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US hints at operation in Pakistan

Yes.. I want this to happen someday very soon. A drone attack on the Cities like Lahore, Rawalpindi or Jehlum or even Multan would be welcomed.

Go American Goo... you got to give Pakistan this favor. Help us see the real friend that you are.
Thinking of conducting operation inside PAK, while they are still struggling to control the areas out side Kabul .... , :azn:
Well as long as they make Karachi into Seoul and the better half of Pakistan into a new South Korea, i wouldn't mind it, but we get to keep the NUKES.
Thinking of conducting operation inside PAK, while they are still struggling to control the areas out side Kabul .... , :azn:

That is like saying Pakistan cannot control TTP insurgency and even the Afghan Taliban. Which I am sure they are pursuing the TTP and they are on the run, while on the other had are turning the other way and even helping the Afghan Taliban. Well at least it the broader consensus. The thing is there are very limited and remote districts for example in Ghazni and Wardak provinces which are not even adjacent to Kabul but in some proximity where the insurgence excercise some control over. On the other hand tackling Haqani is crucial, in what will be cutting them off from their santuaries in Northern Waziristan, from where they have the lattitude to reinforce others insurgent well inside Afghanistan. It is not rocket science, you tackle their sanctuaries from where they organise/plan, finance and where they recuperate and from where they lauch attacks and create havoc. Haqani doesn't have permenant sanctuary inside Afghanistan, but he does have networks inside, enforced from their sanctuary can send suecide bombers, plant bombs, ambush and terrorise. Obviously you know the border is hard to patrol.
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Yes.. I want this to happen someday very soon. A drone attack on the Cities like Lahore, Rawalpindi or Jehlum or even Multan would be welcomed.

Go American Goo... you got to give Pakistan this favor. Help us see the real friend that you are.

I think the Americans will make the Pakistani army to do that, while they will guranteed any help they may need. I think Pakistan is running out of excuses and can't recourse to further games, unless they declare openly a war.
Pakistani military fanatics should welcome this move as they did for drones. Generals and politicians lied about drone locations/approval for so many years---Pakistan tujhe salams will do something to get a million dollar in their pockets and Mr. Zardari will clean his arse by getting 2 million dollars---Than they will blame each other for the permission.

Pakistanis--You have been lied again and again!
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Well, if this proves to be true, we will have paid our camp site fees to Mr. Zardari and, perhaps, even to some PA figures. Do you think that Pakistan's sovereignty is negotiable? When will Pakistan have a political leadership that is truly patriotic? When will feudalism finally be vanquished?
Well, if this proves to be true, we will have paid our camp site fees to Mr. Zardari and, perhaps, even to some PA figures. Do you think that Pakistan's sovereignty is negotiable? When will Pakistan have a political leadership that is truly patriotic? When will feudalism finally be vanquished?

When will we stop blaming the west? You know there is a competition in a class room between students. Similarly, there is a race between countries to achieve--One should not say that west is creating problems even if she is doing. The good minds do not show their weaknesses rather they fight through pen and education. We cannot become a successful nation unless we produce scientists, inventors, F 22 raptor etc Moreover, people of Pakistan should take an initiative to get a new leadership for them. Till now, PA blames politicians and vice versa; people blame their leaders and establishment. We are writing too much on a page rather than doing something practical and I fear a revolution by pen or blood when that page dries up. Although I am optimistic but I am afraid to say that Pakistan is going nowhere but downhill. Hope we get a new leadership which will consider the national interests over personal ones. I do not want to fight with the U.S. over disagreements if I was a president but I would have tried to persuade them my way. And if they could not understand like a power hunger monster than so be it. Anyways, hope this WORLD GETS A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN!
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