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US HAARP strikes causing Earthquakes: China, Haiti and now Chile, who's next?

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Concepcion, Chile 8.8 earthquake caused by H.A.A.R.P. and CHEMTRAILS- BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT!

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USA have history of killing innocent ppl.

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Has society dumbed down to this level? I'm amazed time and again by the level of insanity and the prevalence of mental retardation.
Has society dumbed down to this level? I'm amazed time and again by the level of insanity and the prevalence of mental retardation.
Oh really sorry to hear about ur condition...!!!
I thought ur avatar was just a random photo. I wish u recovery soon.
Anyone who believes that ANYONE on earth has the technology to initiate an earthquake has the scientific ability of a SNAIL! How totally stupid this is. Unbelievable! the level of ignorance that can exist in supposedly intelligent people.
Oh really sorry to hear about ur condition...!!!
I thought ur avatar was just a random photo. I wish u recovery soon.

I hope you know who the bearded man in the avatar is.
My last post on tbis topic. Follow this link
See the original source where it was being discussed whether clouds can be a harbringer of earthquakes or not. They were discussing events way back to '78 as well. HAARP was established in '93.
Reason and logic have been lost somewhere.
Look for it u must have dropped it somewhere....

There is difference b/w clouds & lights...

Lights seen in recent cases are like "Aurora/Northern/Southern Lights" but r NOT "Northern/Southern Lights" themselves because "Aurora" r seen at north or south poles & best seen during moon-less nights... China/Iran/Haiti are least likely sites for Aurora... Reason it appears at poles is peculier shape of Magnetic field around earth...

This Dumbel shaped magnetic field protects earth from solar radiations elsewhere, but at POLEs radiations make it to atmosphere as shown in above photo... & thus ionizing atoms or knocking their electrons to higher energy shells... when these electrons come back to normal shells, they release energy in form of light.... Thus creating AURORA...
By same mechanism HAARP causes "lights" in sky...

There's a video on HAARP on youtube(I think it's Jesse Ventura's video on HAARP!!!***), where interviewer interviewed neighbourhood of HAARP facility & a person told him that all he knew of HAARP was that it creates lights in sky...

Lights observed recently r NOT at north/south poles & they were definitely not "clouds", they were lights.


& see the difference b/w aurora & china lights...


***in 4th part of following series at Minutes:6:25...
"HAARP ppl told neighbourhood that they r studying Northern Lights",,, so they admitted this thing creates lights in sky... like ones seen before quakes recently!!!. HAARP's site also say they r studying Aurora... but don't expect a murderer to come tell u he's a murderer...

In above series we r told that by shifting atmospheric layers HAARP technology can also generate tornado by shifting atmospheric layer thus creating a vacuum which in turn generates a tornado.... I never herd of this type of funnel-shaped tornados/hurricanes in Iran untill recent quake...

Here's where video maker lives... & here's the epicenter of iran Quake...
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The picture did not capture Auroras. I know what Aurorae are.

Energy released in Chile Earthquake = 66.6 EJ
Let me put that in digits now = 666,000,000,000,000,000,000 Joules of Energy

This is 1.52 times bigger than the total electricity consumption in the world "annually"

The amount of energy required to move a tectonic plate is not a joule or two. Not even the most precise of strikes can trigger that. Coming up with answers that military technology is still a secret is lame. We do not know about the newest military toys but we know about the limits of science.

The clouds can be explained due to a number of reasons.

1. Circumhorizontal arc -
Go here(article) and here(wiki) and Natgeo.

Do these look similar :-


Probably. I will analyze the positional suitability of the place in China and come up with a detailed reply later, but as of now, it seems a possible explanation. Had the arc been more prominent, I would have proposed that this could have been a Circumzenithal arc as well.

2. Goniochromism or Iridescence - i.e. changing colours on a surface like soap bubbles

Irisation of clouds can and does occur. Ice crystals diffract light and visible light gives the rainbow pattern.



Has there been curiosity in "Seismic Clouds". Yes. New Scientist has published an article on it and there has been a paper on it as well and some group called Terra Research have done their work as well.

The strange clouds must have a scientific explanation. There is no secret military operation going on nor did any experiment go wrong. Aliens are not visiting us, Man did land on the moon, Paul McCartney did not die, TWA 800 was not shot down and there is no such thing as mind control.

Get a life
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Good to see one of ur flags change, when do u plan to change the other?
Good to see one of ur flags change, when do u plan to change the other?

I didn't realize that I had to change. I arrived for my studies 3 weeks back. Assumptions are never the best way to analyze people.

Does it effect my argument somehow? Do the merits of argument change? Does it change my loyalty somehow? Do I have to prove them to you?

The answer to all of these is sadly no.
I didn't realize that I had to change. I arrived for my studies 3 weeks back. Assumptions are never the best way to analyze people.

Does it effect my argument somehow? Do the merits of argument change? Does it change my loyalty somehow? Do I have to prove them to you?

The answer to all of these is sadly no.
That was just an impulsive observation,,, I don't doubt ur loyalty,,,
By-the-way I once applied for job at a place in Urbana-Champaign, IL... didn't get it :) Good to see u studying there.

& also I don't know the guy in ur Avatar,,, who is he???


I added another video about Iran in my post above... whether lights resemble aurora or circum...arc.. point is that Tesla Technology can cause changes in atmosphere,,, it can shift clouds, cause precipitations(crystals responsible for circum.arc!!!), cause tornados by moving atmosphere & thus creating a vacuum, rebound those waves back to earth & penetrate sea/earth to communicate with submarrines or to resonate earth crust, & generate lights in sky by energising outer-most electrons of atoms.... It can't be a mere co-incidence that aurora/circum.arc like lights & tornados appeared before quakes recently...

& Energy figure u gave was stored-energy, released, when falt lines snapped... that was NOT the energy required to disengage layers of crust... Energy released on nuclear explosion is NOT the energy required to explode it..... A guy walking on thich layer of unstable snow can trigger an Avalanche...(Video below)

If u saw mythbusters episode where they broke a glass using sound... why can't earthcrust be resonated using millions of watts...!!! HAARP at Alaska can produce 3.6 Million Watts = 216000000 J/Min... Who knows the capacity of Weapon form of it...

Mere oil-discovering technology that used much much less energy than HAARP, triggered quake of magnitude 4-4.5.. (Watch from Minutes:6:30)

Also this one at minutes:5:00
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I don't know the guy in ur Avatar,,, who is he???

The greatest political philosopher of modern time, Karl Heinrich Marx. Needs no introduction.


Energy figure u gave was stored-energy, released, when falt lines snapped... that was NOT the energy required to disengage layers of crust... Energy released on nuclear explosion is NOT the energy required to explode it..... A guy walking on thich layer of unstable snow can trigger an Avalanche...(Video below)

The focal depth of the earthquakes are two deep to trigger. It isn't as if the tectonic plates are 3m deep and you can move them with your shovels. Earthquakes in South America (South American plate and Nazca Plate collisions) are usually pretty deep (The Depth of Earthquakes). Hence, it is impossible in my opinion to trigger them.

The earthquake in Haiti was only 13km deep and the one in Chile was 35km deep

I watch mythbusters and I have seen that episode. I understand, that resonance is a big force but these theories are way too crazy. I know a professor who has worked on HAARP as well and once he joked about the conspiracies regarding HAARP as well.
...The focal depth of the earthquakes are two deep to trigger. It isn't as if the tectonic plates are 3m deep and you can move them with your shovels. ....
Guys use such waves to detect Oil wells... so these do penetrate so deep into earth... like this article mentions a 12Km deep reserve.. & in video above an engineer himself tells the story of accidently triggering quake when looking for oil...

I know a professor who has worked on HAARP as well and once he joked about the conspiracies regarding HAARP as well.
I am also frnds with some Angels :angel:, they told me conspiracies about HAARP r true... :azn:

It reminds me of an onLine argument that I had with an American lady-doctor who was confusing Anabolic steroids with Glucocorticoids... She tried to pressure me by saying that she just asked her senior doctor who laughed & said Testosterone was catabolic :hang2:
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