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US intelligence report finds Saudi Crown Prince responsible for approving Khashoggi operation

Who would be king if MBS does not become king,

does anyone know how a king is chosen in Saudi Arabia


I don't really know all that well - but they have a majlis of some sort with all princes attending I think and then they decide.

It will be tough to punish MBS, even if the US wants it.

Saudi Kings think of successive US administrations as order-takers pretty much.
It's getting ridicules by day ... it's funny to see how American blame MBS for such a crime and take themselves as judge and jury .. who gave them such a position? MBS is the very same guy you've supported for past 6 years armed him to teeth to invade Yemen & stated to protect him a couple days ago now and over a night he's become the bad boy? like Saddam that American supported him in usage of CW against Iranians & then they occupied very same Iraq for the same WMD pretext in 2003 ...
All these little dictators blown up by American supports have a life span to serve and then would get thrown away but main criminals get away like Bush and Blair ...
I hope these people learn ...
US seeing a lot of gains and influence in KSA. May be MBS was the guy who resisted Israeli recognition pressure which came at cost at this time otherwise, CIA would have known it since day First but kept under wraps for this time. Apparently, US would like to use situation against KSA remaining resistance and sovereignty but to bow down fully. Having said that, choose your friends wisely and carefully.
Look at it from an other angle, MBS failed to generate the US desired outcome in Yemen and now he is no more than a deadwood for American leadership.

MBS is not resisting recognition of Israel, he is indeed one of the main pawns in the game. He put pressure on most of the countries that followed a close Foreign policy to Saud family, Pakistan and Morrocco to name a few. Pakistan didn't gave in to pressure as I am aware but Morrocco did.

After the disasters in Yemen such as famine, massacre, Endless bombing of schools, hospitals, weddings etc, USA is gonna scapegoat the pawn. The pawn did his job well but failed to generate the desired outcome. USA will put the blame on the pawn at same time Americans will try to help returning of Bin Nayef who is close to democrats.
It's getting ridicules by day ... it's funny to see how American blame MBS for such a crime and take themselves as judge and jury .. who gave them such a position? MBS is the very same guy you've supported for past 6 years armed him to teeth to invade Yemen & stated to protect him a couple days ago now and over a night he's become the bad boy? like Saddam that American supported him in usage of CW against Iranians & then they occupied very same Iraq for the same WMD pretext in 2003 ...
All these little dictators blown up by American supports have a life span to serve and then would get thrown away but main criminals get away like Bush and Blair ...
I hope these people learn ...
USA is conductor hiding behind pawns. MBS is nothing but a good case for scapegoating.
Look at it from an other angle, MBS failed to generate the US desired outcome in Yemen and now he is no more than a deadwood for American leadership.

MBS is not resisting recognition of Israel, he is indeed one of the main pawns in the game. He put pressure on most of the countries that followed a close Foreign policy to Saud family, Pakistan and Morrocco to name a few. Pakistan didn't gave in to pressure as I am aware but Morrocco did.

After the disasters in Yemen such as famine, massacre, Endless bombing of schools, hospitals, weddings etc, USA is gonna scapegoat the pawn. The pawn did his job well but failed to generate the desired outcome. USA will put the blame on the pawn at same time Americans will try to help returning of Bin Nayef who is close to democrats.

That could be the angle but too small in my view. I would rather think big. You may have your opinion given KSA Iran relations but I tried to look at it from above. Yemen chapter is just a small thing. Infact, US denied any support in Yemen for KSA. It's big. UA's just don't get rid of alleged pawn like that.

Now bear with me for yet another angle how few in Langley look at Iran. There's a saying that Iran too helps in paving way for them to intervene or at least providing plausible excuse to remain relevant in M.E or S.A. So it comes down to the point that how the one utilize the position to the best of ones interests.
There will be a civil war in Saudi soon... Because this foolish MBS will revert to his dictatorial tendencies and not give up power so easily.

He is just another Sadam in towel clothing...
It's the point - they want to put tanks in the Haremain!!!
The Americans aren't gonna do anything, at least nothing major to MBS. Biden has said he'll side step MBS and go straight to the king to further USA-KSA ties, but that will only last for so long, as MBS is still de facto incharge of KSA, and eventually will be crowned king.

Unless the Americans can somehow bring back Nayef, there is nothing Biden can really do.
US intelligence report finds Saudi Crown Prince responsible for approving Khashoggi operation
By Jeremy Herb, CNN

Updated 1:14 PM ET, Fri February 26, 2021
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a conference in the Saudi capital Riyadh on October 2018.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a conference in the Saudi capital Riyadh on October 2018.
Washington (CNN)The US intelligence report on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi says that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved the operation to capture or kill the Saudi journalist.
"We assess that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi," the report's executive summary states.

"We base this assessment on the Crown Prince's control of decisionmaking in the Kingdom, the direct involvement of a key adviser and members of Muhammad bin Salman's protective detail in the operation, and the Crown Prince's support for using violent measures to silence dissidents abroad, including Khashoggi," the report says.
The Biden administration released the long-awaited declassified intelligence report on Khashogg's killing on Friday.

The administration provided the declassified report to Congress ahead of its public release.

The release of the report was mandated by Congress. It came after President Joe Biden and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud spoke on Thursday.
This story is breaking and will be updated.

Who would be king if MBS does not become king,

does anyone know how a king is chosen in Saudi Arabia

King of Saudi will be chosen in tel aviv and ordered in Washington and installed in Riyadh
Now bear with me for yet another angle how few in Langley look at Iran. There's a saying that Iran too helps in paving way for them to intervene or at least providing plausible excuse to remain relevant in M.E or S.A. So it comes down to the point that how the one utilize the position to the best of ones interests.
Honestly sir, Islamic countries supposed to be a threat to Israel are on the hit list of USA. I appreciate your "looking from above" idea, itd help you not to fall into sectarian trap that USA and its regional pawns have designed for us all.

Looking from above, Libya and Iran were the primary targets, Clintom sanctioned both under one sanctions pact the so called ISA. Plan was successfuly done in case of Libya for its weaknesses, Americans successfuly destroyed infrastructures of Libya and tore it apart. but it didn't work in Iranian case for many reasons.
Once Trump mentioned names of few Islamic countries and ordered to impose new sanctions on them, Iran Libya Yemen Syria Iraq etc. We are on their hit list and they will keep marching towards us. If our resistance means providing Americans with excuse then so be it, i couldn't care less.

@The Eagle, i mistakenly mentioned Obama as the signer of ISA, my bad. Corrected it. Libya and Iran have been the primary target of USA since the presidency of Bill clinton. Obama extended it.
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US intelligence report
So he might be as innocent as a Saudi Prince can be. Not gonna condemn someone on the basis of baseless claims of notoriously lying criminals.
CIA would have known it since day First but kept under wraps for this time

In report it's not said that CIA knew something... as they state (in OP) ''they have assessed based on his authority (read popularity) in KSA'' and they go on saying MBS has a record of killing dissidents abroad (which is a plain lie)
we know all about the swing in Biden /Kamla administration.
Also hoping, Turks are not that stupid that they fell for the bate.
In report it's not said that CIA knew something... as they state (in OP) ''they have assessed based on his authority (read popularity) in KSA'' and they go on saying MBS has a record of killing dissidents abroad (which is a plain lie)
we know all about the swing in Biden /Kamla administration.
Also hoping, Turks are not that stupid that they fell for the bate.

Who is the best cheer leader
saying MBS has a record of killing dissidents abroad (which is a plain lie)
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