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US launch attack on Libya


May 21, 2006
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Launched 112 cruise missile,further detail will be later.

PARIS: World leaders agreed Saturday at an emergency summit to a military intervention in Libya, with French fighter jets soaring over Benghazi to protect civilians from Moammar Gadhafi’s forces and warplanes from other countries amassing around the Mediterranean.

France led the way with the first surveillance missions and the first strike, firing on a Libyan military vehicle, even before the joint military command was in place, according to French Defense Ministry spokesman Thierry Burkhard.

Warplanes from the United States, Canada, and Denmark arrived at Italian air bases Saturday. Germany backed the operation but isn’t offering its own forces.

It was the first reported offensive military action against Gadhafi’s troops since the UN Security Council approved a resolution on Thursday, authorising operations to protect civilians in Libya.

The strike came less than two hours after top officials from the United States, Europe and the Arab world agreed in Paris to launch a military operation to protect civilians from attacks by Gadhafi’s forces.

It also came after Libyan government troops forces attacked Benghazi earlier Saturday, apparently ignoring a proclaimed cease-fire.

Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in Paris, said Gadhafi’s claim of a cease-fire ”was an obvious lie from the beginning.”

The French airstrike hit at 1645 GMT Saturday and the target was confirmed as a military vehicle, but it was not clear what kind, Burkhard said. He said no hostile fire on the French jet has been reported.

France sent a dozen Mirage and Rafale jets Saturday to survey the one-time opposition stronghold of Benghazi and the 150 kilometer-by-100 kilometer no-fly zone, Burkhard said.

”All aircraft that enter into this zone could be shot down,” he said. Top US, Arab and European leaders —22 participants in all representing dozens of countries —agreed at an emergency summit in Paris on Saturday ”agreed to put in place all the means necessary, in particular military” to make Gadhafi respect a UN Security Council resolution Thursday demanding a cease-fire, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said.

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the US will bring ”unique capabilities to bear” in Libya.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said after the summit: ”The time for action has come, it needs to be urgent.”

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hailed Saturday’s meeting as a success. ”Arab countries, Europeans, Americans —they were all in one voice.”

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel said she backed the operation but added, ”We will not participate with our own soldiers.”

Harper was among those acknowledging the risks involved in such an operation. ”We should not kid ourselves,” he told reporters in Paris. ”One cannot promise perfection, or that there will not be casualties on our side.”

But he added, ”We’re dealing with a regime that will not be satisfed with the reimposition of its authority. … They will massacre every single individual they remotely suspect of disloyalty.”

The incursion into Benghazi and other cities by Gadhafi’s forces could vastly complicate any international intervention, by allowing the troops to mingle in with the population _ making airstrikes against them difficult.

”In accord with our partners, our air forces will oppose any aggression by Col. Gadhafi’s airplanes against the population of Benghazi. Already, our planes are preventing air attacks against the city. Already, other French planes are ready to intervene against tanks that would threaten unarmed civilians,” Sarkozy said in a brief declaration.

Sarkozy acknowledged the risks of the operation, and insisted it did not amount to an international occupation force.

”There is still time for Col. Gadhafi to avoid the worst by complying without delay and without reservations to all the demands of the international community. The door of diplomacy will reopen at the moment when the aggressions cease,” Sarkozy said.

Several countries clarified their possible participation in any armed intervention, laying out how long it would take for national forces to join in air strikes or surveillance overflights.

Six Danish F-16 fighter jets landed Saturday at the US air base in Sicily, and American F-18s and Canadian CF-18 Hornets were in the region.

Italy has offered the use of seven air and navy bases already housing US, Nato and Italian forces. Sigonella’s size and close proximity to Libya makes it a key staging point.

France, Britain and the United States were among the major backers of a muscular UN Security Council resolution passed Thursday that authorizes a no-fly zone over Libya and ”all necessary measures” to protect civilians.

Among those at the Paris summit were Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa and Qatar’s emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani and foreign ministers of Jordan, Moroccan and the United Arab Emirates.
Look out Bashar -- Sheik Hamad, King Abdullah, Ali Abdullah Saleh, good job boys, kill as many civilians as you like, I mean it's not like you're Saddam or anything like that:usflag:

A French "rafale" war plane takes off for Libya on Saturday

French war planes have reportedly destroyed four Libyan tanks in air strikes to the south west of the Libyan city of Benghazi.
The attack, reported by Al Jazeera television, came after top officials from the United States, Europe and the Arab world met in Paris and announced immediate military action.

Earlier on Saturday, government troops loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi stormed into Benghazi, apparently ignoring a proclaimed ceasefire.

Gaddafi had defended his decision to attack rebel cities in Libya, telling France and Britain they would regret any intervention in the country.

Saturday’s Swiss newspapers leave the impression that Thursday's resolution at the United Nations Security Council in New York for a no-fly zone over Libya would still be extremely difficult to put into practice.

“Gaddafi obviously counted on such a UN move,” commented the Bund newspaper of Bern. “Shortly after it had been accepted, the Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa announced a ceasefire.”

The paper argued that the resolution was “fragile” since only ten of the 15 members of the Security Council were in favour. Five members, including China, Russia and Germany, abstained.

“For the much-cited joint European foreign policy, Germany’s performance was no good omen,” it added.

Several newspapers mentioned the many risks that accompany the UN resolution. The Basler Zeitung of Basel, for example, made the point that those countries taking part in enforcing the no-fly zone would be responsible for the consequences and also settling the conflict.

It said “provoker” Gaddafi would do all in his power to draw the Europeans and Americans deeper into the conflict.

Little was known, it went on, about how trustworthy the rebels were. If there were Nato attacks in the country and civilians were killed, as was the case in Afghanistan, they could rapidly provoke anti-western sentiment, fuelled by Gaddafi’s propaganda.

Painstaking efforts
More or less the same point was made in the Berner Zeitung, which commented that the resolution was achieved only after painstaking efforts. Putting it into practice would be “extremely delicate”.

It also said that the resolution did not include ground operations because there was a big fear [in other countries] of being dragged into an “endless military adventure”.

It was now up to the international community to show how serious the situation was. Action had to be followed rapidly to restore credibility, it added.

Zurich’s Tages-Anzeiger described any action as “risky”. Not only could the civilian population be victims, but Gaddafi’s air defence systems could shoot down western pilots and use them as hostages. “It’s also completely unclear as to how long any action would last. The rebels, who are badly equipped, may need a long time to bring about the fall of this hated regime.”

Ghadaffi as “virtuoso”
Two newspapers in the French-speaking part of the country put their focus on Gaddafi as a person. L’Express of Neuchâtel describes the Libyan leader as the “virtuoso of manipulation”.

It said that he knew only too well that countries which might be involved against him are already “bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan” and wanted to avoid being involved on the ground at all costs.

But it also has a warning: “Gaddafi has always known how to play for time, but this time everything seems to show that he himself may well have to be counted.”

The editorialist in the Lausanne newspaper Le Matin wasted no time in describing Gaddafi as “worse than Machiavelli”.

He had, for example, made fun of western powers for more than 40 years. “And once you think he’s knocked down, he can come back and surprise everyone.”

This time, however, the colonel had to be taught that he was “undesirable” and that he should “leave the stage”.

Robert Brookes, swissinfo.ch

Swiss newspapers describe UN no-fly zone resolution on Libya as "fragile". - swissinfo
another bloody war for oil....this shows how important air defence capability is...If libya had intensive and effective air defences....foreign airforces hadnt dared to attack..
Oh my God!!! I was afraid of this...

May Allah swt protect our brothers and sisters from the curse of Gaddafi and the designs of America
Libya is claiming to have shot down one French Fighter . . .. . .?
y french are so excited??

Because this is the first time they get to test their latest Rafales in action. Any war with the jet and success (which is obvious) with it means it becomes a "proven" platform-- pushing global appeal for Rafales high. And with us in the foray, you should think it as obvious why French would be so excited... apart from a share in the oil bounty that is. :azn:
Any credibility the Libyan opposition may have had with non-Western populations up in smoke -- All because politics in Western countries -- These countries are structurally unable to have normal relations with Muslim majority countries - and add oil exporting to that, well....who the heck is now going believe that the Libyan enterprise is other than Western special forces pulling an Afghanistan in North Africa? Anyway, people have to be made aware of the perils of Al-Qaida.
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