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US hands over 'most wanted' terrorist list to Pakistan..


Jul 29, 2010
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Looks like Obama has declared open season on Pakistan..

US hands over ‘most wanted terrorists’ list to Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The United States has drawn up a list of five militant Islamic leaders it expects Pakistan to provide intelligence about immediately and possibly target in joint operations, including Osama bin Laden deputy Ayman al Zawahiri and Taliban commander Mullah Omar, according to a US official and a Pakistani official.

The list also includes Siraj Haqqani, the operational commander of the Haqqani network, the most violent group in the Afghan Taliban and believed to be run out of the Pakistani tribal areas; Ilyas Kashmiri, a senior member of al Qaeda once dubbed “the next Osama bin Laden”; and Atiya Abdel Rahman, the Libyan operations chief of al Qaeda who had emerged as a key intermediary between bin Laden and al Qaeda’s affiliate networks across the world.

The list was discussed during three separate meetings between senior Pakistani and US officials in the past two weeks, including today in Islamabad with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to a US official, a Pakistani government official and a Pakistani intelligence official.

The United States views the list as a test of whether Pakistan is serious about fighting terrorists who have long enjoyed safe havens within its borders.
But the list does not only include militants the United States wants Pakistan to target. In the case of Omar, the United States is interested in determining whether he can be part of political reconciliation in Afghanistan, and is pushing the Pakistanis to facilitate such an outcome, according to two US officials. The United States has already opened a dialogue with a man believed to be an emissary of Omar, according to two senior Afghan officials, but is proceeding cautiously.

Clinton and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Adm. Mike Mullen, who flew into Islamabad ahead of Clinton, today urged Pakistan to support that process and do nothing to scuttle it, according to senior administration officials. Pakistani intelligence officials have in the past admitted they detained Afghan Taliban leaders who expressed a willingness to reconcile.

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, Clinton declined to address specific names but said the United States expects Pakistan to authorize “joint action against al Qaeda and its affiliates,” adding, “there is still much more work required, and it is urgent.”

US hands over

The move would suggest that US expects Pakistan to launch operations in NW immediately. It`ll be interesting to see how PA and ISI talk their way out of this one.

PS: Did people notice the body language of the Americans during the Clinton's visit? Shocking to say the least. I also found Clinton's choice of words during the press conference rather curious. In addition to deriding the Pakistanis for sprouting conspiracy theories, she also spoke about expecting Pakistan to take decisive steps in 'coming days', rather than 'coming weeks and months'..I may be reading too much into a flippant remark but the gloves are definitely off..
the question will be asked as usual, what US did with so many CIA guys extracting intelligence from pakistan and 113 drone which attacked in one year, you were given free hand inside pakistan to kill these people but you failed, what can pakistan do now

america has no chance now, it should now go, this is the final verdict of every pakistani
the question will be asked as usual, what US did with so many CIA guys extracting intelligence from pakistan and 113 drone which attacked in one year, you were given free hand inside pakistan to kill these people but you failed, what can pakistan do now

america has no chance now, it should now go, this is the final verdict of every pakistani

Hammy, Clinton was due to visit Pak last week but deferred it to coincide with Gen Mullen's visit? Why? This is a clear message to Pakistan, reinforced with a not so covert military threat in the form of a 5 star general standing alongside the state secretary at the press conference. Pakistan's has now transformed from a quasi sovereign entity to a full blown client state of the US, with intermittent tranches of financial aid from the US (through its proxy, the IMF) the only thing preventing complete economic meltdown in the country. So don`t kid yourself, Pakistanis may not like it but they cannot afford US leaving Pakistan at this point in time..and Mrs Clinton knows that very well.
Just goes to show the sky-rocketed levels of desperation reached by the US in the WOT.
Hammy, Clinton was due to visit Pak last week but deferred it to coincide with Gen Mullen's visit? Why? This is a clear message to Pakistan, reinforced with a not so covert military threat in the form of a 5 star general standing alongside the state secretary at the press conference. Pakistan's has now transformed from a quasi sovereign entity to a full blown client state of the US, with intermittent tranches of financial aid from the US (through its proxy, the IMF) the only thing preventing complete economic meltdown in the country. So don`t kid yourself, Pakistanis may not like it but they cannot afford US leaving Pakistan at this point in time..and Mrs Clinton knows that very well.

Well these so called terrorist has nothing to do with USA and what ever terrorist of AL-Q and Taliban US wanted to persue were sitting nicely in Afghanistan. Immature war plans flushed them into Pakistan and creating headache for Pakistan. We deserve a compensation on this not a list.

US has greater ambitions in this region co-supported by new founded partner India..and what US is doing is addressing India's security concerns.

There are 800 terrorist groups in India, how many lists have been sent to them?
^^^ because Pakistan is the main country for exporting terrorism in the world, attacks for Mumbai and Bali etc have been prepared in Pakistan.
^ You need to do some math. Get a list of major terrorist attacks outside Pakistan and Afghanistan and then check how many were traced back PRIMARILY to Pakistan. That will burst your bubble.
^ You need to do some math. Get a list of major terrorist attacks outside Pakistan and Afghanistan and then check how many were traced back PRIMARILY to Pakistan. That will burst your bubble.

Before bursting others bubbles go and check yourself in last 2 decades every terror attack directly connected to Pakistan
^ That's your bubble that you and your bharatis in. You selectively remember the terrorist attacks that were primarily traced back to Pakistan and only remember individuals who were Pakistani. I routinely see arrests made that have no connection to Pakistan but it doesn't get posted. But if there's one Pakistani it gets posted. So it is what it is - you're in a bubble where you see things that you like and imagine that what you don't like never happened or doesn't happened.
Now our list for US - get Bramdagh Bugti from Kabul and/or Delhi. Get us the TTP hiding in Afghanistan.
^^^ because Pakistan is the main country for exporting terrorism in the world, attacks for Mumbai and Bali etc have been prepared in Pakistan.
And india is exporting nothing by boquets of flowers and doves of peace to rest of the world...the plot is as obvious as it gets....fighting collation forces in Afghanistan and organising bomb blasts in Pakistan..yes..there is very much a RAW connection to terror in Pakistan..open you eyes and see..

ISI helped France smash RAW-led terror network | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
^ That's your bubble that you and your bharatis in. You selectively remember the terrorist attacks that were primarily traced back to Pakistan and only remember individuals who were Pakistani. I routinely see arrests made that have no connection to Pakistan but it doesn't get posted. But if there's one Pakistani it gets posted. So it is what it is - you're in a bubble where you see things that you like and imagine that what you don't like never happened or doesn't happened.

Whole world think like this :tdown:

And after obama found in your army back yard every one is sure now :yahoo:
Please cut the crap about whole world and look at the facts. And address my whole post, not one sentence.

List the major terrorist attacks (not chosen selectively) and then do the math.

Btw, not even whole world thinks what you're claiming. Not even the west, no. Just bharat. You bharatis have deluded yourself into believing many things that you think the whole world believes.
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