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US hikes Pakistan aid by 40%

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Services for whom , bro ?

I remember mentioning in that post of mine that army is taking money only for operations in War on Terror and not for purchasing military weapons as before under FMS , I do not know what @samantk remembers and why did he quote me here for that ... Why should we offer our services for free ? Dont they cost money ? Doesn't protecting NATO's vital lines cost money ? Doesn't loosing 40,000 Pakistani count as something ? Doesn't the huge damage to infrastructure and economy count for something ? These little kids , whose own country receives AID from Britain , need to remember a couple billion $ do not run a country for 180 million people ...

Perhaps you missed this thread Sir?


it will be under FMS/FMF regime - EDA stocks grants with PK paying for upgrades - F16s, SP Guns, Perry class frigates, P3C's, missiles for PAF/PN like Sidewinder, Harpoon etc. - nothing flashy.
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US hikes Pakistan aid by 40% in 2014 budget - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Wednesday proposed a 40% increase in American aid to Pakistan, amounting to $1.4 billion, as part of his $3.77 trillion budget that focusses on job creation and economic growth.

Obama among other things proposed to increase the US aid to Pakistan under overseas contingency operations to $1.4 billion for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013, an increase of 40% than the $1 billion that he had proposed in the last year's budget for the fiscal 2013. Obama also proposed to reduce the deficit by another $1.8 trillion.

According to Obama's budget proposals, the state department's $47.8 billion budget includes $6.8 billion for the frontline states of Iraq ($2.1 billion), Afghanistan ($3.4 billion ), and Pakistan ($1.4 billion ). The proposals included $3 billion in base funding and $3.8 billion in overseas contingency operations funding. In view of the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi in Libya last year, the budget provides over $4 billion to secure overseas personnel.

Congrats on the hike in AID... Aish karo yaar!!!
No , I just read " approves the sale " for weapons and left the rest of the guessing and conspiracy theories to fanboys and trollers , mate ... :D

Was there anything about FMS and Americans paying for those weapons ?

Edit " Isn't it that person's personal opinion " ? @Argus Panoptes

I quoted Sir FatMan17's post indicating that 2 billions dollars worth of military equipment will be financed under the FMS/FMF regime.

it will be under FMS/FMF regime - EDA stocks grants with PK paying for upgrades - F16s, SP Guns, Perry class frigates, P3C's, missiles for PAF/PN like Sidewinder, Harpoon etc. - nothing flashy.
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The US must realize that they need us and therefore must treat us as equal partners in the war on terror. If we are treated as slaves it is counter-productive to our cause of fighting terrorists. Pakistan should assert its independence in this relationship and be willing to target militant commanders like Fazlullah in Afghanistan. Pakistan is a very subserviant ally instead and this is a huge issue.

Dear sir, I dont think equal partners ask for aid!
=deepak.chauhan2312;4145261]they have used you and they will use you why...??

We do whats in our national interest while they Americans are quite successfully using you against china tomorrows super power and today economic power.

because you can not survive without them..
During the sanctions we not only survived we thrived but can you survive without them now since all of your industry depends on Americans oh wait you cant can you now.

are you not ashamed,

We were part of the coalition and allied to Americans plus played a very big part in defeating the Russians in Afghanistan and cold war for that matter

when India couldn't pay for weapons Russian were giving you military aid but not only India weren't there for Russia when she needed help in Afghanistan ,Shame shame .But as soon as could afford to pay for weapons you dump Russians and run to west arent you ashamed of your behavior.

how can you brag about it when you hate America that much

How can you?

....Pakistanis oh Pakistanis

Thats right and don't you forget it :pakistan:
I quoted Sir FatMan17's post indicating that 2 billions dollars worth of military equipment will be financed under the FMS/FMF regime.

No , I saw that , that is why I edited the post , I just said that this is that person's personal opinion and there was no mention of the $ worth of purchases , not that of Americans paying for it , just a news about issuing a sort of No objection certificate ...
Dear sir, I dont think equal partners ask for aid!

Israel is the Biggest recipient of US aid and till 1992 so was India now india still gets that aid not as much as it was before so what the fcuk are you bragging about.
No , I saw that , that is why I edited the post , I just said that this is that person's personal opinion and there was no mention of the $ worth of purchases , not that of Americans paying for it , just a news about issuing a sort of No objection certificate ...

Yes Sir, you are correct, but that is how the long process starts to deliver billions of dollars in equipment by USA to our military. It is in the pipeline and it is coming.
Yes Sir, you are correct, but that is how the long process starts to deliver billions of dollars in equipment by USA to our military. It is in the pipeline and it is coming.

Let us see :)

Why so kind , though ? After the coalition packs its bags , they do not need us anymore ...
Services for whom , bro ?

I remember mentioning in that post of mine that army is taking money only for operations in War on Terror and not for purchasing military weapons as before under FMS , I do not know what @samantk remembers and why did he quote me here for that ... Why should we offer our services for free ? Dont they cost money ? Doesn't protecting NATO's vital lines cost money ? Doesn't loosing 40,000 Pakistani count as something ? Doesn't the huge damage to infrastructure and economy count for something ? These little kids , whose own country receives AID from Britain , need to remember a couple billion $ do not run a country for 180 million people ...

The fact that we had a discussion on what aid means, we agreed it meant that purchasing arms and the govt. spending money on some welfare and other functions. You said the faux aid was only US footing the bills and nothing else.

Here, I saw a respected member claim that the money was used for other Govt. projects so it can be termed aid, and not just payment for the services rendered.

So, what is it aid or not?
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Israel is the Biggest recipient of US aid and till 1992 so was India now india still gets that aid not as much as it was before so what the fcuk are you bragging about.

Watch your mouth buddy and be civil,

As far as military aid is concerned, india didn't recieve any from US and we bought our equipment from russia with whatever money we had, not just russia from france, and UK too., As far as civil aid, yes, we did recieve aid but then We had the self respect of not selling our foreign policy to Washington, beging or moscow. For us it has always been and will always remain India first. We did not go and sit in the lap of any nation for a few aircrafts or some aid money. We received developmental aid, but we also repaid those, we opened our economy strategically and provided those countries with the opportunity to access our huge internal market.
lastly we dont beg others to treat us with equality, we dont have to remind others of being partners, and we dont have to convince our allies to stop bombing us. Hope you get the difference.
The fact that we had a discussion on what aid means, we agreed it meant that purchasing arms and the govt. spending money on some welfare and other functions.

Here, I saw a respected member claim that the money was used for other Govt. projects so it can be termed aid, and not just payment for the services rendered.

So, what is it aid or not?

Not if it is being used by a country who has suffered the most due to the ongoing War of Terror starting with the coalition's intervention in Afghanistan ( for whatever reasons ) ... If you cite the money coming in 60's , that can be counted as AID ... There is a big difference , now your country receives AID for development in different sectors still to this day despite the economic boom , you aren't fighting a war , you haven't been assisting anyone anywhere for that , what should I call it ?

I never denied it wasn't being used for Govt projects ... I told you about the military , remember ?

Yes and technically , no ... It isn't coming for free , mere reimbursements for the costs incurred and damages done in the war which started when the Americans first thought of intervening in this region ...

As far as civil aid, yes, we did recieve aid

And your countrymen have the nerve to call us beggars when their country itself received/receives AID to the point of being the highest recipient till 1992 !

Good question Sir. May be they do need us in some way? Who knows?

Nothing comes for free , now that we know ... We cant/aren't going to cancel the IP , that we know too , what remains ? :)
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