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US, Japan, India, Australia ... is Quad the first step to an Asian Nato?

Irrational and radical idea blind your eyes and thoughts, without far sight and broad mind you can't develop a rich and strong country, you don't know how to keep relationships and just push away your friends even if they are your true savior.

Your deep loved brother country turkey sign contract to build India Navy ships with dirty low price, how do you think about it, maybe China show remove some restrictions
Savior who????
Most of Chinese people take Pakistan as brothers and willing to help, because all the Chinese media say so

After people get on line Pakistan media like PDF, you know a different story, a lot of people here are very radical and very anti-china. they are radical and Short sight ,easy to be used as tools by the West or some religion
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Most of Chinese people take Pakistan as brothers and willing to help, because all the Chinese media say so

After people get on line Pakistan media like PDF, you know a different story, a lot of people here are very radical and very anti-china. they are radical and Short sight ,easy to be used as tool by the West or some religion

You do understand most Pakistanis on PDF are expats or diaspora there is difference in thinking between the diaspora and ones living in Pak are busy with other issues like how to survive a economic crunch yes people like Turkey China is well liked to a extent but your soft power besides CPEC is little to none

More so with Chinese. A full blown athiest socialist people in alliance with uber Muslim conservative Pakistan is definition of "marriage of convenience".

Ah a Kemalist republic based on secularism is "marriage of convience" dare to say word secular in Pakistani politics lexicon be prepared to be called a traitor
You do understand most Pakistanis on PDF are expats or diaspora there is difference in thinking between the diaspora and ones living in Pak are busy with other issues like how to survive a economic crunch yes people like Turkey China is well liked to a extent but your soft power besides CPEC is little to none
In real life most Pakistan would blow themselves up if they had to live in state like China. Go ask the Uighurs. No fcukin opening mosques on every street corner and belching religion everywhere. They would get the muzzle and Chinese chopstick up their arse pronto. That is a fact.
In real life most Pakistan would blow themselves up if they had to live in state like China. Go ask the Uighurs. No fcukin opening mosques on every street corner and belching religion everywhere. They would get the muzzle and Chinese chopstick up their arse pronto. That is a fact.

If it was Turkey it would be prolly the same thing I an guessing the same with Azerbhaijan
If it was Turkey it would be prolly the same thing I an guessing the same with Azerbhaijan
Imagine if Pakistan adopted Turkish republics secular model. PMIK laying wreath at Ataturk Memorial.


Most Paks would go loony toones at this propspect. I mean even if Pakistan copied the Malaysian model they would go bananas.
In real life most Pakistan would blow themselves up if they had to live in state like China. Go ask the Uighurs. No fcukin opening mosques on every street corner and belching religion everywhere. They would get the muzzle and Chinese chopstick up their arse pronto. That is a fact.
if you don't like china, it is ok,we don't care

To be honest,without the special feelings
of Chinese people to Pakistan, there will already a very good relationship with India even in military field.

Without the past good relationship and special feeling,china take you as nothing.Some of your people are just undermining the relationship by yourself
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just push away your friends even if they are your true savior.

These mental patients now see themselves as the savior of the Pakistani people.

Your support for Pakistan was not unrequited.Along with the Aksai region, part of Kashmir is under Chinese occupation. This is not the way to help a state in distress. China is the state that writes the book of pragmatism in the world. Now you're talking about redemption here. Shame.


The basis of China's affinity to the Pakistani state is related to geopolitical issues. China "must" support the Pakistan because it is in his interests. Energy corridor strategies over Pakistan are also part of this. As an individual, I am very pleased with China's support to Pakistan.If you're not preparing trap like in Africa( 1 , 2 ); I wish that your investments in Pakistan will continue to increase.

But never forget that you are not the savior of the Pakistani nation. The mentality you have is no different from US imperialism.
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Most of Chinese people take Pakistan as brothers and willing to help, because all the Chinese media say so

After people get on line Pakistan media like PDF, you know a different story, a lot of people here are very radical and very anti-china. they are radical and Short sight ,easy to be used as tools by the West or some religion

Erm what? Pakistan's media says the same thing and when Pakistanis come online they very much still have the same feelings. If you take the posts of a few people (not a lot as you describe) as reflective of the government and all the people then you need to be more wise.

if you don't like china, it is ok,we don't care

To be honest,without the special feelings
of Chinese people to Pakistan, there will already a very good relationship with India even in military field.

Without the past good relationship and special feeling,china take you as nothing.Some of your people are just undermining the relationship by yourself

Hang about the friendship goes both ways, since when have Pakistanis thought otherwise. If you are using recent posts as evidence, let's go back before the recent issues and when a Pakistani was killed in China and the numerous posts about "stupid foreigner" etc were made all over Chinese online forums. We could have said something back then but remained quiet.
there will already a very good relationship with India even in military field.
Sino - Indian relations are not perfect and there are some disputes but no historical bad blood between the people, despite the very ill conceived war of 62. Military standoffs do not result in any heavy firing, or any firing. When the border patrols clash, still no bullets, just some shouting and pushing like a school fight.

Much more than military, it is Chinese trade practices (which are made possible by your massive economy) we worry about. Have to be very careful, or we will end up like Pakistan where China can just dump cheaply produced goods and finish local industries. I was highlighting this point in a thread yesterday about Pakistan's new electric bike.

As for QUAD, it is just posturing, nobody is looking for conflict in the SCS. If anything, it will work as a conflict avoidance mechanism.
IT is no longer the “Asia-Pacific”, but the “Indo-Pacific”, at least, according to the United States and some of its allies. Such a change may not seem much on first glance, but these four letters are far more than a matter of semantics: they have the potential to create a seismic shift in the geopolitical landscape of the region.

This much was evidenced when the US, Japan, Australia and India announced this month they had agreed to create a coalition that would patrol and exert influence on waterways from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific to the (much disputed) East and South China Seas. The grouping of the four “like-minded” democracies – known as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad – was first mooted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007, but the idea was dropped after Beijing protested, saying the defence partnership with India was aimed at stifling China’s growth. It made a sudden comeback when senior officials from the
four nations met in Manila on November 11
– on the sidelines of regional summits during US President Donald Trump’s maiden tour to East Asia. Obviously, the group will have a China-centric security agenda. The Quad’s rebirth highlights the growing suspicion and unease diplomats in Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi feel about China’s meteoric military and economic rise.

In a statement after the meeting, the four nations said they were committed to ensuring a “free and open” region, with “respect for international law”, and “the rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific”, a reference to what they see as China’s flouting of territorial, maritime and trade rules – including Beijing’s rejection of an international tribunal’s ruling against it regarding its South China Sea dispute with the Philippines.

The new strategy to confront China head on with a unified front underscored a growing regional competition between Beijing and Washington. The Quad meeting came as the US appeared to be shifting strategic focus. As Trump was visiting East Asia, he too referred to the region as the “Indo-Pacific” rather than the “Asia-Pacific” – a clear shot at Beijing.

The strategy appears to be part of Trump’s “hard-balancing” of his East Asia diplomatic policy. He sees it as a way to keep a US presence in the region after abandoning his predecessor Barack Obama’s ‘pivot to Asia’ and withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

Those moves could be interpreted as a sign of passivity in the region. Although a dominant power in the Pacific since the end of the second world war, the US’s diplomatic and military might have rarely extended past the Indian Ocean. However, the new accord shows Washington’s commitment – on both diplomatic and security fronts – to the region and highlights the importance of India as an ally.

Smaller nations, such as South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam, might also benefit from a US-led partnership in a multipolar “Indo-Pacific” to check China’s power.

It also underlines the rising significance of maritime geopolitics in an increasingly integrated world. Economically, the strategy can be seen as an answer to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which seeks to establish a China-centric trade route from the Philippines to the Mediterranean Sea.

Though the Quad members have not said their aim is to contain the world’s last major communist-ruled nation, they see the rise of totalitarianism as a potential threat to regional and global stability and peace. The grouping has said its aim is to promote freedom, liberty and democracy and to make sure liberalism prevails over totalitarianism in the region.

What might define this accord more than its shared ideology, is the lack of competing interests on regional security issues, including the South and East China Seas and North Korea. The aegis these democracies create has the potential to develop into an Asian Nato – and dramatically change the region’s security landscape in the decades ahead. ■


Just wait until India democracy made leader like Modi become an authoritarian....
if you don't like china, it is ok,we don't care

To be honest,without the special feelings
of Chinese people to Pakistan, there will already a very good relationship with India even in military field.

Without the past good relationship and special feeling,china take you as nothing.Some of your people are just undermining the relationship by yourself

We totally stand shoulder to shoulder with China. 1000%. Always will. America is not an ally of Pakistan and never will be.
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