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US lawmaker expresses concern over Chinese construction along Indian border


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
Expressing concern over reports of China’s illegal construction activities along the Indian border in Ladakh, an influential US lawmaker has said that America will always continue to stand with India and oppose any “revisionist efforts” by the Chinese government or anyone else to challenge the peace and stability in the region.

India and China are engaged in a bitter stand-off on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh since May.

“I am aware of and concerned with the public reports surrounding Chinese military construction along the disputed border with India. If these reports are true, and I hope they are not, China’s continued military provocations will continue to escalate tensions in the region,” Democratic congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi said on Tuesday.

“The United States will always continue to stand with our Indian partners in the Indo-Pacific region while opposing any revisionist efforts by the Chinese government or anyone else to challenge peace and stability,” he said.

The Indian-American Congressman from Illinois issued the statement in response to reports of satellite images showing Chinese construction activities in eastern Ladakh.

In July, the US House of Representatives had passed its annual National Defence Authorisation Act, which included Krishnamoorthi’s bipartisan amendment calling for an end to Chinese aggression towards India along the LAC.

Raja Krishnamoorthi
Only in India a news headline is made on small news.
"US lawmaker" complains about China.
Name: Raj

"Taiwanese journal" complains about China.
Name: Singh

"Chinese activists" complains about China.
Name: Brian

Ah the selfproclaimed "free press" always here to deliver us some fakenews

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