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US intelligence report finds Saudi Crown Prince responsible for approving Khashoggi operation

Well, apparently bending backwards for Israel is not enough.

A lesson for Israeli arselickers Pakistanis.
Look at it from an other angle, MBS failed to generate the US desired outcome in Yemen and now he is no more than a deadwood for American leadership.

MBS is not resisting recognition of Israel, he is indeed one of the main pawns in the game. He put pressure on most of the countries that followed a close Foreign policy to Saud family, Pakistan and Morrocco to name a few. Pakistan didn't gave in to pressure as I am aware but Morrocco did.

After the disasters in Yemen such as famine, massacre, Endless bombing of schools, hospitals, weddings etc, USA is gonna scapegoat the pawn. The pawn did his job well but failed to generate the desired outcome. USA will put the blame on the pawn at same time Americans will try to help returning of Bin Nayef who is close to democrats.

Quite an analysis. Let's see what will happen.

Maybe this is the reason, we started seeing news again in mainstream newspapers about Saudi establishing their refinery in Pakistan. Since the visit of MBS to Pakistan and there was no much progress seen in the media about the refinery. My opinion.
This was part of a global agenda of biden and neo-liberal pals. To attack China for now, neo-liberals want to it to be over "human rights". And thus the US does not want to be accused of "hypocrisy" in supporting Saudi Arabia and attacking China. Let alone let the media ever cover human rights abuses in the USA and by the USA, which are worse than the rest of the world combined.

The Iraqi genocide by the US military:

And the airstrikes in Syria were not only targeting Assad, Iran, and Iraqi militias to show what the US is gonna do as a threat, the air strikes are telling China that NATO can accuse countries of "genocide", while bombing the sh*t out of other countries. That the US does not care about past USA genocide in the Middle East.

trump tried to start a cold war with China and biden is continuing that policy for maybe a hot war later. USA bioweapon did not stop the rise of China, neither did the trade war. It is US classified policy that no nation is to be allowed to be stronger than the US or even equal.

"Human rights" is the new war cry. And Saudi Arabia better clean themselves up, or make the USA ugliness look even worse, if that is possible.
US intelligence report finds Saudi Crown Prince responsible for approving Khashoggi operation
By Jeremy Herb, CNN

Updated 1:14 PM ET, Fri February 26, 2021
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a conference in the Saudi capital Riyadh on October 2018.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a conference in the Saudi capital Riyadh on October 2018.
Washington (CNN)The US intelligence report on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi says that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved the operation to capture or kill the Saudi journalist.
"We assess that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi," the report's executive summary states.

"We base this assessment on the Crown Prince's control of decisionmaking in the Kingdom, the direct involvement of a key adviser and members of Muhammad bin Salman's protective detail in the operation, and the Crown Prince's support for using violent measures to silence dissidents abroad, including Khashoggi," the report says.
The Biden administration released the long-awaited declassified intelligence report on Khashogg's killing on Friday.

The administration provided the declassified report to Congress ahead of its public release.

The release of the report was mandated by Congress. It came after President Joe Biden and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud spoke on Thursday.
This story is breaking and will be updated.

Who would be king if MBS does not become king,

does anyone know how a king is chosen in Saudi Arabia


Kashoggi was a dissident, knowing full well the risks he took when he pursued a celebrity career as a journalist.

His differences with the crown prince, who can be considered somewhat of an autocrat, were becoming so much of a hassle to the crown prince that he decided to 'capture or kill' Kashoggi.

I'm not in favor of destabalizing autocratic governments. Whether that's China, Russia, KSA, or Iran or Venezuela or any other.

In most cases, autocratic governments try their best to provide for their people, and it's not like democratic governments don't kill those who oppose them vehemently. Our battles against terrorism come to mind.

Some may think the territories of combatting terrorism and combatting dissenting opinions have a wide space between them, but consider this : if people like Kashoggi or Vasalny are able to rally the people behind uprisings, isn't that just as destabilizing to a nation as a terror strike? i think it is.
The purpose of the report is to provide SA with a face saving way of finding a new "crown prince" themselves. They have plenty to chose from. MBS staying in power is no longer sustainable, and he will most probably exit the scene soon.

After that, all of MBS's old poltiical foes will sure get close and personal with him once he is no longer protected by the office that he holds.

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