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US hinting at getting tough on Pakistan with new Afghan-Pak Policy

Easy for you to say this in a forum.

Do you think Pakistan can endure the fallout? Israel (and US) are developing very capable anti-ballistic missile systems and we cannot take there defenses for granted.

Absolute victory may not be possible in Afghanistan but Americans can always come back. Taliban cannot have its way in matters concerning Afghanistan and neither can Pakistan. Only Afghans can decide what course of action they want to take and how they are going to define their relations with other states.

We have to think rationally.
if you are going to die anyways are you going to sit back and just be killed?

Taliban have defeated the Russians and recently NATO. americans are on the run and now they want to push India a willing slave to do the fighting but here this will help pakistan in the long run as india will be drained in terms of money and human lives.

pakistan is a lynchpin and cannot be ignored.
The exit strategy will be a failure and they already have a scapegoat
if you are going to die anyways are you going to sit back and just be killed?

Taliban have defeated the Russians and recently NATO. americans are on the run and now they want to push India a willing slave to do the fighting but here this will help pakistan in the long run as india will be drained in terms of money and human lives.

pakistan is a lynchpin and cannot be ignored.

Nobody has to die for Afghanistan. And nobody is threatening Pakistan on these terms. Try to understand the message. These are pressure-tactics, nothing else.

US came to Afghanistan to eradicate Al-Qaeda Network and prop-up a regime in Kabul in the absence of Taliban-led government. US accomplished these objectives but it does not seems interested in stopping resurgence of Taliban because it is a political entity with firm roots in Afghan society. US [is not] going to waste its resources in reforming Afghan society. So where does this reality lead us to?

Here: [only] Afghans can decide their [own] fate - external entities [cannot] fix their internal problems for them.

There is an ongoing power struggle in Afghanistan at present (Taliban versus Kabul regime) but whomsoever prevails, will get to decide the future of Afghanistan


Afghan nation will find a way to unite somehow.

Now question is: if Taliban regains power and decides to establish a working relationship with India? Then what?

Pakistan cannot dictate what happens in Afghanistan. This is my point.

What Pakistan can do at most, is to convey its concerns to the international community that India cannot be allowed to transform Afghanistan into an operation base for RAW. Otherwise, Pakistan will pursue such targets in Afghanistan. This is the best course of action for us.
US has the potential to influence any state; Pakistan is not an exception.

Even if entrench ourselves firmly in the Chinese camp, American decisions will continue to affect us (positively or negatively). I am hoping for a balanced political maneuvering from Pakistan because China is not a shield against US.

That is the change i could see in the last few years..... You were managing it in both the camps, Chinese providing you critical know hows which US did not provide, and US were providing you everything from money to military equipments..... Now the geo political scenarios changed, and US is thinking that your expiry date is over, and looking towards India..... ( Though i am not a fan US ).....
That is the change i could see in the last few years..... You were managing it in both the camps, Chinese providing you critical know hows which US did not provide, and US were providing you everything from money to military equipments..... Now the geo political scenarios changed, and US is thinking that your expiry date is over, and looking towards India..... ( Though i am not a fan US ).....
Do you understand why Pakistani are frustrated with US?

US has supported Pakistan at critical junctures but it has also abused Pakistan on different occasions. I can recall such abuse on 3 counts. This relationship dynamic is unhealthy for both states.

Pakistan cannot afford to terminate its diplomatic relationship with US [contrary to wishful thinking of some] but Pakistan has no love left for US either (present-day reality).

I vouch for complete reboot of US-Pak relations on a positive note (with mutual respect and proper grasp of concerns of each other). US should stop abusing its power and Pakistan needs to revamp its foreign policy.

Pakistan is a reality and have its share of geopolitical objectives. However, Pakistan is not bereft of logic and reasoning. US needs to adopt a balanced posture in its policy for South Asian region.

India can have relations with Afghanistan but not with the mindset of encircling Pakistan. kulbhushan Jadhav episode should not be repeated.
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The title misleading:coffee:
" US Hinting Tough on Kabul Pakistan Policy "
They only controlling Kabul not Afghanistan and Uncle need to be get tough on northern thugs controlling Kabul.

Nobody has to die for Afghanistan. And nobody is threatening Pakistan on these terms. Try to understand the message. These are pressure-tactics, nothing else.

US came to Afghanistan to eradicate Al-Qaeda Network and prop-up a regime in Kabul in the absence of Taliban-led government. US accomplished these objectives but it does not seems interested in stopping resurgence of Taliban because it is a political entity with firm roots in Afghan society. US [is not] going to waste its resources in reforming Afghan society. So where does this reality lead us to?

Here: [only] Afghans can decide their [own] fate - external entities [cannot] fix their internal problems for them.

There is an ongoing power struggle in Afghanistan at present (Taliban versus Kabul regime) but whomsoever prevails, will get to decide the future of Afghanistan


Afghan nation will find a way to unite somehow.

Now question is: if Taliban regains power and decides to establish a working relationship with India? Then what?

Pakistan cannot dictate what happens in Afghanistan. This is my point.

What Pakistan can do at most, is to convey its concerns to the international community that India cannot be allowed to transform Afghanistan into an operation base for RAW. Otherwise, Pakistan will pursue such targets in Afghanistan. This is the best course of action for us.

US didn't come to Afghanistan to fight terrorist. After all they fund and train all the global terrorists. OBL was on their books. Taliban was their creation, ISIS came out of American prisoners of war camps and now they are supporting PKK even against the wishes of Turkey a Nato member. The false flag 911 gave them an excuse to enter Afghanistan at a time when US was in recession. what better way to create jobs than to create a war and kick start the weapons industry. selling billions in arms to the US government as well as dumb arabs. then there is the matter of mineral rich Afghanistan. its have huge copper reserves. rare earth metals in greater quantity than China and I could go on.
Pakistan is also in the cross hairs because we have huge oil, coal gold and iron reserves to name a few. Americans want to destabilise pakistan for this purpose only. they want all the money for themselves. sadly for them Pakistan has nukes and a few good men.
Afghanistan's history and future is intertwined with us. Pakistan hasn't in the past and never will in the future allow india a foothold on its northern border. America is not our friend and will never be our friend.
Afghanistan is tribal and history shows when they are not fighting invaders they are settling scores with each other. this land have always been at war and will remain so in the foreseeable future. the lack of education also makes it hard for afghani's to sort their future. we have no choice but to ensure our western border remains secure
US has supported Pakistan at critical junctures but it has also abused Pakistan on different occasions. I can recall such abuse on 3 counts. This relationship dynamic is unhealthy for both states.

The problem is you expect them to help you in every time you want to (even with us also ) But forgets that they also have their own national interests and objectives which may not be parallel to yours..... So it is ok.... Today you think chinese are your best friend, and there will be a day you may think otherwise, (that doesnt mean that chinese are bad or they are good, that is how national intersts are and how diplomacy works)

I vouch for complete reboot of US-Pak relations on a positive note (with mutual respect and proper grasp of concerns of each other). US should stop abusing its power and Pakistan needs to revamp its foreign policy.

Let us be honest, There will not be any mutual respect, for that one has to be equal to them if not near to that..... They are the most cunning people on earth..... and your generals knows it pretty well...

Pakistan is a reality and have its share of geopolitical objectives. However, Pakistan is not bereft of logic and reasoning. US needs to adopt a balanced posture in its policy for South Asian region.

Untill last decade your objective and their objective was on the same line, not any more..... But there will instances where objectives match and you may work on those objective.... Now with totally on the lap of China, the relationship will never be the same....

India can have relations with Afghanistan but not with the mindset of encircling Pakistan. kulbhushan Jadhav episode should not be repeated

India will do everything to protect its interest..... One should ask the reason why India is eager to work on Afghanistan???? probably i can give you a clue "Strategic Depth".....We do not want terrorist to come from that part of the world to India..... KY???? Let him be your punching bag for some more time..... A decade down the line you can listen to one of your own general on the actual story and we both can discuss further then..... But by then there will be another sharma or yadav in the jail as a new punching bag...... (let us keep this to afghanistan only and let us not discuss KY further on this thread)
They have been trying hard to get India involved...... Indian involvement is majorly in to building infrastructure, Training military and providing support to build military equipment,(this is more or less "0").... India will continue do that.....

@ topic.... I do not think US can do much with Pakistan, they lost the leverage which was the freebies and aid.... both have gone down significantly....
They do ,majority of their exports are to US and EU
time is perfect for pakistan to show america it's real place.pakistan must change it's foreign policy and russia and china already have sympathies for afghan taliban.only american enemy can bite them better.we must involve russia and china in afghanistan and ignore america for some months.ask them to pay for the pakistani routes.they will cry then.this is the same game just like russian invasion in afghanistan.we must help russia and must provide weapons to talibans.let america suffer.these americans are retard.they only care about their own country and own interests.pakistani people are not for sale.we should arm afghan talibans.let americans suffer.
As well as Dog remains in a water well water will remains polluted, Problems starts with india and will be ended only without india... sorry Uncle snake there is no other solution of Afghanistan peace keep jumping like monkyes or rolling like donkyes you will gain nothing instead of few white colors body pack every month
Easy for you to say this in a forum.

Do you think Pakistan can endure the fallout? Israel (and US) are in the process of fielding very capable anti-ballistic missile systems and we cannot take there defenses for granted.

Absolute victory may not be possible in Afghanistan but Americans can come back at a later stage to reboot the situation on the ground like in 2001. Only Afghans can decide what course of action they want to take and how they are going to define their relations with other states; Pakistan does not have much say in these matters at present.

We have to think rationally.
You clearly have extreme pro US stance, I have been hearing the same thing for over a decade. This will never go beyond ink in the news paper.
You clearly have extreme pro US stance, I have been hearing the same thing for over a decade. This will never go beyond ink in the news paper.
You may get such impression because I am not into bashing any state on a regular basis.

There are certain realities that we (as a nation) cannot ignore. We need to think outside the box at times and draw contingency plans. We need Think Tanks for this purpose alone.

What if CPEC loose steam at some point in the future, what shall we do then? We need to have a working relationship with the WEST in general and not put all of our eggs in one basket.

I am not suggesting that we allow India to convert Afghanistan into a base of operations against Pakistan. My stance in this regard is that Pakistan [should] take action against such elements [inside] Afghanistan, whenever ACTIONABLE INTEL is available. Drone strikes or even Jet-based strikes are welcome. You understand how extreme this position is? More extreme than any Pakistani leader or general has been willing to adopt so far.

So for me, Pakistani interests matter the most and my arguments are in-line.
You may get such impression because I am not into bashing any state on a regular basis.

There are certain realities that we (as a nation) cannot ignore. We need to think outside the box at times and draw contingency plans. We need Think Tanks for this purpose alone.

What if CPEC loose steam at some point in the future, what shall we do then? We need to have a working relationship with the WEST in general and not put all of our eggs in one basket.

I am not suggesting that we allow India to convert Afghanistan into a base of operations against Pakistan. My stance in this regard is that Pakistan [should] take action against such elements [inside] Afghanistan, whenever ACTIONABLE INTEL is available. You understand how extreme this position is? More extreme than any Pakistani leader or general has been willing to adopt so far.

So for me, Pakistani interests matter the most and my arguments are in-line.

My point is very simple and I don't babble on about things. I dare the yanks to lambast Iran the same way it every other day starts the tirade of diarrhea against Pakistan for being the problem in afghanistan. Pakistan is not the only nation bordering or with stakes in that country! Same goes for the CIS nations which have become aligned with Russia. Russian Influence is returning to the level it was during the day's of the soviet union. If it hasn't at present then it will very soon!

Pot calling the kettle black and bringing india to instigate problems for Pakistan, then using its media platform to goad Pakistan into submission. The cheek the audacity to use Pakistan to keep a foot in afghanistan then try to harm Pakistan all in the same time. Why doesn't the US get its supplies into afghanistan from another route? Well it can't.

We don't need good relationship with the west as I know you have a heavy tilt towards the west camp. We need a good relation with nations that we can trade and have good bilateral agreements. The world does not revolve around the west.
American insistence to keep India in Afghanistan which doesn't even share border with Afghanistan is a clear sign that they are looking for fight with Pakistan, again, albeit low intensity one through proxies. India is in Afghanistan only because of America. India sponsoring terror in Pakistan using Afghan soil give America a plausible deniability that they are involved in this when confronted by Pakistan while everyone know India is doing everything right under American nose.

Clearly America is looking for confrontation. Pakistan needs to step up its own proxies not only in Afghanistan but in region and beyond.

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