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US lawmakers strongly oppose weapon sales to ‘snitch’ Pakistan

Nothing will happen as I said 14 yrs passed another 14 will plate is too big than US can handle there is known leadership of talibs live in Qutta just reffereing Qutta shora meant nothing .Rest u meant sharing nuclear button with America ?first they should do North Korea which few start from there .
They are prep ping for NK here. Lots of troops hint about it.
Sure, buddy of mine and phuppas cousin and so on. I wonder how many chachas and phuppas made it to leading NESCOM and others within the last year I moved to the US. I am guessing none and their bravado not withstanding; the Salala incident is going to be repeated in the near future.
Sure Budd will see what will happen let ur friends come with choppers and load them with bombs .

They are prep ping for NK here. Lots of troops hint about it.
All military have planes about theior future ops this is nothing new India does it so the pak so US .How many of them excecute may be none or all .Hagel said few days ago we were ready to Bomb Damacus but Obama Ran away at last moment so planing is there it's not new .
They are prep ping for NK here. Lots of troops hint about it.
What if Pakistan have stationed around some 20-30 nukes in china? is USA going for them too.After attacking Pakistan, how will KSA react which considers Pakistan its nuclear umbrella and what about china whose one general has openely said to USA that Pakistan is our ISRAEL.
Yeh that was different thing this is different we talking about day & nite better read Seymour harsh story I don't beleive on conspiracy show me his dead body.My friend facts r facts America was a super power not now things changed last 14 yrs .you better read Urdu article written by Ghulam Abbas called Over Coat that what today America is ,,
Pakistan was is & will remain Nuclear power at this I have no douts America is Neutralize camel back is broken just over coat is left .

Fools....rush in please. Man, you do need to go to Wiki and read up on the US's military strength. And stuff on Wiki is actually old......

What has happened in 14 years? I'll tell you, we now have Lasers on jets, a few squadrons of F-35's, more F-22's, and the list goes on and on. Not to mention the sexy chick in my avatar is still undetectable :smitten:, even after B-2's being in operations for like 3 decades....no real match or "tech advancement" from China till Russia. Just all talk :o:o_O. Welcome to the planet Earth!! The US hasn't changed much militarily. I don't know how they let you into Canada. Do they not make sure you at the least have an IQ of a high school graduate????
What if Pakistan have stationed around some 20-30 nukes in china? is USA going for them too.After attacking Pakistan, how will KSA react which considers Pakistan its nuclear umbrella and what about china whose one general has openely said to USA that Pakistan is our ISRAEL.
Mark my words US cannot do it by military means there is zero chances of success and political fall out is huge for US .At the moment they trying to make ties better with pak they need pak military help in A-stan and in middleeast the recent 34 countries allience under saudi command is sign that they might need pak military mussle againest DAESH .

Fools....rush in please. Man, you do need to go to Wiki and read up on the US's military strength. And stuff on Wiki is actually old......

What has happened in 14 years? I'll tell you, we now have Lasers on jets, a few squadrons of F-35's, more F-22's, and the list goes on and on. Not to mention the sexy chick in my avatar is still undetectable :smitten:, even after B-2's being in operations for like 3 decades....no real match or "tech advancement" from China till Russia. Just all talk :o:o_O. Welcome to the planet Earth!! The US hasn't changed much militarily. I don't know how they let you into Canada. Do they not make sure you at the least have an IQ of a high school graduate????
Americans r fool there is no dout in my mind yeh Dum too when russia went Bankrupt how big his military mussle was any idea ?come out from southern mentality will make u better world is bigger than America super power rises and falls history is full of them f they wont fall Romans still super power wake up .Sell pak jets if u wana save some jobs other wise more Americans gonna join job seekers party .
What if Pakistan have stationed around some 20-30 nukes in china? is USA going for them too.After attacking Pakistan, how will KSA react which considers Pakistan its nuclear umbrella and what about china whose one general has openely said to USA that Pakistan is our ISRAEL.

I don't think the US and Pakistan should ever get to a war like situation. That would be too bad as there is a 60 years long relationship between the two. Yes, its been a rocky relationship but still. You really think in a confrontation, KSA will actually "do" something beyond verbal statements of "solidarity" (as you guys call it in Pakistan)????

And on China, you think China would risk their own 1.3 billion citizens future at risk if the US really had a reason to go to war? I think people like you should open their eyes up and quit smoking the stuff you've been on. Its pretty obvious that your "judgment" is pretty impaired!!

Lastly, I don't know why we are talking about this situation. Its either blaming America for all evil inside Pakistani society or these grandiose statements of "fighting a war". How about for a change, you guys write something on economy or on other projects, or how the US and Pakistan can build a better relationship and a future? Doing these silly comparisons with the world's strongest military doesn't make sense.

Americans r fool there is no dout in my mind yeh Dum too when russia went Bankrupt how big his military mussle was any idea ?come out from southern mentality will make u better world is bigger than America super power rises and falls history is full of them f they wont fall Romans still super power wake up .Sell pak jets if u wana save some jobs other wise more Americans gonna join job seekers party .

How old are you? Reading your posts seems like you are a 12 year old kid who just came to Canada and still aren't over the "Pakistan's military muscle"!!

Russians didn't have a 16 trillion strong economy, nor their currency ruled the world, and nor did they had even 30% of the innovation and businesses the US enjoys. Big giant military is one thing. Big giant economy supporting that military is something totally different. I don't think you have a slight clue of what I am talking about. So how about you not stupid respond and stupidity this entire thread, that's already derailed?? I don't mind debating as long as the other person has some common sense.

Super powers rise and fall, everyone knows that. But right now, and for the past 60 years and for the next 30 years, I don't see the US falling anywhere. So your post is dealing with today. And the US is the super power, period. On the jets, really, fools like you think we need 50 jobs for 8 jets? REALLY?
I don't think the US and Pakistan should ever get to a war like situation. That would be too bad as there is a 60 years long relationship between the two. Yes, its been a rocky relationship but still. You really think in a confrontation, KSA will actually "do" something beyond verbal statements of "solidarity" (as you guys call it in Pakistan)????

And on China, you think China would risk their own 1.3 billion citizens future at risk if the US really had a reason to go to war? I think people like you should open their eyes up and quit smoking the stuff you've been on. Its pretty obvious that your "judgment" is pretty impaired!!

Lastly, I don't know why we are talking about this situation. Its either blaming America for all evil inside Pakistani society or these grandiose statements of "fighting a war". How about for a change, you guys write something on economy or on other projects, or how the US and Pakistan can build a better relationship and a future? Doing these silly comparisons with the world's strongest military doesn't make sense.

How old are you? Reading your posts seems like you are a 12 year old kid who just came to Canada and still aren't over the "Pakistan's military muscle"!!

Russians didn't have a 16 trillion strong economy, nor their currency ruled the world, and nor did they had even 30% of the innovation and businesses the US enjoys. Big giant military is one thing. Big giant economy supporting that military is something totally different. I don't think you have a slight clue of what I am talking about. So how about you not stupid respond and stupidity this entire thread, that's already derailed?? I don't mind debating as long as the other person has some common sense.

Super powers rise and fall, everyone knows that. But right now, and for the past 60 years and for the next 30 years, I don't see the US falling anywhere. So your post is dealing with today. And the US is the super power, period. On the jets, really, fools like you think we need 50 jobs for 8 jets? REALLY?
Well the way lawmakers wineing it seems to be a big deal u think pak cares about 8 jets if US says No ??tell me ?pak can buy jets rom any other country if they have cash in hand ?But we promise to give guys more bussiness to save ur jobs next order will be bigger above 30 numbers .Be happy what u get now adays gone those days pisram sultan bood .
... now there is both open and closed talk of neutralizing Pakistan or enabling India to do so effectively.
To what end?

Having the capability and feigned outrage over an OBL operation (that the US herself chose to leave Pakistan in the dark about, despite Pakistan having neutralized KSM and many other senior AQ operatives) is one thing, having some sort of feasible end goal as a result of the required massive military operation/s quite another.

There is no situation better than the status quo that will arise out of a US military operation on Pakistani soil that attempts to neutralize all of Pakistan's nuclear weapons infrastructure.
Salala is just an example of what 1/10th the US military is capable of when it comes to taking down a conventionally prepped force like Pakistan.
Salala is an example of a remote infantry border check-post with no anti-air defenses being obliterated by heavy aerial bombardment, by an ally no less, at night. It didn't require SOCOM just as any aerial bombing of Pakistan's nuclear infrastructure will not really require SOCOM unless SOCOM forces want to take casualties within the various nuclear complexes while attempting to secure them via troops on the ground.

I'm any case, given that the Pakistan military is not going to just let an all out and unprovoked military assault on Pakistan go unchallenged, any US assault on Pakistan's nuclear infrastructure will essentially be an all out war against Pakistan, that will have to neutralize the conventional military as part of the goal of securing the nuclear weapons, and what possible advantage does destroying Pakistan's military and allowing The next strongest military group (religious extremists) a path to power achieve for the US in terms of 'anti-terrorism objectives'?

Without the Pakistan Army, the Pakistani moderates have the same chance as the Shia and Yazidi in Iraq against groups like Daesh, LEJ, TTP etc.

So, again, xenophobic and anti Moozlum hate driven drivel by US commentators and troops aside, what's the US end goal from the hypothetical military operation being discussed here?

Turning Pakistan into another Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia?
Why fight at all when slow economic strangulation will work even better?
What's the end goal of 'slow economic strangulation'? When's this 'slow economic strangulation' going to begin (US AID doesn't count)?

Exactly my point. There is no need to fight with Pakistan. At all.
Exactly my point. There is no need to fight with Pakistan. At all.
Why are you so negative in every post in every thread?are you trying to be too smart?Does your wife beats you in the morning or someone dont give you enough breakfast?Or have you taken some classes from Hussain Haqqani?
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Leave the American they play with Pakistan when they see Pakistan is going for other option they propose sale and send bill to administration when they see Pakistan is not going to leave American market they oppose it or make hurdles every time....
Exactly my point. There is no need to fight with Pakistan. At all.
True ishaq $$ is working on this agenda but main players in pak r aware of these games wont work either just a little fiscal manegment does wonders for pak looking farward for new govt in pak .

Leave the American they play with Pakistan when they see Pakistan is going for other option they propose sale and send bill to administration when they see Pakistan is not going to leave American market they oppose it or make hurdles every time....
I dont thing 8 jets will make any difference .F 16 lines r closing i think in next two yrs this order is blessing for yanks LCM knows there will be more order from pak as well down the road .pak has other options now when u paying from ur own pocket u can buy from anywhere .this deal will go through any way .
True ishaq $$ is working on this agenda but main players in pak r aware of these games wont work either just a little fiscal manegment does wonders for pak looking farward for new govt in pak .

The total debt of Pakistan is now over $90 billion, and rising. That is a wondrous testament to the fiscal management, or, more accurately, the lack thereof.

Why are you so negative in every post in every thread?are you trying to be too smart?Does your wife beats you in the morning or someone dont give you enough breakfast?Or have you taken some classes from Hussain Haqqani?

Please read my signature. :D
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