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US holds the Indo-Pak line of control


May 31, 2010
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US holds the Indo-Pak line of control
By Majid Mahmood

The year 2013 ended with the meeting of the Director Generals of Military Operations (DGMOs) of Pakistan and India to take stock of the prevailing fragile situation over their disputed border.

Despite the inherent bilateralism of the first encounter between the groups for 14 years, the current trajectory of Pakistan-India relations can hardly be isolated from the existing geopolitical landscape of South Asia. The evolving geo-strategic architecture in South Asia is connected with US's policy of pivoting towards the Asia-Pacific region. It is necessary therefore to zoom out a bit and recall US objectives in South Asia before zooming into the developments on the Line of Control (LoC) in order to get a broader understanding of the links between the two spheres.

It was not until Bill Clinton's second administration in the latter half of the 1990s that United States began its new approach towards South Asia to account for changed post-Cold War realities. The objectives of this approach were threefold and remain valid today. The first was preventing the emergence of a great power in Eurasia, which translated into containment of China and Russia; the second to establish control over the sources and route of energy supplies from Central Asia to the Indian Ocean via South Asian land corridors; and the third objective was suppression of the forces of political Islam.

After 13 years of military engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US aims to extricate itself from conflict in the Islamic world and focus on other emerging power centers.

Moreover, the shifting of economic and manufacturing centers from the West to the East also meant that China and its geographically contiguous Asia-Pacific region would witness strategic maneuvers by the United States in response. This includes the US bolstering its regional alliances and increasing multilateral economic cooperation. South Asia thus represents a key axis with India as the linchpin in its Asia-Pacific strategy of US vis-a-vis China.

Within this overall geopolitical context, the United States policy in South Asia is to establish a new strategic and economic order anchored around India's political and economic influence in the region, with the US overseeing the Indian management of the region through its limited presence in Afghanistan after 2014.

The trend is familiar - as one can witness in Middle East, where regional powers such as Iran and Turkey along with other traditional allies are being delegated the responsibility to manage Iraq, Syria and the Arab Spring within the parameters of US interests.

Notwithstanding the challenge posed by Indian domestic political dispensation, stabilizing what is otherwise an historically hostile and complicated relationship between India and Pakistan represents a real barrier for fulfilling US objectives in South Asia. Changing the conventional war-fighting paradigm of the Pakistani military toward a more Counter Insurgency-oriented doctrine thus represents an important pillar of efforts.

The current thrust of Pakistan's policy towards India is normalization of relationship in both strategic and economic realms. High-level visits to India by Pakistani officials and the DGMOs meeting itself should be viewed within the US policy framework for South Asia. The flare-up at the LoC which started to pick up heat in January 2013 threatened public and back-channel US efforts to stabilize India-Pakistan relations on Indian terms.

Yet viewed from Islamabad's perspective, the outcome of the current Pakistani policy framework vis-a-vis India will be net-negative as this framework will enable India to play a dominant role in the region. Moreover, at the regional level, this would result in an India-centric containment arc stretching from South East to Central Asia in future. Coupled with United States presence in Afghanistan, this arc will complicate China's energy security prospects.

Consider for example new information that came up during the DGMOs talks that India has deployed 15 additional brigades on the LoC. It had already been known that India had begun the construction of multiple military observations posts along with an ambitious project to build a "Berlin Wall" on the LoC - developments that are in violation of the ceasefire agreement.

These advances will help India in the preparation of a separate Kashmir-related future contingency for swift raids on Pakistani posts and then retreating back, improving its capacity to increase the surveillance of Pakistan army at the LoC and making it an international boundary.

This is one critical implication of many other undesirable outcomes of Pakistan's current policy towards India, which is rooted in the larger US pivot towards Asia.

Pakistan should address the India question by first identifying its own role in the larger Eurasian geopolitical and geostrategic architecture. Should it seek to create a new balance in Eurasia, many opportunities exist in South Asia. Otherwise, Indian hegemony looms large over South Asian with Washington's blessing.

Majid Mahmood is Research Officer and Defense Analyst at the Center for International Strategic Studies (CISS) in Islamabad.
The US and other nations are merely recognizing the changes in Asia.
India is no longer the perpetually moribund stagnant country it used to be.
Pakistan is no longer the absolutely equal counterweight to India that it used to be.

All that happened because of one word - Economy.
India is breaking free of the South Asian straitjacket imposed by Pakistan. Pakistan achieved it - to its credit - by competing successfully with India in economy, military and diplomacy. However the market changes since 1991 have put India on a higher orbit and slowly as India has grown faster, Pakistan has been and is unable to - keep pace.

Blaming US for changing its strategy or priority is pointless. US is merely ensuring that its interests are secured.

The only question is - what does Pakistan decide to do now. Does it focus internally - on uplifting its economy and people by trade and commerce with India and Iran, normalizing ties with both... or does it do what it has always done before - focus externally to different countries, getting involved in Arab and Islamic affairs and to try and impede India.

The decision is for Pakistan to make, rather for Pakistan Army to make.
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LOC is now a full fledged border.

So many Indians are still living in 60s when it comes to LOC.

Kashmir is now a 100% internal issue of India.
Thats not how Pakistan Army see's it.
They are still trying to push terrorists in India to ratchet up problems in Kashmir. Ergo, there is uncertainty in India and cautious behaviour.
Thats not how Pakistan Army see's it.
They are still trying to push terrorists in India to ratchet up problems in Kashmir. Ergo, there is uncertainty in India and cautious behaviour.


There is no forking way to push even a needle let alone a beardo wierdo across a border where every passable area is double and tripple barb wired.

Not only that Indian army has 2 and three level zones on the border.

What you say is oh so 80s
The US and other nations are merely recognizing the changes in Asia.
India is no longer the perpetually moribund stagnant country it used to be.
Pakistan is no longer the absolutely equal counterweight to India that it used to be.

All that happened because of one word - Economy.
India is breaking free of the South Asian straitjacket imposed by Pakistan. Pakistan achieved it - to its credit - by competing successfully with India in economy, military and diplomacy. However the market changes since 1991 have put India on a higher orbit and slowly as India has grown faster, Pakistan has been and is unable to - keep pace.

Blaming US for changing its strategy or priority is pointless. US is merely ensuring that its interests are secured.

The only question is - what does Pakistan decide to do now. Does it focus internally - on uplifting its economy and people by trade and commerce with India and Iran, normalizing ties with both... or does it do what it has always done before - focus externally to different countries, getting involved in Arab and Islamic affairs and to try and impede India.

The decision is for Pakistan to make, rather for Pakistan Army to make.

The latter seems much more likely.


There is no forking way to push even a needle let alone a beardo wierdo across a border where every passable area is double and tripple barb wired.

Not only that Indian army has 2 and three level zones on the border.

What you say is oh so 80s

Are you really saying that Hizbul , Jaish and LeT are not operating from their bases in Pakistan in India ?
The US and other nations are merely recognizing the changes in Asia.
India is no longer the perpetually moribund stagnant country it used to be.
Pakistan is no longer the absolutely equal counterweight to India that it used to be.

All that happened because of one word - Economy.
India is breaking free of the South Asian straitjacket imposed by Pakistan. Pakistan achieved it - to its credit - by competing successfully with India in economy, military and diplomacy. However the market changes since 1991 have put India on a higher orbit and slowly as India has grown faster, Pakistan has been and is unable to - keep pace.

Blaming US for changing its strategy or priority is pointless. US is merely ensuring that its interests are secured.

The only question is - what does Pakistan decide to do now. Does it focus internally - on uplifting its economy and people by trade and commerce with India and Iran, normalizing ties with both... or does it do what it has always done before - focus externally to different countries, getting involved in Arab and Islamic affairs and to try and impede India.
The decision is for Pakistan to make, rather for Pakistan Army to make.

India is ahead of Pakistan and it's economy is in better shape mostly because of American largesse. The US wants a counter-weight to China and they think India will provide them with such.
The whole containment of China strategy will collapse if either India decide to not participate or is unable to. Now India will be able to dedicate more of it's assets against China if somehow the Pakistani threat goes away. This is where the whole design of the US strategy comes in to work. That is to turn the Pakistani Army into a counter-insurgency outfit, without the backbone to go eye ball to eye ball against India.
The US still is the sole super-power and what it decides to do in Afghanistan and what role it assigns to the regional players, will have a major affect. But this is not to say that Pakistan doesn't have a choice.
At this juncture Pakistan can either listen to the American diktats, become a second rate power, and accept India as big brother or join the Chinese camp and say no to American global and Indian regional hegemony and be in-charge of it's own destiny.
Are you really saying that Hizbul , Jaish and LeT are not operating from their bases in Pakistan in India ?

Please do not mix LOC with overall Pak-India border and he 1000s of miles of ocean.

Stick to the thread please.
Is it by any chance satirical you?

Please clarify. What is "satirical" to you?

LOC is serious issue. Lot of brave men have died on BOTH forking sides of that dastardly line.

It is time you all quit joking about it.
I agree with nangyale that the US probably would like to see the India/Pakistan hostility go away so India will concentrate on China.

Of course China would have the opposite view that they'd like to keep things ratcheted up between India and Pakistan to keep India's resources split.
I agree with nangyale that the US probably would like to see the India/Pakistan hostility go away so India will concentrate on China.

Of course China would have the opposite view that they'd like to keep things ratcheted up between India and Pakistan to keep India's resources split.

China is a red herring in this thingy. Please avoid it if you can.

LOC or line of control $hit is between two Indian rajas aka Pakistan and India. That's all.

USA as an inheritor of British empire tend to view India and Pakistan the same way as Brits did during WW-2. With old time admiration for their armies.

And thus they don't want to see them destroy each other for $tupid reasons.

Hope you understand.

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