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US lawmakers freeze US$700 million to Pakistan

US Senate panel agreed to freeze aid to Pakistan over flow of improvised explosives to Afghanistan.

The leaders of a US House-Senate negotiating panel said on Monday they had agreed to freeze $700 million in US aid to Pakistan until it provides some assurances of assistance in the fight against improvised explosive devices in the region.

The explosive devices are among militants most effective weapons against US and coalition troops in Afghanistan. Many are made using ammonium nitrate, a common fertilizer shipped across the border from Pakistan. The freeze on US aid was agreed as part of a defense bill that is expected to be passed this week.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-US Senate panel agrees to freeze $700m aid to ****...

i really appreciate their, this bravo step

assurance from Pakistan for no reprisal from Afghans for invading their country? thats rich

and now they are going to blame Pakistan for making the fertilizer? wow
thank you amrika

but plz dont forget to pay transit and supply fees for ur logistics and if have little shame give it from the 2001 till now or like a gentleman ask GOP to deduct it from the loans or aid you gave us and I sure u when ur aid curse will end we will soon be able to be what our forefathers dreamed us to be
^^ WHat you guys dont realize is that corrupt Politicians and Military in Pakistan will always be able to line their pockets.. If they dont get aid money from USA, they will take that money from the govt treasury/schemes/NGO funds etc.. In the end the impact of aid withdrawal will be felt by the citizens only.. Irrespective of how much Pakistani members here try to portray Indians and Pakistanis as different race of humans, in this aspect of corruption, our leaders are more similar than even identical twins..
i think its time when we should support talibans to get rid of americans .For sure ISI should provide them assistance .Pakistan should turn its hand to China/RUSSIA . The Russian govt will help pakistan to kick amercians out of afganistan .

Don't fall in to that trap and support the terror groups, it will only make things hard for you instud don't support them on WOT.
i think its time when we should support talibans to get rid of americans .For sure ISI should provide them assistance .Pakistan should turn its hand to China/RUSSIA . The Russian govt will help pakistan to kick amercians out of afganistan .
this type of strategy have made pakistani common people suffer
We are a nation which vowed to eat grass to make a nuke. Now we beg you to stop this aid..i am sure this is a uniqe case in history when american aid for enforced upon a nation.
Thanks Usa, but now there will be no free passage, for u guys, you will pay us almost double than what u are paying us as aid, hope the morons ' the congress men ' will be satisfied with our middle finger
Thanks Usa, but now there will be no free passage, for u guys, you will pay us almost double than what u are paying us as aid, hope the morons ' the congress men ' will be satisfied with our middle finger

And old joke attributed to George Bernard Shaw may be relevant here:

GBS: Madam, would you sleep with me for a million pounds?
Actress: My goodness, Well, I’d certainly think about it.
GBS: Would you sleep with me for a pound?
Actress: Certainly not! What kind of woman do you think I am?!
GBS: Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.
^^ WHat you guys dont realize is that corrupt Politicians and Military in Pakistan will always be able to line their pockets.. If they dont get aid money from USA, they will take that money from the govt treasury/schemes/NGO funds etc.. In the end the impact of aid withdrawal will be felt by the citizens only.. Irrespective of how much Pakistani members here try to portray Indians and Pakistanis as different race of humans, in this aspect of corruption, our leaders are more similar than even identical twins..
what about your army man .one was caught forwarding info to us .others caught selling weapons illegally .

app ke army kaya itni saff ha :azn:

indian Army men selling arms to terrorists

Indian Army personnel jailed for three years for passing info to pakistan
^^ WHat you guys dont realize is that corrupt Politicians and Military in Pakistan will always be able to line their pockets.. If they dont get aid money from USA, they will take that money from the govt treasury/schemes/NGO funds etc.. In the end the impact of aid withdrawal will be felt by the citizens only.. Irrespective of how much Pakistani members here try to portray Indians and Pakistanis as different race of humans, in this aspect of corruption, our leaders are more similar than even identical twins..
they lack the guts for doing that
Thankyou uncle Sam, we realy appreciated this gesture, kindly keep your words and make it happen. For once I would say well done America.
Pakistan showing lot of nakray right now.........wait few days the all will agree on every US terms and condition. Hum loog baday bagarat loog hain. I promise you that, this will happen.

Unless Imran Khan coming there is no hope!
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