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US-Japan drill 'raises regional tension'


Aug 2, 2012
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US-Japan drill 'raises regional tension' - China.org.cn

Washington and Tokyo kicked off a military drill, which envisioned retaking an island, in what analysts said was a clear signal that the US was throwing its military weight behind Japan over the Diaoyu Islands issue.

The 37-day drill, which started on Tuesday, involves troops sailing 2,000 km on a US vessel to Tinian Island, off the coast of the Northern Marianas. Boats and helicopters will then be deployed in a joint landing.

Although no country was named as the target of the exercise, an official with the Japanese Defense Ministry indicated that the drill is obviously devised to "seize back" the Diaoyu Islands "once China's armed forces have taken them", according to a report by Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun.

The timing of the drill, and Washington's involvement, will complicate the situation, analysts said. The Diaoyu Islands have belonged to China for centuries and this is not the first time that the US has been involved.

At the end of its occupation of Okinawa in 1972, the US transferred the "administrative rights" of the Diaoyu Islands to Japan. They had been occupied by Japan until its defeat at the end of World War II in 1945 and were then "administered" by the US. China has never recognized the deal "giving" them to Japan.

Washington remains neutral on the issue, but it "falls within Article 5 of the US-Japan Security Treaty", US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said on Thursday.

Li Hong, secretary-general of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, said the US-led drill is increasing tension in the region and has shown Washington's true colors despite its so-called neutral stance over the issue.

Wang Fan, director of the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, said the drills "will only escalate Tokyo's tensions with its neighbors, instead of helping resolve them".

Ties between China and Japan have been strained by Tokyo's stance on the Diaoyu Islands since 2010 when a Chinese trawler captain was held by Japanese authorities for what Japanese called "illegal fishing" off the islands.

The ruling Democratic Party of Japan has used the Diaoyu Islands issue to boost wavering public support, experts said.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda announced in July his cabinet's plan to "nationalize" the islands, sparking protests from China.

"Tokyo is keen to use the drills to signal that Washington is on its side," said Ni Feng, a researcher of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The last week has seen Chinese activists and Japanese nationalists land on the islands.

Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, parliamentary senior vice-minister of foreign affairs, is scheduled to visit Beijing this week, and analysts said the Diaoyu Islands dispute will be on his agenda.

Tokyo's top lawmakers on Tuesday indicated a possible revision of laws to boost territorial surveillance "in Japanese waters".

After announcing its shift of strategic emphasis back to the Asia-Pacific region, Washington is using the Diaoyu Islands issue as a chance to speed up its military revamp in the region, observers said.

The US and Japan agreed earlier this month on a proposed second revision of the Guidelines for Japan-US Defense Cooperation, a move believed to target China.

Washington has held a series of drills with its allies this year, including the US-Japan-Republic of Korea drill in June and the Rim of the Pacific Drills 2012 that ended earlier this month. The US and Japan on Sunday held a joint exercise in Ooitaken, southwestern Japan.

Dragging Japan into its Asia-Pacific plans makes no sense for the US regarding a resolution of the territorial issue, Li said.

"China will never concede on territorial issues," Li said.
I'll substitute the headline...

US-Japan drill makes China think twice about starting a war of aggression.

LOL a childplay game that US has been played since cold war time: Drill is only for those who feel insecure against other nation, sure Americans really need that to do at daily basic because you guys are so paranoid about China...boost the moral is way to go to escape the sentiment of inferiority.

As for China, We're millenium imperial power, even with backward technology we certainly have experience to deal with newbie imperial that exist not more that one century...sure we will think twice on the best way to deal with America.

This is the most important thing. US-Japan combination that will make China gives up the idea of adventure on Japan's Senkakus Islands.

So much for a nation that lost U.S.S.R as Backup, now feel the need to suck up with a nation that had bombed them into stone age and made them to be one of famous orange sniffers in Asia for so many years.
So much for a nation that lost U.S.S.R as Backup, now feel the need to suck up with a nation that had bombed them into stone age and made them to be one of famous orange sniffers in Asia for so many years.

You don't see Russia is still there until today?
and we have more a big friend while no longer a big enemy [the US], Isn't that very good for us?
So much for a nation that lost U.S.S.R as Backup, now feel the need to suck up with a nation that had bombed them into stone age and made them to be one of famous orange sniffers in Asia for so many years.

That is really a topic for serious human psychic studies. the vietcongs are so badly deformed by the extremely toxic defoliants left over from the yanks decades after the Vietnam war and now they are hugging their enemy like teddy bears. This is probably a brewing case of advance stage of dementia that is sweeping across Vietnam.
That is really a topic for serious human psychic studies. the vietcongs are so badly deformed by the extremely toxic defoliants left over from the yanks decades after the Vietnam war and now they are hugging their enemy like teddy bears. This is probably a brewing case of advance stage of dementia that is sweeping across Vietnam.

That is why China must be careful for any action with Viet Cong else Chincom will be clusterfucked by Viet Cong.
That is really a topic for serious human psychic studies. the vietcongs are so badly deformed by the extremely toxic defoliants left over from the yanks decades after the Vietnam war and now they are hugging their enemy like teddy bears. This is probably a brewing case of advance stage of dementia that is sweeping across Vietnam.

We dont hug Americans like teddy bears, :lol:
However, the two countries are doing together a cleaning campaign in the points that remaining agent orange. It is a consequence of the war.

We are cleaning up the remnants of the war before the two countries move forward new steps to serve the interests of each country...

US Begins Historic Clean Up of Agent Orange in Vietnam
Daniel Schearf
August 03, 2012

BANGKOK — The United States next week in Vietnam will begin cleaning up leftover deposits of the toxic chemical dioxin from the herbicide Agent Orange sprayed by U.S. forces on vegetation during the Vietnam War. The toxin was found at former U.S. air bases and has been linked to disease and birth defects. On the significance of the cleanup and the health consequences of dioxin still felt in Vietnam today.

US Begins Historic Clean Up of Agent Orange in Vietnam
You don't see Russia is still there until today?
and we have more a big friend while no longer a big enemy [the US], Isn't that very good for us?

Russia don't support Vietnam as U.S.S.R did...comprendo? Every time when other powers get alone with China, Vietname is being marginalized and dumped into gabage trash cane such as China-US relation at Nixon time, or China-Soviet at Gorbachev time...you have no friends beside being served other powers purposes.
I'll substitute the headline...

US-Japan drill makes China think twice about starting a war of aggression.

Regardless how hard America tries to fit its jigsaw piece into the puzzle it will not fit properly. The challenges coming from Russia and China are too great. What is funny is both South Korea and Japan also have their own regional disputes, so which side will the USA going to take? :lol:
LOL a childplay game that US has been played since cold war time: Drill is only for those who feel insecure against other nation, sure Americans really need that to do at daily basic because you guys are so paranoid about China...boost the moral is way to go to escape the sentiment of inferiority.

As if China has never do training before. Any attempt by China to do any naval or land drills in the near future would show that China is insecure against another nation.:meeting: Hope China doesn't do it. Otherwise you just be embarrassed by your own country.
I recall USA held "island retaking" exercises with Philippines too a few months ago just before China spanked Philippines and grabbed Scarborough Shoal from them ;)

April 15 USA-Philippines exercises begin

June 11 USA ditches Philippines to deal with China by itself


Typical Chinese way of twisting facts.

Standoff began April 8, 2012. US-Philippines exercises started April 25.

The June 11 article's title is U.S. Takes A Pass — For Now — On China Sea Disputes.

Pitiful Chinese.
As if China has never do training before. Any attempt by China to do any naval or land drills in the near future would show that China is insecure against another nation.:meeting: Hope China doesn't do it. Otherwise you just be embarrassed by your own country.

China's Drill has not the same meaning as US-Japan: we made the drill to update our defense readiness to the modern warfare condition, but US-Japan drill is serving a mostly the geopolitical purpose knowing that they have best Navy, but still feel insecure about China...I don't know how U.S will react if China-Cuba Navy drill:blink:...but dont worry we can eventually start with Venezuela to easy American concern :lol:.
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