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US Is 'Practically Owned' by China: Analyst


U.S dominance has actually expanded through globalization

China is owned by them
nobody owns nobody

China wont attack
we wont attack

no worries
lets work together shall we? (we already are!) :azn:
us is practicaaly owned by jews, americans each have an impossible debt to pay to these jew banks..
us is practicaaly owned by jews, americans each have an impossible debt to pay to these jew banks..

Wow man, you have so insight knowledge on every thing.

On topic, China-America has more of a parasite-host type of relation, without the one, others won't survive. china has mainly an export driven economy while with the current scenario in US, they are in desperate need for cheap consumer good to keep their inflation in check.
here's a video, Niel Ferguson is always a treat to watch.
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though u r right but what i meant to say was that
having alots of nuclear bombs makes the opponent more threatened
and China should have a better missile technology than america.
The Wall Street regime is a parasite to the world economy. It's time we administered some medicine.

The USD's dominance is based on oil.
Become free of oil, and the USD is dead.
The Wall Street regime is a parasite to the world economy. It's time we administered some medicine.

The USD's dominance is based on oil.
Become free of oil, and the USD is dead.
The Petro Dollar is the last thing holding up the US Dollar currency reserve system. Once that falls, there will be an almost immediate US debt crisis that unlike 2008 will succeed in collapsing the American economy.
Change the title to US is practically owned by Arab sovereign wealth funds and I might agree.
right. Britain had suffered so hugely that when us offered 347 crore dollars in return of permission to use all seaports under British empire Brits agreed. remember that British empire had 1/3 of ports in world. Brits allowed Americans to use them in return of mere 347 crore dollars.

The Destroyers for Bases Agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom, September 2, 1940, transferred fifty mothballed destroyers from the United States Navy in exchange for land rights on British possessions. The destroyers became the Town class, and were named for cities common to both the United States and Great Britain.
Destroyers for Bases Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The lend lease act of 1941 helped everybody. UK just paid that off a few years ago. This was used by Eisenhower in 1956 to stop the attack on Egypt.

Lend-Lease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one gets anything for free. Not even the UK !!!

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