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US image in Muslim world abysmal: poll



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Nov 1, 2005
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US image in Muslim world abysmal: poll

WASHINGTON, July 25: Fully 70 per cent of Palestinians believe suicide bombing is justified but support for terrorism is declining in the wider Muslim world, according to a comprehensive US survey released on Tuesday (Wednesday in Pakistan).

The Pew Research Centre said its annual “Global Attitudes” report also showed that the United States’s image in Muslim-majority countries remains “abysmal,” and that solid majorities see Washington as a military threat.

Support for terrorist tactics has fallen in seven of the eight countries polled on that question since 2002, the Washington-based group said.

In Lebanon, those believing that suicide bombing is justified often or sometimes has slumped from 74 per cent five years ago to 34 per cent now. In Pakistan, where Islamist violence has surged, the figure is just nine per cent.

In parallel, the Pew group reported “large drops in support for Osama bin Laden,” the Al Qaeda founder.

It cited Jordan, where the percentage of Muslims who have “confidence in bin Laden as a world leader” has slumped 36 percentage points since 2003.

But in the Palestinian territories, 41 per cent said suicide bombing was justified often, and 29 per cent said sometimes. Just six per cent said it was never justified, by far the smallest proportion of the places polled.

“Acceptance of extreme terrorist tactics in the Palestinian territories is remarkably uniform across major demographic groups,” including women, the young and the old, and those less religiously minded, Pew said.

Across the Muslim world, majorities fret that the United States could become a military threat to their country, including 93 per cent of Bangladeshis, 77 per cent of people in Nato ally Turkey, and 73 per cent of Pakistanis.

History of US actions in the wider muslim world is responsible for the current situation and it will continue to be so as long as US is not changing its imperialist, expansionist destructive anti muslim policies. The Palestinian statistics show the same trend as they are the people who suffered and suffering most by these US policies and in the wider sense it is making other muslim countries to suspect the US even the friendly state of Pakistan and most of them the Secular Turkey.
History of US actions in the wider muslim world is responsible for the current situation and it will continue to be so as long as US is not changing its imperialist, expansionist destructive anti muslim policies. The Palestinian statistics show the same trend as they are the people who suffered and suffering most by these US policies and in the wider sense it is making other muslim countries to suspect the US even the friendly state of Pakistan and most of them the Secular Turkey.

Stop blaming others specially US for problems ..... US can do what they want because your muslim brothers are happy to be there lap dogs and do as master says ..... go check history and current affairs and see how many muslim rulers support US against there own brothers ....;)
because brothers, the world is bipolar again & this time CHINA will triumph over the U.S.A
pakistan must be on the right side of the powers of the world..

Last time too Pakistan was on the right side in a bipolar world. What did it gain?
Stop blaming others specially US for problems ..... US can do what they want because your muslim brothers are happy to be there lap dogs and do as master says ..... go check history and current affairs and see how many muslim rulers support US against there own brothers ....;)

These "Secular and puppet" "Muslim Brothers" are also there products. They did not appear in a day or two.
Go and have a unbiased lesson in history and then talk to me.
If these US supported dictators and kings allow aclean democratic process in their countries 100% will be thrown out by the public and replaced with the Islamist who are there real well wishers.
These "Secular and puppet" "Muslim Brothers" are also there products. They did not appear in a day or two.
Go and have a unbiased lesson in history and then talk to me.
If these US supported dictators and kings allow aclean democratic process in their countries 100% will be thrown out by the public and replaced with the Islamist who are there real well wishers.

If you know how to read history with your eyes open, read it again.
First and foremost find out who have killed the most number of Muslims. It is Muslims themselves.

You want me to list them...
Iran-Iraq war
Gulf war...where Syria sided with the US
Gulf war.. Iraq's attack on Kuwait
1971 Bangladesh
Lebonan Civil War
Iraq's chemical attack on Kurds
Turkey's conflict with Kurds
Fatha- Hamas Care to tell me why are they fighting?
Pakistan's War on Terror
Taliban in Afghanistan
Iraq Sunni Shiite bombing each other

US is the enemy only when dollar is not flowing in their accounts.. else enmity can be easily bought out. Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Saudi.

So get out your dream and smell the cofee. You are a perfect example what the the leaders of the Muslim countries want their population to be. Point fingers at US and Israel for everything and show a blind eye over their own doing.
All talk about Muslim brotherhood is out of the window once the dollar starts following.

All talk about "heart bleeding over US occupation" of Iraq,but then it does not stop Iran and Saudi from assisting Shitee and Sunnis in killing each other.
If you know how to read history with your eyes open, read it again.
First and foremost find out who have killed the most number of Muslims. It is Muslims themselves.

You want me to list them...
Iran-Iraq war
Gulf war...where Syria sided with the US
Gulf war.. Iraq's attack on Kuwait
1971 Bangladesh
Lebonan Civil War
Iraq's chemical attack on Kurds
Turkey's conflict with Kurds
Fatha- Hamas Care to tell me why are they fighting?
Pakistan's War on Terror
Taliban in Afghanistan
Iraq Sunni Shiite bombing each other

US is the enemy only when dollar is not flowing in their accounts.. else enmity can be easily bought out. Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Saudi.

So get out your dream and smell the cofee. You are a perfect example what the the leaders of the Muslim countries want their population to be. Point fingers at US and Israel for everything and show a blind eye over their own doing.
All talk about Muslim brotherhood is out of the window once the dollar starts following.

All talk about "heart bleeding over US occupation" of Iraq,but then it does not stop Iran and Saudi from assisting Shitee and Sunnis in killing each other.

Bitter but TRUTH.
And yes DOLLORS for these puppets is the greatest charm, NOT muslim brotherhood. :agree:
bitter truth, and the average citezen knows the reason for these puppets is the US that's why there is seething hate in their hearts for the US. Anyway hating US insn't confined to the muslim world it's pretty much a universal phenomena:coffee:
There was another report accross the globe that what was the greatest threat to an indeviduals country. Al Qaeda ranked number one and surprise surprise THe USA was number 2 beating all Russia,N Korea and Iran and Syria. It doesn't take a genius to realise where the axis of evil truely lies.
If you know how to read history with your eyes open, read it again.
First and foremost find out who have killed the most number of Muslims. It is Muslims themselves.

You want me to list them...
Iran-Iraq war
Gulf war...where Syria sided with the US
Gulf war.. Iraq's attack on Kuwait
1971 Bangladesh
Lebonan Civil War
Iraq's chemical attack on Kurds
Turkey's conflict with Kurds
Fatha- Hamas Care to tell me why are they fighting?
Pakistan's War on Terror
Taliban in Afghanistan
Iraq Sunni Shiite bombing each other

US is the enemy only when dollar is not flowing in their accounts.. else enmity can be easily bought out. Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Saudi.

Dear Historian,
What ever conflicts, wars examples you have produced are the handy works of USA, West (Specially UK), Zionists or Secularist Puppets holding many muslim countries hostage with the help of above enemies of Islam. If you are a followers of US or a Sanghi be so but don't teach me the history. If you Indians want to pour the poison of communalist and fascist thoughts go to the forums on Indian defence sights and pour it there as your brothers and isiters are doing that there against ISlan, Muslims and specially Pakistan.
Dear Historian,
What ever conflicts, wars examples you have produced are the handy works of USA, West (Specially UK), Zionists or Secularist Puppets holding many muslim countries hostage with the help of above enemies of Islam. If you are a followers of US or a Sanghi be so but don't teach me the history. If you Indians want to pour the poison of communalist and fascist thoughts go to the forums on Indian defence sights and pour it there as your brothers and isiters are doing that there against ISlan, Muslims and specially Pakistan.

So you just proved what I was saying.... Blame everyone else than the perfect self.
Have fun with your delusional history and comic books.

Wonder how come you spend time on internet.
Isn't that un-Islamic... wasn't the internet was created by the zionist and the Americans.

Goodness you have fallen victim to their conspiracy.
The collective history that convicts the US of every known crime against mankind is the reason why they are the worlds most hated nation. (along with Israel).

Con, what is this blaim that you keep referring to? If I were you, I would pick up a history book, and simply read. Read about the US's accomplishments, their wonderous crimes, and then make sure you blaim the victims. Howard Zinn , look him up. Noam Chomsky, another suggestion.

your comments are a profoundly unsophisticated summary of middle eastern history. a simple rebuttal to the arab conflicts is that the US took an active part in arming Iraq with malicious intentions. other simply truths are that arab nations are not controlled by the people, and these nations enjoy the protection of US. a question you should try to answer is, who carved the borders and divided these nations? you should be aware that the creation of hamas was partly fascilitated by Israel, with the aim of brewing up a civil war. recently, as exposed by seymour hersh, the us was back to funding "islamic militants" being set up to counter hizbullah, militants with clear ties to al qaeda. the lebanese civil war is a long one, but as you will find to be the case when you delve deeper into the matters is that there is always a power struggle occurring in the background which triggers and moulds the conflict, these are always foreign, and usually have a historic relevance.

with arab politics, there's so much hatred and pure racism if I may so. hindus and zionists are strangely really tight partners, with a joint hatred towards muslims. I respect jews because they have a strong faith, but I guess the zionists among them think they can have a close relationship with hindus because well what do they have to fear from? pagans with the worlds most impoverished population?
I wonder why people blame the US for meddling.

All one has to do is ensure that they cannot meddle.

But that no one does. And no country does that!

And it is humbug to say that 'secularist Moslem countries' are puppets of the US.

Saudi Arabia is hardly 'secular'. The Salafis claim that they are the true Moslems and the others are not. Is that secularism? And Saudis are the actual puppets of the West and the US from time immemorial.

So, let us not give vent to emotions and instead keep to the facts.

And it is not that I am awed by the US either.

I could not agree more.

Every nation on this planet will put it's national interest first.

As the saying goes, " there are no permanent friends, only permanant interests".

Every Nation gets the Government it deserves as the population is the one that tolerates them. A strongman is the slick used car salesman who ends up convincing his popluace they need him.

Once in control, he is free to make calls on foriegn policy. If the populace disagrees, they are free to throw him out.

If Saddam was in power for 30 years, it's because either he was smart enough to outfox the Iraqis, or they were too **** to unite and throw him out.

Any strongman is a target for the world to take advantage of. The US did not always support Saddam. When they did not, The Russians and the Chinese did - Where did those T-72 tanks come from?

The US is an easy target to blame. So be it. The govts. of most muslim countries are either strongman lite ( Jordan) or strongman heavy ( king of Saudi Arabia).

Where is the responsibility of the people??
That's right.

I find some bellyaching against Musharraf out here,

Fine. That is their democratic right.

If Musharraf is not doing as per the likes of the people of Pakistan and as KBagdadi wants to imply that he and BB are anti Islam, let the next election ensure that they do not return.

But if Musharraf returns, then it means the majority are for him and so the minority of the people can go and sulk for all Musharraf cares!
I wonder why people blame the US for meddling.

All one has to do is ensure that they cannot meddle.

But that no one does. And no country does that!

And it is humbug to say that 'secularist Moslem countries' are puppets of the US.

Saudi Arabia is hardly 'secular'. The Salafis claim that they are the true Moslems and the others are not. Is that secularism? And Saudis are the actual puppets of the West and the US from time immemorial.

So, let us not give vent to emotions and instead keep to the facts.

And it is not that I am awed by the US either.

Its the story of Goat and Lion going on today. What the goat will do when the lion is hell bent to tear apart the goat. Be rational LOL. A person with his eyes open can see clearly how the Secular puppets are following the orders of their master, US blindly.
Even if SA not secular, nobody is being massacred their like in Gujarat and else where in India through out its history after independence.
By the way, "Are you really a muslim or you are using a proxy name?
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