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US, India Consider C-17 Exchange

What is this exchange means?.... Exchanging the aircrafts? or Exchanging the pilots or Exchanging both????
Exchanging pilots ONLY.

Yes; one could say that.
But India has nothing to lose; rather something to gain also.
I think, in this instance, the most India will gain is proffesional-proffesional military contact. Whilst a seemingly trivial detail, these things can have a huge impact on military ties and even the policies of a nation (to an extent). Yes I know 99% of it is likely to be PR talk, whenever Indian and particarly American military proffesionls have interacted- the Yanks have always come away full of praise and compliments.

If you get more and more military proffesional interaction then when these guys rise through the ranks into particarly influential positions they are going to have a positive view of India and the Indian military. This can't be a bad thing- long term.
US, India Consider C-17 Exchange


Pacific Air Forces Commander Gen. Hawk Carlisle said the United States and India are considering an exchange program for their respective C-17 units. “There are opportunities for us to learn from each other,” Carlisle told reporters during a July 29 meeting in Washington, D.C. He noted, however, that the exchange is not yet a done deal.

The Indians “are doing some pretty neat things,” with their newly acquired C-17s, he said. For example, they regularly land the C-17 and deliver cargo on runways that are located at 11,000 feet to 13,000 feet in elevation, which is “harrowing” for larger cargo aircraft, he said. India received its first C-17 in June. It took delivery of its second one on July 22 from manufacturer Boeing, announced the company. India has 10 C-17s on order; they are slated for delivery by 2014.

Link - US, India Consider C-17 Exchange | idrw.org

So what they are exchanging, rather US is selling it and even Indian is looking to get about 20 more C-17s to complete there requirement of 30 C-17s.....???

Also about 30 P-8I are also in consideration and most probably will going to order another 18 more P-8Is in near future...
The PAF did that more than once, during both 65 and 71. I am not sure what bombs the IAF used but the PAF used the smaller bombs left over from an old stock or something. Suffice to say that those things were in crates by the twenties and they did cover a large area when rolled off. Not sure if they actually caused any damage but some 80-100 tiny explosions going off in unison definitely had some psychological effect.

The IAF used larger "iron bombs". If they were smaller crated 100lb bombs, then the Transport pilots would've called it their version of cluster bombs. But an experiment of dubious value otherwise.
Of coursethe Changa Manga raid created a lot of noise on the ground. Little to show apart from scaring the shebang out of some foot-sloggers.
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