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US hints at operation in Pakistan

LOL @ Afghans and Indians trying to think that this would be unilateral action by NATO.It will be most likely coordinated operation between ISAF and Pakistan Army/Air Force with Pakistan Army and Air Force Operating on our side and they operating across the border.Just few days ago Admiral Mike Mullen Met with Kayani and both seemed happy.
LOL @ Afghans and Indians trying to think that this would be unilateral action by NATO.It will be most likely coordinated operation between ISAF and Pakistan Army/Air Force with Pakistan Army and Air Force Operating on our side and they operating across the border.Just few days ago Admiral Mike Mullen Met with Kayani and both seemed happy.


LOL @ Afghans and Indians trying to think that this would be unilateral action by NATO.It will be most likely coordinated operation between ISAF and Pakistan Army/Air Force with Pakistan Army and Air Force Operating on our side and they operating across the border.Just few days ago Admiral Mike Mullen Met with Kayani and both seemed happy.

I agree with you.. In my view this has been happening covertly for sometime and now probably both sides have decided to start making this known to public in a slow and steady manner...
So, the master plan is in it's final phase..... huh!

Wah Zardari Wah, now you have sold your Counrty's dignity to Americans for bucks, first it was drones (secret agreement with Americans never made public), now this.........!

God Knows what next.......!

Hope I see you some time soon hommie, cause I'd be the one credited with blowing your head off with my 8 gauge.....
I feel that this comment is in a continuation with what we have been hearing from Adml. Mullen and David Cameroon. Pakistan is not willing to help out US to fight Afg resistance because its not in our interest to do so. Long story short Pakistan wants to save its back, we cannot afford to have an Indian friendly govt in Afg which stabs us in the back all the time. If US eliminates Haqqani network they will get rid of a big obstical, will be able to implement its plan there and even after they leave Pakistan will have a 2 front scenario. I think we should do every thing in our power to make sure US leaves empty handed. They have been pressurizing us to do an operation in N.waziristan which we have been delaying, the success of that operation will help US launch operation in Kandhar, time is running out winter is approaching and then it will be too late. They are getting desperate hence such statments and who knows what purpose wikileaks serve.
Already US troops operating secretly in Pakistan since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan in 2001.
^ An Administrator with Balls. But I hope your reservations are not copy and paste sentiments from the two faced government. You are right, this is not acceptable and very shameful. We have seen what partnership with US does. Anyone seen the collateral damage of friendly ANA forces? The numbers are huge. Everytime these idiots call in an airstrike, dozens of civilians and handful of friendly soldiers ALWAYS get hit. We can root out Haqqani are own style. So far his network has not been that aggressive inside Pakistan. Never trust the US forces. They are badmash of the moment as they have a free card to to anything they want, Geneva Conventions even will not touch them. I don't trust their presence in Pakistan. Their role should be confined to training and military aid/advice. No American boots on Pakistani soil or this Kaum will have a huge problem with the looters in government. Just because they have been in Pakistan operating since 2001 doesn't mean we should accept this news bent over with a smile on the face. Get these trouble making soldiers of Christ out of our country. Only Pakistani forces should conduct operations, use American training or their intelligence or even their gifted weapons but for GODS SAKE don't let them operate in Pakistan like they have been in Afghanistan.
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Americans are very much stuck and messed in Afghanistan they just want an escap-got. but it will never happen...
once again time is coming where we seen USSR at its end
now USA
Hope this happens soon!

that way, the US will become a declared enemy of Pakistan... true, there will be chaos and disturbances, but will be for better:pakistan::pakistan:
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