understand the theory you are positing to be true? You're saying that the Proto-Indo-Europeans were actually Indian in origin, and that they in fact created European, South Asian, and Middle-Eastern civilization. :rofl: :rofl:

Do you guys not understand that the world treats you as fools? Yea, the Indian morons in the subcontinent today are the direct ancestors of the Germans, French, English, Slavic, Italians, etc.


This was published in the American Journal of Human Genetics if you haven't noticed. You have anything to refute this scientific study?

If Humans from India spread 35000 years ago they can surely be the ancestors . Is it not accepted that Africans are ancestors of all?

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