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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

^^ Don't worry. Trump is digging his own grave. He is harming US standing in the world. It will harm US relations with the entire Muslim world if it hasn't already. The vast majority of the world is opposed to such discriminatory bans. The only few countries such as Israel and India who support Trump cannot even be called a minority. For the first time, America is being viewed as a villain under Trump. The whole world is protesting the ban.

Who exactly is this "vast majority of the world" you speak of? It's not like US has not imposed such bans before, and against Muslim nations. Nor have Muslim states uniform in their response to the ban. The Gulf states, for insistence, have been eerily quiet, especially Saudi Arabia. Why? They fear Iran more than US banning Muslims. Trump might be more amenable to listen to their concerns about Iran than Obama was.
Who exactly is this "vast majority of the world" you speak of? It's not like US has not imposed such bans before, and against Muslim nations. Nor have Muslim states uniform in their response to the ban. The Gulf states, for insistence, have been eerily quiet, especially Saudi Arabia. Why? They fear Iran more than US banning Muslims. Trump might be more amenable to listen to their concerns about Iran than Obama was.

Look around you. You might notice how the entire world has reacted to Trump's bigotry. The protests stretch from Europe to the US itself. The US has never mass banned Islamic countries in the way Trump had imposed the ban. The civilized world at least is calling the ban atrocious and discriminatory. You need to rectify your facts.

You cite Saudi Arabia's silence. The irony is that Trump doesn't even have the balls to include Saudi Arabia on his racist ban list.

Too bad. The US has dug its own grave by electing a racist anti-Islamic schmuck like Trump.
Pakistan is simply too important and dangerous to ban it. And Trump knows it.

No, don't give us that crap now. Time for Trump to live up to his promise. We are expecting a ban and we are going to hold him accountable.

Pakistan is out of American realm anyway. Trump has a big mouth against Pakistan. Yet, he cannot ban us. Something is so fvcked up here.
Been there ... I agree.
But that still does not reflect the general hatred prevailing in the society.... till they actually get a chance to go there themselves

A mullah in my area used to give anti-US sermons every Friday...then he somehow emigrated to US..once in US he clean shaved and became a sober person..
It seems not possible because large number of protests would be a result
Laden is not Pakistan, OK? We are talking about Pakistan nation. Trump clown soon will get his butt kicked.

He was in Pakistan....and US didnt care one bit about Pakistan's nuclear weapons....they went after him without telling Pakistan (lack of trust, frenemy concept etc) and violated Pakistan sovereignty severely in the process.

Now you can keep fantasizing about Trump getting his butt kicked as much as you want, fact of the matter is that the US touches and squeezes Pakistan whenever it feels it needs to.
I hope the US implements it asap, as it will serve one purpose and that is bring more hatred in the eyes of the Pakistanis and further help in bringing more distances between the two countries.
pakistani response


He was in Pakistan....and US didnt care one bit about Pakistan's nuclear weapons....they went after him without telling Pakistan (lack of trust, frenemy concept etc) and violated Pakistan sovereignty severely in the process.

Now you can keep fantasizing about Trump getting his butt kicked as much as you want, fact of the matter is that the US touches and squeezes Pakistan whenever it feels it needs to.

Than what is your ugly friend Trump waiting for? Always talk, but no action. Bring it on and stop wasting our time.

What a hypocrite!!

He himself stays in a Western country like Netherlands but is okay with other Pakistanis from being deprived of the opportunity to go to West.

@somebozo @dsr478 @friendly_troll96 @Kaptaan

LOL at this Indian elephant.

Fool. Stop comparing racist America with The Netherlands. Pakistanis are just fine in Pakistan.

You can't blame me for being born and bred in The Netherlands. If I was born in Pakistan I am sure I would have prospered even more than in The Netherlands. Pakistan is a land of massive opportunity despite corruption and other shortcomings. Heck, who knows I might even settle in Pakistan some day.

I know how many illegal Indians roam around on European streets looking for construction jobs. Don't talk to me about deprivation.
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No body would come back to Pakistan this is a fools dream...ever compared what kind of living standard Pakistan would offer to them? First glass of water in Pakistan would give them life threatening diarrhea...and also does Pakistani state has money to finance scientific R/D ? No ....all that money is sitting offshore...
Beta, apni sarri hoi G main say ser baher nikalo....... tumsay kahin ziada educated and qualified professionals are living happily in Pakistan, are progressing and doing very well. I'm one of them.

Exactly..coming to Pakistan would be last choice for someone even being forcibly deported..I happen to know a few..they find their way to UAE and Oman instead of living in Pakistan...

No...i dont plan to...I do come occasionally...but cannot survive for long.

Don't come. We are better off without your kind.
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