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US hinting at getting tough on Pakistan with new Afghan-Pak Policy

What if CPEC loose steam at some point in the future, what shall we do then? We need to have a working relationship with the WEST in general and not put all of our eggs in one basket.

CPEC is meant for infrastructure and capacity building for Pakistan so that Pakistan can industrialize, trade and become more reliant on itself than depending on anyone else. Another word, gain strategic independence, that is what China wants as well. Regardless of CPEC, Pakistan has to stand on its own feet. Your position that Pakistan has to rely on west is simply not attainable when west has no desire to help Pakistan nor has money. On top of that west agenda is to team up with india to undermine Pakistan and its position. What defense you have on behalf of west????
Americans have just lost Afghanistan altogether. Pakistan will never allow india a foothold in Afghanistan and American supplies depend on us. unless they wish to go to war in which Isreal will be wiped out. They will risk America but they will never risk Israel and Pakistanis know that. we are not Iraq or Libya we have the ability to hit back.

Load of nonsense

Hit USA .. lol they will bomb you to stone age.

The USA will isolate you and sanction you.

No money Ni technology no parts for USA equipment.

Whip up even more support for India and endure you Pakistanis have no say in thus region including Afghanistan and Kashmir gripes

Do not piss off USA at all costs.

Ask Iraq Libya, or Cuba

we also lied we took pakistan from and are never going to give it back.....enjoy your day and waffle on
Load of nonsense

Hit USA .. lol they will bomb you to stone age.

The USA will isolate you and sanction you.

No money Ni technology no parts for USA equipment.

Whip up even more support for India and endure you Pakistanis have no say in thus region including Afghanistan and Kashmir gripes

Do not piss off USA at all costs.

Ask Iraq Libya, or Cuba
So what's new. 1965 war they sanctioned us
1971 war they sanctioned us
Russians leave afghanistan they sanction us.
Best time in Pakistan's history vis a vis development is when we are under sanctions.
Regarding hitting Americans there are many an account in afghanistan where they have directly attributed casualties to pakistan.

Sometimes all you need is courage. Man at a great empires have been defeated by lesser forces simply because of courage.
It's sad people use emotions on geo-political policies. Pakistan's blinded with its hatred, failure & weakness with India. Hatred, failure & weakness in front of your enemy makes you not think rationally. Your ego will keep you blinded & wont allow you to work towards the possible solution & development.

You should learn from China. China has encroached every country's territory bordering them. It got back all its lost land with all the countries & it took more land of each country around it. The only country it didn't encroach & worse gave up it's land is Russia. Why? China knew it cannot defeat Russia as Russia had far better weapons, jets, nuclear weapons or Missile Defense system long back, so it surrendered & even gave up its land to Russia. Slowly & quietly it built its economy & amassed wealth & left Russia far behind in terms of economy & money power. It even tactfully got lot of weapons from Russia.

It's quietly building itself to such a level in all areas be it weapons, jets, nuclear weapons or defense it has already started to threaten Russia without fighting. America & Russia never realized the seriousness of China & both got used, to its blindness. China dumped all its products & looted American money & bankrupted all its businesses. They quietly closed all the industries of America, with it's cheap dumping & used the same money to buy Russian technology & weapons, while also stealing secrets & technologies at will from anywhere it could. China is not only building its military & economy, it's building OBOR just to get access to every part of the globe. It's quietly building its way towards ruling the world. Every year it's increasing it's territory & increasing its bases. Apart from OBOR, It wants to rule the waters so building artificial islands & ports across the world by giving loans & debt trapping weak economies & smaller countries. When countries are not able to pay back the loan, it occupies the port or bargains for territory. It's having an eye on all the natural resources area. The reason it is working hastily & investing heavily in Africa is because Africa can be easily taken over, as they neither have money nor armaments to fight China, but rich with every natural resources.

If any country, side with China, they are going to be taken over by China. China will never offer anything for free & if they offer they will have a much bigger strategic gain plan of future. Many countries are waking up to Chinese cunning strategies, but still many are trapped & being used due to their helplessness or obsession. China has brought the US, Europe & Africa to the verge of slavery by its economic domination. They just shut down every country's industries by its cheap dumping. The world is not able to build its industry, because Chinese find a way to dissolve it somehow, if they ban Chinese products they are smuggled in.

If it's not stopped & neutralized, every small country will perish & will be taken over by China in a couple of decades. The world is coming together to the threat China poses both economically & militarily. The war has already began with China economically. Who ever is with China is going to go down first. That's the first ploy to weaken China. Then choking all Chinese foreign ventures, adventures & development.

Pakistan will pay the price for its Chinese association. India hopefully may not have to do anything to both China or Pakistan as the world is all coming together to back India, because India has the population & strategic regional advantage to take on China. If Pakistan & other smaller countries realize this & come together with the right group, they will be saved if not either way they will die, either China will kill them or the combined world forces will. And I repeat, Chinese allies will be the first to go. China is too strong to be confronted directly. First hit all its allies, then economically & last resort is war with China.

Pakistan has no economy of its own. It's Industries are sinking, exports are dipping, Remittances are reducing, Debts are increasing, Forex Reserves are depleting, Threats & violence are increasing. Pakistan is slowing heading in to it's elimination path. It is betting only on CPEC. That's Chinese slavery. If Pakistan wakes up, it has hope for revival. This independence day, use your brains do your own analysis & open your eyes. Kashmir has not weakened our economy, nor stopped our development. In your case it has. So sort out all your differences with India to begin with. Bite the bitter pill. Muslim countries are killing each other due to their religious obsession. Throw your religious obsession in the bin. It will take you no where, but death. Don't attack me with your foolish obsession now. I am not trying to gain a victory with my post. I am showing reality. Remember India is better off than Pakistan. Do your own analysis with a rational mind. Good Luck & Happy Independence day.
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Americans too 2 decades what India has been telling then ,if they need results just follow what India tells you..stop the taking and hit their exports that will give you better results.
They quietly closed all the industries of America with it's cheap dumping & used the money to buy Russian technology & weapons, while also stealing secrets & technologies at will from anywhere.

You know where the Chinese factories came from? The West. US, France, UK, Germany. They shipped the factories overseas to China.

They just shut down every country's industries by its cheap dumping

Didn't the Brits shut down India's industry? Now you're all buddy buddy?

Americans too 2 decades what India has been telling then ,if they need results just follow what India tells you..stop the taking and hit their exports that will give you better results.

Aren't Afghan-India bhai bhai? I'm sure the bhais can overlook one bhai's child molestation/ drug abuse/ corruption/ neglect....
Aren't Afghan-India bhai bhai? I'm sure the bhais can overlook one bhai's child molestation/ drug abuse/ corruption/ neglect....
Bro we are helping Afghanistan to build their country not cry brothers and make their part of the country Indian part .
You can teach how to build Kashmir or teach them make a livelihood
Bro we are helping Afghanistan to build their country not cry brothers and make their part of the country Indian part .
You can teach how to build Kashmir or teach them make a livelihood

And what do you think the US tried to do?

We got idiots in Washington more interested in numbers of soldiers, police, roads "built", schools "built".

The only Afghans fighting are still the NA and Tali.... everyone else in the middle is picking whoever's got the most guns in the neighborhood.

@ topic.... I do not think US can do much with Pakistan, they lost the leverage which was the freebies and aid.... both have gone down significantly....

US-Pakistan trade is $5.5B 2016. Not exactly peanuts or carrots.
US no longer has any leverage over Pakistan.

Pakistan has realized that her new beau China is more richer and has since dumped USA.

With Iran dumping US for Russia and Pakistan dumping US for China, US would be forced to dump Afghanistan.

US had its best chance in 2001 but it wasted it by betting on the wrong partner.
Easy for you to say this in a forum.

Do you think Pakistan can endure the fallout? Israel (and US) are in the process of fielding very capable anti-ballistic missile systems and we cannot take there defenses for granted.

Absolute victory may not be possible in Afghanistan but Americans can come back at a later stage to reboot the situation on the ground like in 2001. Only Afghans can decide what course of action they want to take and how they are going to define their relations with other states; Pakistan does not have much say in these matters at present.

We have to think rationally.
Had you thought before writing you would know that MAD would apply. We would be wiped out but so would israel and most of Europe. That's the risk of attacking pakistan

It's sad people use emotions on geo-political policies. Pakistan's blinded with its hatred, failure & weakness with India. Hatred, failure & weakness in front of your enemy makes you not think rationally. Your ego will keep you blinded & wont allow you to work towards the possible solution & development.

You should learn from China. China has encroached every country's territory bordering them. It got back all its lost land with all the countries & it took more land of each country around it. The only country it didn't encroach & worse gave up it's land is Russia. Why? China knew it cannot defeat Russia as Russia had far better weapons, jets, nuclear weapons or Missile Defense system long back, so it surrendered & even gave up its land to Russia. Slowly & quietly it built its economy & amassed wealth & left Russia far behind in terms of economy & money power. It even tactfully got lot of weapons from Russia.

It's quietly building itself to such a level in all areas be it weapons, jets, nuclear weapons or defense it has already started to threaten Russia without fighting. America & Russia never realized the seriousness of China & both got used, to its blindness. China dumped all its products & looted American money & bankrupted all its businesses. They quietly closed all the industries of America, with it's cheap dumping & used the same money to buy Russian technology & weapons, while also stealing secrets & technologies at will from anywhere it could. China is not only building its military & economy, it's building OBOR just to get access to every part of the globe. It's quietly building its way towards ruling the world. Every year it's increasing it's territory & increasing its bases. Apart from OBOR, It wants to rule the waters so building artificial islands & ports across the world by giving loans & debt trapping weak economies & smaller countries. When countries are not able to pay back the loan, it occupies the port or bargains for territory. It's having an eye on all the natural resources area. The reason it is working hastily & investing heavily in Africa is because Africa can be easily taken over, as they neither have money nor armaments to fight China, but rich with every natural resources.

If any country, side with China, they are going to be taken over by China. China will never offer anything for free & if they offer they will have a much bigger strategic gain plan of future. Many countries are waking up to Chinese cunning strategies, but still many are trapped & being used due to their helplessness or obsession. China has brought the US, Europe & Africa to the verge of slavery by its economic domination. They just shut down every country's industries by its cheap dumping. The world is not able to build its industry, because Chinese find a way to dissolve it somehow, if they ban Chinese products they are smuggled in.

If it's not stopped & neutralized, every small country will perish & will be taken over by China in a couple of decades. The world is coming together to the threat China poses both economically & militarily. The war has already began with China economically. Who ever is with China is going to go down first. That's the first ploy to weaken China. Then choking all Chinese foreign ventures, adventures & development.

Pakistan will pay the price for its Chinese association. India hopefully may not have to do anything to both China or Pakistan as the world is all coming together to back India, because India has the population & strategic regional advantage to take on China. If Pakistan & other smaller countries realize this & come together with the right group, they will be saved if not either way they will die, either China will kill them or the combined world forces will. And I repeat, Chinese allies will be the first to go. China is too strong to be confronted directly. First hit all its allies, then economically & last resort is war with China.

Pakistan has no economy of its own. It's Industries are sinking, exports are dipping, Remittances are reducing, Debts are increasing, Forex Reserves are depleting, Threats & violence are increasing. Pakistan is slowing heading in to it's elimination path. It is betting only on CPEC. That's Chinese slavery. If Pakistan wakes up, it has hope for revival. This independence day, use your brains do your own analysis & open your eyes. Kashmir has not weakened our economy, nor stopped our development. In your case it has. So sort out all your differences with India to begin with. Bite the bitter pill. Muslim countries are killing each other due to their religious obsession. Throw your religious obsession in the bin. It will take you no where, but death. Don't attack me with your foolish obsession now. I am not trying to gain a victory with my post. I am showing reality. Remember India is better off than Pakistan. Do your own analysis with a rational mind. Good Luck & Happy Independence day.
Typical self obsessed Indian talking crap again
US hinting and warning is getting boring. Wake me up, when they actually action their warnings and threats.
US propaganda and indian re propaganda to mask desperate US position in Afghanistan unmasked by most dominant force on the ground.

Afghan Taliban warns Trump against sending in more troops
By Josh Smith and Jibran Ahmad

FILE PHOTO: U.S. Army soldiers from the 2nd Platoon, B battery 2-8 field artillery, fire a howitzer artillery piece at Seprwan Ghar forward fire base in Panjwai district, Kandahar province southern Afghanistan, June 12, 2011.Baz Ratner/File Photo
KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban told U.S. President Donald Trump in an open letter on Tuesday that the military situation in Afghanistan was "far worse than you realize", and sending in more troops would be self-destructive.

A senior Taliban official told Reuters the rare decision to address Trump directly was timed to coincide with the president's deliberations on the future of U.S. policy in Afghanistan.

"Previous experiences have shown that sending more troops to Afghanistan will not result in anything other than further destruction of American military and economical might," the Taliban said in the lengthy English-language letter.

It criticized the Afghan government as "stooges", "lying, corrupt leaders" and "repulsive sellouts" who were providing Washington with "rosy pictures" of the military position.

Note: these very stooges are very close to india.

The Taliban, seeking to restore Islamic rule, has waged an increasingly violent insurgency against the Western-backed Afghan government since losing power in a U.S.-led invasion after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. Those attacks were planned by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden from a base in Afghanistan.

"The war situation in Afghanistan is far worse than you realize!" the letter said, arguing that the only thing preventing the Taliban from seizing major cities was a fear of causing civilian casualties.

The senior U.S. commander in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson, has requested several thousand additional troops to act as advisers to the struggling Afghan security forces. Influential voices including Republican Senator John McCain have also urged an "enduring" U.S. military presence in Afghanistan.

But such plans have faced scepticism in the White House, where Trump and several top aides have criticized years of American military intervention and foreign aid.

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters on Monday that the Trump administration was "very, very close" to a decision on Afghanistan, adding that all options were on the table. However, U.S officials believe it could take weeks for a South Asia strategy to be approved.

"We have noticed that you have understood the errors of your predecessors and have resolved to thoroughly rethink your new strategy in Afghanistan," the Taliban told Trump.

"A number of warmongering congressmen and generals in Afghanistan are pressing you to protract the war in Afghanistan because they seek to preserve their military privileges."

Some Taliban leaders disagreed with publishing the letter as they believe the group is close to being able to end the war on its own terms, while the "Americans are no longer in a position to fight this never-ending war," one Taliban official said.

The first official said the Taliban was open to "discuss all issues with the United States for bringing peace to Afghanistan" if American troops are withdrawn.

"Everyone now understands that the main driver of war in Afghanistan is foreign occupation," the Taliban letter said.

"The Afghans have no ill-intention toward the Americans or any other nation around the world but if anyone violates their sanctums then they are mighty proficient at beating and defeating the transgressors."

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I will say this again Heroin is at the fastest pace replacing cocaine in the US and its reaching Russia at dangerous levels. My town is seeing heroin which was impossible! :o:

Where can it possibly be come from?
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