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US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

You insult people who are not even the subject of the discussion like your nasty posts about Palestine when the topic is about India. Whenever me an ChineseTiger1986 denounce your retarded behavior its YOU who started baiting and insulting others without provocation. We denounced other asians who created religious and ethnic flame baiting threads without any provocation from other members, wannabe asian.

If you are indeed in South Korea right now hou must know that the Koreans will never accept you as one of their own silly wannabe. You were born in a western country and compensate for your total lack of accomplishment in life by baiting and trolling online.

I was born here, and I only went for education in the US. That is the extent of my foreign adventures for living purposes.

My accomplishments in life include being an angel investor and a large backer in the funding of genetic studies (especially on intelligence). Now it's your turn to tell me that someone so racist and insulting couldn't possibly be doing such things. And concurrently, my response is this: Tell me, what exactly is a person of this caliber supposed to be like, exactly?
The hunnic empire was massive, they originally moved from central Asia towards Europe. Atilla a great Turkish leader.

They originated in Northern East Asia. They were of Mongoloid stock. They share a common culture with you, but they were of a different ethnic and racial stock.
They originated in Northern East Asia. They were of Mongoloid stock. They share a common culture with you, but they were of a different ethnic and racial stock.

How could they be of mongoloid stock if they spoke Turkic language group? I haven't heard Atilla name in mongols or Chinese but only mainly Turkish and rarely hungarian people have it. Please research it more thoroughly.
How could they be of mongoloid stock if they spoke Turkic language group? I haven't heard Atilla name in mongols or Chinese but only mainly Turkish and rarely hungarian people have it. Please research it more thoroughly.

Narrated by Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the turks; people with small eyes, red faces, and flat noses. Their faces will look like shields coated with leather. The Hour will not be established till you fight with people whose shoes are made of hair."

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 179

The Yakuts (Sakha), Tuvans, Kazakh, Salar, Yugurs are all Turkic and Mongoloid, not caucasian. They live in Siberia and near Mongolia and central asia where original Turks came from.

These are status made by the Gokturks of themselves. All mongoloid features.


Statue of Gokturk Khagan Kul Tigin


Kul Tigin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gokturk drawing


More gokturk stuff

' +caption+ '

Pictures from the Uyghur Kingdom of Qocho (their descendants are the Yugur people and not modern Uyghurs)






Forensic facial reconstruction of Timur by M.Gerasimov in 1941 upon exhuming Timur's tomb.




More images of ancient Turks





How could they be of mongoloid stock if they spoke Turkic language group? I haven't heard Atilla name in mongols or Chinese but only mainly Turkish and rarely hungarian people have it. Please research it more thoroughly.

Dude, you need to research it more thoroughly! The Turkic language group originated in Mongolia/North China! How do you not know this?
I was born here, and I only went for education in the US. That is the extent of my foreign adventures for living purposes.

My accomplishments in life include being an angel investor and a large backer in the funding of genetic studies (especially on intelligence). Now it's your turn to tell me that someone so racist and insulting couldn't possibly be doing such things. And concurrently, my response is this: Tell me, what exactly is a person of this caliber supposed to be like, exactly?

What is your age and what institution you went to in the U.S?
Not your business. I went to Emory and University of Western Ontario.

lol...A sub-quality school like University of Western Ontario? Sad.

Even I thought you would have been able to do better than that...but what can be expected from a dumb human like you?

You said you 'fund' genetic studies....how big of a field this is in S.Korea?
Wholegrain is a Muslim?

That explains why he mocked native Chinese culture and Ancestor worship, while obsessively defending Muslims in remote corners of the world who have nothing to do with China.

Uyghurs are Chinese though. It's only the terrorists/extremists that we want to kill.

Then what do you supposed to be call for a person who

1.) Only interested in Muslim in his topic
2.) Only know in great deal about Qing Dynasty
3.) Always have a thing for Chinese Tradition
4.) Derived the Term "China" from Qing Era
5.) Have Arabic Writing in his location.

What do you call him then....... An ethnic Han?? :lol:
How could they be of mongoloid stock if they spoke Turkic language group? I haven't heard Atilla name in mongols or Chinese but only mainly Turkish and rarely hungarian people have it. Please research it more thoroughly.

The Roman historians Priscus and Jordanes described Attila as:

"Short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with grey; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin."

Attila's Real Face

Defending Rome: The Masters of the Soldiers - Julian Reynolds - Google Books

The Early Medieval World - Michael Frassetto - Google Books

A History of the Middle Ages - Joseph Dahmus - Google Books

The Gothic history of Jordanes in English version: with an introduction and ... - Jordanes, Senator Cassiodorus - Google Books

Jordanes The origin and deeds of the Goths: in English version ... - Jordanes - Google Books

The Roman Empire and Its Germanic Peoples - Herwig Wolfram - Google Books

Readings in Ancient History: Rome and the West - William Stearns Davis - Google Books

Readings In Ancient History: Rome And The West - William S. Davis - Google Books

Readings in ancient history: illustrative extracts from the sources - William Stearns Davis - Google Books

Rome and the West - William Stearns Davis - Google Books

The Age of Faith: The Story of Civilization - Will Durant - Google Books

The Two Cities: A Chronicle of Universal History to the Year 1146 A.D. - Otto I (évêque de Freising.) - Google Books

War in the Shadows: The Guerrilla in History - Robert B. Asprey - Google Books

W. C. Privy's Original Bathroom Companion - Google Books
I'm born in China,is an ethnic Manchu(have Han blood and minor Mongol blood in materal side,because we were all bannermen in Qing dynasty),I support East Asia unity,I think the East Asians should have same military,ecnomic policy and we should forbidden any non-East Asian military exist in East Asia
By the way,if you live in China,you will know the Hui muslims are known for their barbaric,many of them are very rude,theey have higher crime rate than others,many of their childrens don't go to schools,this is fact.And in Qing dynasty,they killed so many Manchus and Han Chinese in Shaanxi,Gansu and Xinjiang,Shaanxi lost her 50% people,Gansu lost her 70% people,so the Manchu government also did genocide to the Huis as well,90% of Huis from Shaanxi are died,now there are no muslims in Shaanxi except in Xi'an,where the local muslims didn't join the Dungan revolt.
Now we are both normal citizens of China,and we should live peaceful with each other,but that not means we should forgeet the history
And I think we should keep our friendship with our Pakistani/African/Arabian brothers,so we should not insult them,say they have low IQ or other bad things,this is not our bussiness,all we should do is just keep our frienship,heelp them,and we can gain benifit from that
How could they be of mongoloid stock if they spoke Turkic language group? I haven't heard Atilla name in mongols or Chinese but only mainly Turkish and rarely hungarian people have it. Please research it more thoroughly.
I think they look like the Kazakhs,by the way,I really like Kazakhs,like their culture,and Kazakhs are very nice and friendly people

By the way,can turkish members understand the Kazakh language?hehe
I'm born in China,is an ethnic Manchu(have Han blood and minor Mongol blood in materal side,because we were all bannermen in Qing dynasty),I support East Asia unity,I think the East Asians should have same military,ecnomic policy and we should forbidden any non-East Asian military exist in East Asia
By the way,if you live in China,you will know the Hui muslims are known for their barbaric,many of them are very rude,theey have higher crime rate than others,many of their childrens don't go to schools,this is fact.And in Qing dynasty,they killed so many Manchus and Han Chinese in Shaanxi,Gansu and Xinjiang,Shaanxi lost her 50% people,Gansu lost her 70% people,so the Manchu government also did genocide to the Huis as well,90% of Huis from Shaanxi are died,now there are no muslims in Shaanxi except in Xi'an,where the local muslims didn't join the Dungan revolt.
Now we are both normal citizens of China,and we should live peaceful with each other,but that not means we should forgeet the history
And I think we should keep our friendship with our Pakistani/African/Arabian brothers,so we should not insult them,say they have low IQ or other bad things,this is not our bussiness,all we should do is just keep our frienship,heelp them,and we can gain benifit from that

Wrong. Most casualties in the war were from civilians and rebels killing each other, not the army crushing or genociding rebels. Many Khufiyya Sufi Hui like Ma Zhanao and non sufi Sunnis like Hua Decai and Cui Wei defected to the Qing forces and helped them crush the rebels.

In fact Zuo Zongtang gave orders that all Old teaching hui (Non sufi sunnis and Khufiyya sufis) could surrender and join his army while New teaching hui (jahriyya sufis) would be killed if they didn't renounce the teachings of jahriyya.

Jahriyya Sufism was outlawed as a heretical cult during the Qing. They believed their leader was infallible and like a prophet and obeyed all his orders. The government gave explicit orders that only Jahriyya Sufis were heretics and all other Muslims were not to be harmed.

Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd ... - Google Books

The Qing army and loyalist Muslims (ordinary sunnis and Khufiyya Sufis) helped crush the Jahriyya Sufi rebels during the rebellion.

There was another rebellion in 1895, two different Sufi sects were having violent dispute with each other. The government cracked down and a revolt broke out. Loyalist Hui Muslims almost singlehandedly crushed the rebel Hui and defeated the rebellion.

There was a rebellion earlier in 1781 by Jahriyya Sufis. Non sufi Sunnis and Khufiyya Sufis helped the Qing government crush the Jahriyya Sufi rebels since they were causing trouble by fighting not only with non muslims but with other muslims as well.

In the First Sino Japanese war, one of the Qing Generals who was martyred at Pyongyang fighting against the Japanese was the Hui General Zuo Baogui.

During the Boxer Rebellions, some of Dong Fuxiang's most important officers and soldiers were Hui Muslims like Ma Fuxiang and Ma Fulu and they fought for the Qing against the Eight Nation Alliance.

Some of the biggest generals in the Qing army during the Xinhai Revolution in Gansu and Ningxia were Hui like Ma Anliang and Ma Qi. They fought for the Qing against the rebels.

The Qing actually moved alot of Shaanxi Hui to villages in Gansu because they were old teaching hui (ordinary Sunnis) and not regarded as heretics like Jahriyya Sufis, so they weren't killed when they surrendered.

The Majiajun warlords in northwest China during the KMT era were descended from Hui officers who served in the Qing armies.

You are talking about Hui in rural areas. The rural Han people there behave the same, being violent and rude etc. The Hui in cities do not act like that.
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